Together We Stand : Divided We Fall 

Together We Stand : Divided We Fall 

Written by PJB (Editor / Publisher Eternity)

Written by PJB (Editor / Publisher Eternity)

It is no understatement to say that the world is currently FUCKED. The sad thing though is that the whole situation is totally manmade - this is not a coincidence - this is not by chance! 

The world as we know it has changed and it will NEVER be the same again.

I heard recently that Australia have said that they do not envisage foreign visitors being allowed in the country unless it is for exceptional circumstances - until as far away as 2024 - are you fucking serious? Wake the fuck up people, this is OUR planet, who has the right to say that we can no longer visit our brothers and sisters across the other side of the world, come to think of it, who has the right to say we can't visit our family in the next country to where we live, it really is complete madness.

The global pandemic is not a pandemic of a virus that will kill us all - look at the numbers ... NO properly look at the numbers.... the whole situation has been exaggerated way beyond reality, just an example .... the UK said a few weeks ago that they estimate, following a survey that was carried out, that more than 3 million people have in the country already suffered with COVID 19 (and the truth is that the number is probably higher) if that's the case then that totally distorts the actual percentage of people who have died from the virus and it totally distorts the percentage of people who have recovered. But still we (the government) continue to create ‘chaos and damage’ which has pushed our economy into the worst recession in history - why - they say … to save people's lives?


BOLLOCKS... the truth is, if they carry on with the draconian dictatorship which is currently being inflicted upon us, it will NOT save lives, it will continue to divide us, it will continue to exterminate the weak and it will continue to make the rich even richer than they are now, believe one thing if you believe nothing else, the people who run this planet are not sat in their ivory towers with their face masks on, terrified to leave their homes and worried about how they will tomorrow put food on the table, they are not worried if they will have a job tomorrow, they are actually financially benefiting from the virus which did not come from someone eating a bat - wake up people - if you really believe that shit then you are seriously as stupid as they hoped you would be!

We are no longer allowed to hug our friends or kiss our loved ones. We are no longer allowed to gather in groups of more than 30 people. We are no longer allowed to come closer to our fellow human beings than 1.5 metres / because if we do: we will (apparently without any doubt) catch a bad case of the flu. Do not get me wrong here ... I am as worried for the vulnerable as we all are. If my father catches this terrible ‘man made poison’ that has been created to wipe out the weak - he will sadly die! So I am not talking here flippantly about a situation that is not serious, I do not want that to happen and I do not want anyone vulnerable to succumb to the peril of this disease but if we continue like sheep following the bullshit rules which are being imposed upon us, then we will fall foul, and however bad you think it is today, then you have seriously not seen anything yet!


How many times have you tried to pay with cash recently and been told sorry - needs to be plastic. I was recently in Spain (Ibiza to be exact) where there is currently a hand full of cases of COVID 19 but still restrictions were imposed to the point of ridiculous. We travelled back Italy to avoid isolation on return to the UK (madness I know) and there we could enter the department store if you agreed to have a temperature gauge pushed on your head to ensure that you didn't have 'this deadly disease' seriously? I wonder how many people that store turned away because they were over the specified limit - I would place a bet with you now that the answer to that question is more than likely ZERO.


A very close friend (hi Luci) suggested that this is nothing to do with testing your temperature, she experienced this herself but they did not push the device to her head, they scanned her wrist and they did not even look at the reading, they simply waved her past following this ritual. Is this just another 'new way of life' another 'norm' that we are supposed to get used to... being scanned as we enter buildings, being treated like a herd, being controlled! Might they one day be scanning an implanted chip in the same way?

My friends, my family, my fellow human beings, that is exactly what we are talking about here. CONTROL. This global test which is currently being carried out is nothing more than exactly just that - a test - to see how far we can be pushed and see what we are prepared to do before we snap, and when we do snap, what will happen.... we will start to ignore the ridiculous crazy rules which have been imposed upon us and we will start to rebel - we will start to fight amongst ourselves, we will have fallen into the trap which has been laid before us - together we stand and divided we fall. We have already seen riots in certain countries around the world and sadly there are more to come.

The people who work for the media are brainwashed by the manipulators that own the media, they continue to peddle the distorted view of the situation, they feed us lies and make us believe something that simply isn’t true. This is a circus that we are all now a part of. The reporters, the news readers, the radio presenters (LBC has a few of them who blindly believe the tripe which we are fed) but for what reason? Are they really that stupid that they cannot see the truth? Well it seems so. The evidence is out there but they ignore it. I have read, and I continue to read more and more factual science that proves what is currently taking place is a complete and utter pointless waste of time and in reality is NOT about saving lives, because if this madness continues it will end up taking more lives than the virus could ever take. If you are reading this sat worrying about your job, how you will feed your family next year when this global recession really starts to hit you - then you are someone who has way more to lose than just your dignity. 



What can any of us do about it?

The more people I speak to, normal people (whatever normal is supposed to be) are all saying the same thing .... this is NOT right, the way we are ALL being treated is a complete and total abuse of our human rights and sadly I have to tell you, this is just the beginning. I saw a news clip yesterday, a headline about someone who has already in his life got away with mass murder,  hidden behind one of the biggest lies that we have had to accept certainly in my lifetime - a war which was to exterminate a person who allegedly had weapons of mass destruction - I have one word to say to that complete and utter BULLSHIT! There were no weapons of mass destruction - it's been proved but we blindly carry on and now we listen to more of his contrived crap - this man (you all know who I am talking about) is now suggesting that we should all be bio-tested. He is a voice piece of the global elite who have a plan which will not only change the way that we live our life but will if we let them, control us even more than the way they are controlling us now.

Again you ask ... what can we do about it?  

Well, one thing we can do is stop listening to the regurgitated monologue that we are being fed daily and we can open our eyes and our ears and more importantly our hearts and go outside of our comfort zone....  no my friends, it is not conspiracy theory that you often hear... some of it may well be... no the world in which we live is not flat but these are just smoke screens to divert your attention away from the real truth, many of the "CONSPIRACY THEORIES" that you read are 'THE ACTUAL TRUTH' they are facts with evidence to back them up. So what you can do is now listen, take on board some of the 'HARD TO ACCEPT TRUTHS’ that may well turn your life upside down but have a look around you - has that not happened already? Your life has been turned upside down... without any choice being given. You are now being controlled like a puppet and this is only phase one... What is even more scary is what comes next.


The one thing we all still (currently) have is our freedom to at least listen, research and explore for the truth. Eternity has always been about giving people the chance to express their feelings and open their hearts. I'm not saying that I have the answers because no one person has the answers to the complete and utter mess that has been created but we can collectively give our view, we can speak and listen to those way more educated and we can when we have done so have a more informed opinion on a situation that has been FORCED upon us. A situation that none of us asked for.  I guess what I'm saying is that we have the chance to find the truth IF we really want to - or we can just stick our head in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening, convince ourselves that this is all being done for OUR benefit. It is my humble opinion that is not the case, but I am more than happy to be proven wrong!

I am prepared to give this platform to anyone who wishes to use it to express their views and opinions. I intend to speak to others for their view, to educate myself and to hopefully educate others. Some of the things that are said will undoubtedly be wrong but it's up to us all to take on board what may well be difficult to hear facts and figures, push aside the mistruths but we will be left with is a very different story to the one we are currently being told - that is one thing I am totally convinced about - please if you do nothing else .... just read and listen to some of the articles and features which you will find on this website. 

Please if you wish - submit your own views and comments. Eternity - the controversial lifestyle magazine - is here for YOU. No hidden agenda, just a platform for people to speak from their heart and hopefully experience something that makes their life a little more enjoyable and fulfilling. That's the end goal but along the way we may have to accept some painful news, acceptance is part of the answer because when we accept the truth, we can together do something about it!

Peace, Love and Unity !

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