Unleashing the DEVIL!

Unleashing the DEVIL!

Written By Mathew W.(Senior Eternity Correspondent)

Written By Mathew W.

(Senior Eternity Correspondent)

Dear Beloved Family & Friends

I know you all have varying views on this most controversial of subjects.  Most of you are probably bored of me going on about it, some of you are queuing up to take it, whilst others are vehemently against it.  So one thing we can agree on is we have very mixed opinions and have been influenced by outside sources, namely the main stream media, independent media, and sadly the medical profession and Doctors that we trust.

Doctors can be very caring and kind, compassionate and well meaning but still be misinformed and ultimately incentivised against our best interests, often without even knowing it themselves.  The fact is during their 5 years of training in medical school and then years more as junior doctors, they spend less than half a day on the subject of vaccinations, let alone the safety aspect and risks associated with them.

The email below is written by a person who has never mentioned the topic of vaccines or health ever before.  I receive his newsletters based on the excellent financial advice he gives (for those of you that are interested in that side of things I recommend you signing up, it’s free, quick to read, and he won’t bombard your inbox.  Perhaps most surprisingly he never tries to sell anything either)!

If you had asked me yesterday I’d have said with 95% certainty he was a pro-vaccine guy.  So the fact that he has sent this, the first email ever without any financial information, well it really says something positive about the amount of people from all walks of life that are finally waking up to this most corrupt and evil practice.

It’s no longer a conspiracy and he lays out very clearly the main facts and why if you are pro-vaccines you should at the least dedicate some time to doing your own research before making an irreversible, potentially deadly decision, for you and your loved ones.

I’ve sent this to the pro-vaxxers among us to get the undeniable facts to you in a succinct fashion, in the hope it will at least make you think and consider your choices carefully and wisely.  I’ve also sent it to the anti-vaxxers among us because I found it a very informative few minutes read that can be forwarded to anyone you care about.  Those that through no fault of their own have been force-fed the incorrect information through a lifetime of fear mongering and controlled channels, by those that stand to profit most.

I hope you all enjoy ingesting some facts perhaps you were unaware of.

Kindest regards and love to you all.

Mathew xx

PS - For those of you that do wish to research this important topic further, due to the current dystopian censorship from big tech/big pharma, I recommend the Doctors and medical professionals, many of whom are/were from the vaccine industry, available on this uncensored independent channel: www.freedomplatform.tv


Bill Gates Must Be Stopped


In America, vaccinations are monopolised by four companies: Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi. These companies are the biggest LOBBYISTS in Washington.

It's not only the billions they POUR INTO lobbying that's disgusting – it's the media too!

Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer and NBC nightly news is backed by Merck, for example. The United States is one of only TWO COUNTRIES that allow TV ads about drugs!

There are 72 mandatory vaccinations, so these companies have ZERO COSTS when it comes to advertising vaccines since it's forced upon parents. You cannot sue them, so there are no LEGAL COSTS, and since that's the case, they don't do SAFETY TESTING.

It's the perfect business for them, so it's no wonder Bill and Melinda Gates UNDERSTAND THE SINISTER POTENTIAL!

This is madness and it has led to a massive rise in autism cases, as well as asthma, food allergies, and chronic diseases.

Vaccines are the most controversial topic in the world right now since these companies are attempting to BRAINWASH THE SHEEP to form a herd and to get their shots, even though it has been proven TIME AND AGAIN that vaccines are BULLSHIT!

The World Health Organisation, the CDC, the NIH, and other institutions are FOR-PROFIT when it comes to patenting. They have a vested interest in these vaccines, including that sneaky devil Dr. Anthony Fauci.

It is a mistake to believe the majority of what family doctors tell you about vaccines; they're the MESSENGERS of doom and have done no personal research on what they administer in most cases!

After doing my own research, these are facts that I uncovered. You may draw different conclusions, but know that there are hundreds of thousands of victims from these vaccines both alive and dead.

I tell you all this because the second any medical company announces that the vaccine is ready, you will be PRESSURED INTO taking it.

The media will present it as the only solution to this virus, which only impacts specific parts of the population.

Ultimately, you OWN YOUR BODY – it's your property!

Don't let them get you twisted on this matter.


Watch the interview below:


Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement

Best Regards,

Tom Beck
Research Partner, 

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