Corona - The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes

Corona - The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes


“Without the ‘Corona-test’, we would not have had any crisis”

— Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

This video is a very short recap of what was and still is happening in response to the - so called - killer virus pandemic. It explains in simple terms how we were led to believe that there was an ‘never before seen’ outbreak of a tremendous deadly virus. While instead we did not witness any unique outbreak, just the unforseen panic created around a pretty ‘normal’ new Corona virus, that turned out (as independent scientists told us before the ‘pandemic’) to be comparable to a steep flu (aka as contagious and as deadly as Influenza).

3 Reasons Why Corona Is Not a Killer Virus

It’s as contagious as Influenza

It’s not what you’ve been told. ‘Exponential growth’. ‘amazing outbreaks', and ‘we told ya so, second waves’ are largely the result of overblown media coverage and especially by attributing ‘Corona-Cases’ based on a Corona-Test created by the German Dr Drosten, the golden boy that patented every ‘test’ within days for every ‘pandemic’ the last 20 years and earned millions on it.

This test is spectacularly in-specific. Based on RNA sequence that has been never isolated to be from a virus nor has it ever been matched with the symptoms that we call ‘Covid-10’. Never mind that the technique this test uses is actually by definition unsuited to indicate whether a patient has a pathogenic amount of a certain virus or not.

Moreover: people have an innate immunity to Corona already. Probably 75-80% of the people who are exposed to the virus don’t even ‘get’ it. And don’t even need an antibody response.

(see below the relevant and independent science)

It’s as deadly as Influenza

Although the WHO and almost every government worldwide have been trying to tell you that Covid’ is unprecedented deadly and WHO published a ‘Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 3,4% for months on it’s website, it’s now evident the mortality of ‘SARS-CoV-2’ is comparable to a mild to severe flu, killing as much people as Influenza does. Standort Professor John Ioannidis already in April published scientific articles that showed an CFR of between 0,05-0,4%.

Also all predictive models bij the German RKI, the English Imperial College and the CDC were ‘astronomically wrong’ (said Prof John Ioannidis). They predicted between 300,000 and 1,500,000 deaths in Germany, 510,000 deaths in the UK and up to 2,2 million in the US. Those fear-mongering numbers were indeed astronomically wrong. The actual number of people that died with ‘Corona’ (note that dying with does not at all imply dying from) were 10-200 times lower!

(see below the relevant and independent science)

There are working treatments

As we were told and as we are still being told, Corona is also such a big threat because ‘we don’t have a vaccine or a cure’. This is not true. If we had been paying attention more to the scientists (those not paid by the pharmaceutical industry, preferably) they could have told us right away that SARS1 was treatable with HCQ like medicines. As it is now. Early treatment with HCQ + Zinc + antibioticum appears to prevent patients from even being hospitalised in a growing number of clinical trials.

For treatment in later stadia of the illness we now know that the ICU treatment with ventilators did actually kill patients instead of cure them. Other trials now suggest that Dexamethasone even helps in the case where patients are already hospitalised.

(see below the relevant and independent science)

Remember, we’re not saying this because we would like it to be true. We say it because thousands of independent international doctors and scientist say so.


“Maybe it’s time we start to rethink our actions. Maybe we need to question ’social distancing', question ‘the new normal', question the ‘corona vaccine' and question the entire ‘crisis'. Maybe, after all, it’s a really good idea to just inform ourselves, embrace independent science, embrace discussion, and embrace common sense. ”

— Stefan Noordhoek

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