9/11 - Fact or Fiction?

9/11 - Fact or Fiction?

As this is the 19th Anniversary of what some consider ‘the world’s first big lie’ Eternity’s Senior Correspondent felt it was appropriate to throw open the discuss once more with some facts and information which has clearly been ‘brushed under the carpet’. As always… we welcome feedback.

"The United States government and their lackeys in the corporate media put forth a version of the events of September 11th, 2001 that are laughable, disjointed, and totally impossible. Scientifically impossible. Criminally impossible. Physically impossible."

"In order for the official story to be true the laws of physics would have had to have been suspended on that day, especially when reviewing the 9/11 Commission Report, more accurately known as the 9/11 Omission Report, which may as well have been written with crayons to reflect the total lack of anything resembling science, truth, or seriousness."

"Those that have taken a deeper look found the controlled demolition of Building 7 to be an insurmountable hurdle that defies logic, explanation, and science, not to mention the fact that the American corporate media never acknowledged that the building even fell. The BBC did, actually, report that it collapsed, however they did so 26 minutes before it actually happened, making them either psychics, liars, or collaborators."

"The media, with a straight face, told the world a story about a hijacker’s magical paper passport that somehow flew out of an exploding airplane, through the giant fireball, around a pulverised building then somehow landed safely blocks away at the foot of an FBI agent who was able to realise that it was from Satam Muhammed Abdel Rahman al-Suqami, one of the hijackers of American Flight 11."

"The media spoke of how Mohammad Atta, the mastermind of the operation, left his suicide note and confession letter inside his luggage that he checked into the very plane that he intended to crash into the World Trade Center an hour later, but coincidentally that one piece of luggage was lost by United Airlines and found by, wait for it, an FBI agent that opened the suitcase, found the confession letter plus a fake prayer, and solved the case in less than an afternoon."

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