Blair is a War Criminal

Blair is a War Criminal

There is no doubt that the war in Iraq was based upon a lie and its a fact that there were no weapons of mass destruction. Eventually, 12 years after the event which killed many and ruined the lives of millions, Blair reluctantly made an pathetic apology with little sincerity. The question remains.. why has he not sat trial, why do we continue to see double standards.

It make’s my blood boil when we are forced to read comments which he makes in the newspaper or on Television about matters which he frankly he has no right to be making comments on…especially as there is always a hidden agenda with this man who cares nothing about the general population and only his own self gain.

The media should be ashamed for even giving him the time of day, he should be behind bars and not gracing the presence of royalty, government or any television programme… it days gone by he would have lost his head for what he did.. not be given a knighthood and then ‘Order of the Garter’ which just goes to show how out of touch the Royal family really are!


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The following two videos have been previously posted on Eternity - we feel they so important we should mention them again for any new readers. Please take the time to watch them both as your future and the future of your children and generations to come, deeply depends on you!

Dicktators! (Dollar Vigilante)

Dicktators! (Dollar Vigilante)

Apocalypse Now! (Dollar Vigilante)

Apocalypse Now! (Dollar Vigilante)