Dicktators! (Dollar Vigilante)

Dicktators! (Dollar Vigilante)

In the New World Order’s wars-for-profit, depopulation by weapons, wellness, and the weather are all equal, but some are more equal than others. 

The goal is twofold: 

  • Feed the permanent war economy. 

  • Get rid of the useless eaters (BONUS!) 

First, let me remind you of the Deagle forecast: 

First, in 1973, an MIT computer predicted the end of the world would start in 2020, then Deagel jumped on board in projecting the death of millions in America by 2025. The company offered two possible reasons for this mass exodus or mass die-off by 2025: 

  1. A pandemic like Ebola will get out of control due to a healthcare system that becomes overwhelmed. 

  2. A financial system collapse of stock and financial markets, and pension systems – wiping out most Americans and reversing migration patterns, sending people out of the United States in search of stability and a sound financial system.

But way before that, in 1973, came the MIT simulation called "World One", which eerily echoes Deagel’s sentiments about an upcoming collapse. This simulation, which was financed by the Club of Rome, a Globalist think tank, predicts the collapse of civilization by 2040. But the first catastrophic milestone set by the algorithm was an abrupt drop in the standard of living – in 2020.

Unlike the Deagel prognosis that sounded horrifying but reasonable, the MIT program results listed two different reasons for the collapse that are very much in line with the agenda of the Globalists: 

(1) Overpopulation and (2) Global Warming (rebranded as the "climate crisis") will be the causes that take down the planet, so to their logic, the only way to save the planet is to depopulate and institute carbon taxes. 

Hey, if the Climate Crisis doesn’t get you the Banksters will… 

And if the Banksters don’t get you, the Military-Information-Terror complex will. 

This is how you manufacture a war for the American people: You propose a far-fetched military idea, talk about it constantly all day and all night for eight months straight, and then wait for the American people to demand it.

The United States and its minions ‘must save’ countries like Ukraine and Taiwan. 


Because the American people demand it! 


Because rather than jam a war down the public’s throats, the Military-Information-Terror complex uses its seemingly endless pool of money and influence to slowly, but consistently, bang the drum for war through its partners in the media. They do this by stocking the news organizations with retired generals playing the role of "Military Analysts" that just so happen to also sit on the Board of Directors for some of these large weapons manufacturers. They speculate about the different ways of removing a certain dictator from power, clearing a batch of "terrorists" from a particular region, or imposing a "No Fly Zone" on a country that isn’t doing what the United States has instructed them to do. The media then leverages the implied trust that this former General has with the viewing audience to create a list of potential options that must be considered, then the permanent puppets that man the anchor desks close the doors to the echo chamber and pound away at these very limited options until the insanity starts to wear off and the concept of invading a country that has done nothing to the United States starts to seem like not only a reasonable option, but a priority that needs to be put into action immediately. (Extractfrom The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire) 

The multinational corporations and the Military-Information-Terror complex boast about the coming digital age that will bring the world together, while they re-key the locks so that the American people will be forever outside of their government, looking in the window while trying to wiggle their old key in the door and wondering why it no longer fits.

And in the end, those that review how it all ended will wonder the same things: how did they not see it coming, the signs were everywhere – starting with the flashing neon red arrows pointing out the biggest rogue government in the world – the United States Of Servitude And Poverty.

Asymptomatic Weather (Dollar Vigilante)

Asymptomatic Weather (Dollar Vigilante)

Blair is a War Criminal

Blair is a War Criminal