Media Collusion (FEATURE)

Media Collusion (FEATURE)

Exactly 233 COVID cases?

Proof of international collusion in the news media

Written by Dr John Gideon Hartnett

Published by and with thanks to Bible Science Forum

Excerpt from a Sydney Newspaper

A friend of mine sent me a message of this video and what follows is his analysis:

What are the odds? Exactly 233 COVID cases in 17 countries!!!!!


He wrote the following:

Evidence for Covid case numbers are fake! Here’s an example of how the scam goes in the media. This video shows 17 news articles from around the world, all reporting on 233 local covid cases. The articles are all within the past couple of months. I have verified each article and it is true – they exist. Search for them yourself to see! I’m not sure what the significance of the number 233 is, perhaps it is part of a coded message? The mathematical probability of coincidence is absolutely nonsense.

What are the chances?

I have found about 65 more articles on top of that video and probably could find another 50 if I keep going from many other countries. Is this remarkable or am I over estimating a significance? What are the chances this figure ‘233’ would be coming up so many times, sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same city or state throughout the year. Sometime 233 deaths but mostly 233 new cases. What would the probability of that be?

I would say, infinitesimally small. It shows the COVID narrative is fake and well orchestated globally. It shows internal collusion amongst the legacy news media.

Below are where my friend found the news reports with 233 cases.

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