Controversial Lifestyle

General Interest

Eternity explores 'controversial lifestyles' as well as interesting topics which appeal to our readers. The publisher does not necessarily agree with the views of the contributors but believes in freedom of speech as long as that speech brings no harm to anyone.

Why Most will Die from the Vax & Booster (VIDEO)

The sad reality of why most will die from the vaccine and the booster relayed in a way that can be easily understood. We are currently preparing a more in depth article based around evidence given by the inventor the mNRA technology - but this will hopefully give you enough reason to hold back on any further booster if you have been fooled into taking the vaccine. The more poison you put in your body the more damage you are doing. It is not too late to reverse the damage but keep going back for more…. you will have no chance of survival if you have underlaying health conditions or previous health problems, I’m afraid to tell you that this will be final curtain time!

Please at least do more research before making a life changing, life threatening decision!

Eternity Magazine