The Old World Order : Part 3
Please re-read parts 1 & 2 which have been updated to include additional information.
The Heathen people lived according to mythology, which, as established means stories of logic, of female origin. A major part of the mythology was ‘The eight Heathen powers’, which we will detail next. In part 1, we looked at one of the Gotland rune-stones which depicted the centrifugal forces above earth where the Fylgior (plural), or soul power gathered after leaving the leaves of the family trees. Below is another of the rune-stones from Gotland, the so-called ‘Tjangvide’ image stone which contains amongst other things, a depiction of a horse with eight legs. I would encourage readers to look these images up, you will see the stones are quite large and also penis-shaped. This stone, along with the others is erroneously attributed to the Viking age, and if official Norse mythology is believed this eight-legged equine is supposedly ‘Sleipnir’, the mythical horse ridden by Odin / Wotan, written of in the Prose Edda. However, this is a cover-up; the Aser carved these stones during their stay in Gotland, which will be documented, and the eight legs of the horse actually represent the eight Heathen powers. The rider of the horse is being offered a drink from a horn, which if interpreted correctly would be an offering of sperm. To the left of the horse we can also see the image of the ‘gate of Hell’, or ‘Valhalla Val’, which would have been a dome-like construction covering the ‘Hol-i’.
The 8 Heathen Powers:
Hel: Represented in the ‘Alfarnas Bete’ (Alphabet) by the letter or mark ‘H’, giving the sound of ‘Ho’. Hel was the original north pole before ice time, the home of the Aser and the first people. Hel also means, whole, worthy, clear and complete
Bock: The twelfth son of the previous ‘Bock’, called ‘Leminkäinnen’ in the Van language, and also known as ‘Balder’, who resides in Hel. He is the designated breeder in the family, who continues the ‘Piruuet’ family by choosing the most beautiful and healthy woman on the planet to be his ‘Svan’ - Swan, and continues the ‘Ruuset’ family by breeding with his harem of ‘Disor’ - Stem Mothers. He also manages the wheel of life by recycling the ‘Fylgia’ of the souls of the deceased, which return to him via ‘Valkyrior’ - Valkyrie, after being released by cremation and use of the be-leaf system. Bock and Svan, also known as ‘Lemminkäinen’ and ‘Joutsen’ as a pair represent the sun, they are both ‘The gods of fertility’ (Früktbarhets) and ‘The Sun Gods’. The Bock takes over his position from the old Bock at the age of 27.
I: I / i (ee) is the genitals, men and women both have ‘I’ but it is more often used to symbolise the male side, the prick of the Bock, with the dot above representing the sperm. ‘I’ also means inside, this is representative of the female side, as female organs are ‘hidden’ on the inside, whereas the males’ are outside for all to see (this is the origin of ‘Women’s mysteries’, as in not on view). The ‘I’ also represents the axle or Axis Mundi of the planet, around which the earth rotates, with the dot representing ‘Nordstjärnan’ – The North Star.
Oden: On one level, Oden / Uuden is the sun, and therefore the creator of all life, but Oden is also a ring, symbolising everything that renews itself, symbolised by an Oroborous. Oden has five aspects, they are; sun, sperm, fire, lightning, and gold. Oden is not just the sun however, Oden is also the totality of the universe (the everything), the centre of which was understood to be the old north pole in Odenma / Uudenmaa. Oden was bastardised into the fictional character of ‘Odin’, as well as ‘Eden’.
Ra: ‘Ra’ is the first born son of Bock, at 27 he becomes king, king of the planet no less which is reflected in his titles ‘Ra Munder’ (origin of Raymond) and ‘Rex Mundi’. He is called ‘Ers’ in the Van language. He rules alongside his eldest sister Maya / Maija who is queen of the planet. Ra is dynamic energy, and its transfer, for example the light of Oden reflected by the moon is a form of Ra, and Ra is where we get Ray as in ray of light, as well as Raymond. ‘Ra’ is the energy that science tells us cannot be created or destroyed, only transmuted – a description often given to our ‘uncreated’ souls, this is also Ra which is transferred in sperm. “Only that which has been created can be destroyed…” Ra represents the moon along with Maya, together they are both ‘The Gods of Love’ (Skärleks Gude [M] & Skärleks Gudina [F]) AND ‘The Moon Gods’.
Tor: Represented in the Alfarnas Bete by the mark or letter T (say ‘Tay’), Tor (say ‘Toor / tour’) is the heart and the ‘heart friend’. The sound has been changed and turned into the fictional character of ‘Thor’. Tor will be explained in the next section.
Frey: Freij - The first man born to embla, the first god (good) [gud]. Title: Sampo.
Freya: Freija - The first woman born to embla, the first goddess [gudina]. Title: Aino.
An inconvenient truth. A more detailed understanding of the sixth power - ‘Tor’ is required here, as promised at the end of part two. As stated above, Tor is both the heart and the heart friend. The organ in your chest that pumps blood around your body is NOT your heart, it never was – we’ve been deceived. The organ in your chest is your pump or ‘Pumpa’ in root. Let us consider some of the things said of the heart; its where our love comes from apparently, but we can immediately disprove that using logic - if a person has a heart transplant, and now lives with a synthetic mechanical heart, this device does not prevent them from loving or being loved, so we can therefore say that this pump in the chest is not the seat of love. It’s supposed to be in the middle, or centre of your body (also - heart centred), yet even if it wasn’t slightly off to one side, it still wouldn’t be in the centre of the human form, that position would actually be between your legs.
That’s right, you heard me – your heart is in your underwear, and it always has been. Every man has ‘Torshammere’ (Tor’s hammer), and every woman has ‘Kli-Tor-Re-eS’ (Clitoris). Torshammere is a smaller version of what a man carries on his shoulders (as above, so below), having a ‘head’ and ‘neck’ or shaft, with the testicles beneath. Testicles are known by various names including ‘Ollon’ (particularly in Scandinavian countries), which is also the Root word for ‘Acorn’, and another association with the ‘Sperm Tree’ or ‘Spermapuu’. They can also be referred to as ‘Kas’ meaning Stones, which is the same ‘Kas’ as in ‘Kas-Tel’ – Castle. Some further interesting etymological connections can be found via the sound ‘Kyy’ meaning Penis, Snake or Key – but focussing on the penis layer of logic; when the sound is spelled ‘Ki’ we get the words ‘Kivia’ – Stones, and ‘Kivekset’ – Testicles, which are located beneath a man’s ‘Kyy’ of course. The head of the penis mirrors the forehead, as this is a little head that ‘hangs in fore’. It’s worth noting here how the word ‘Penis’ begins with ‘Pen’, which means Head, Top, or End in various Latin-based tongues including Welsh. Even the word ‘Penetrate’, which is what is done with a penis, is also ‘headed’ by the ‘Pen’ or head. Torshammere consists of three parts, the sharp side or claw, is called the ‘Ägget av hammaren’, the ‘Egg’ or ‘Edge’ of the hammer. The middle is called ‘Kolv’ from where the shaft emerges, and the third part is the ‘Huvud av hammaren’, the head of the hammer. The classic depiction of ‘Thor’s Hammer’ (see below) also known as ‘Mjölnir’ is a combined representation of both male and female principles, yet the classic symbol we use for a heart is nothing like the shape of the pump in your chest, it is in fact representing the tip or head of a penis, and has been hiding in plain sight all along.
On the female side there is ‘Klitoris’ - Clitoris, which can be broken down in more than one way; ‘Kli’ means to scratch or tickle, ‘Tor’ is the true Heart, ‘I’ is Inside in this instance as we are talking about the female, ‘S’ is the Sun -so ‘is’ in this instance is The Sun inside. But it can also be broken down to ‘Kli’ - Tickle, ‘Tor’ - Heart, ‘Ri’ - Repeat, ‘eS’ - Sun. Using the correct terminology, we can again see the usual conflation of terms – only men experience ‘Orgasm’, this produces sperma which contains Fylgia and the sound-system, and creates life, the literal tap (Faucet) for the soul. Women have Klitoris, and therefore experience Kli-Ma or Climax, it is not the same thing.
As well as Tor being the heart, it also embodies the concept of the ‘heart friend’, or best friend. In one sense your genitals are your best friend, and where your love comes from, but in another it refers to a real person. In the past each member of the Aser had a Tor friend of the same gender, a Tor for male and ‘Tora’ for female. People all over the planet had Tor friends, however we will be using the Aser as our example here. At this stage it is unclear how people were matched, however a Tor friend was chosen and these two people would spend three years together. They would go on Tor (tour) together, and would learn each other’s nature gifts. A nature gift is something that a person is naturally skilled in, it could be painting, singing or anything really, but the two people would teach each other these gifts. The pupil might never be as good as the teacher, as the nature gift belonged to the person teaching, but over the three years the pupil would become proficient. When the three-year period was up, each friend would go out and find a beautiful stone from nature, put a hole in it and polish it into a piece of jewellery worn around the neck to commemorate their time together. They would have various Tor’s throughout their lifetime, and at the end of their lives, each person would have a beautiful necklace full of beads, each representing a person they spent time with in their lives and learned from. Tor is represented by the mark or letter ‘T’, which gives the sound of ‘Te’ (say ‘Tay’) which is Tea. Tor also has a symbol in the mark or letter ‘X’, which as listed is also a symbol of exchange. This was expressed with a hand gesture of crossed fingers, which we still use today when we want to say “We’re like that…” – meaning a close bond.
As mentioned in a previous article, as the author here, I am also your ‘Nar-Ra-Tor’ - Narrator, as I am conveying the ‘Na’ - Knowledge of ‘Ra’ and ‘Tor’. Now we need to expand this knowledge, and show how more of the words we use connect to this central concept. The knowledge (Na) of Tor the heart is ‘Na-Tor’ - Nature, which can be shortened to ‘Nat’. Collectively using this knowledge makes the biggest cult in the world, the ‘Cult of Tor’ - Culture, and also as our language both comes from ‘Na-Tor’ and is originally exclusively oral, that makes it Nat-Oral - Natural [Nature-Oral]. However, some words can be arrived at from more than one source; ‘Culture’ is derived from a combination of ‘Cult+Tor’, and an intermediate version which for this explanation takes us to Egypt via Finland. In ancient Egypt, or ‘Kem’ the annual sowing of crops was initiated in a ceremonial fashion by the Pharaoh using a ‘Kulta-Aura’ or Golden Plough, ‘Kulta’ is the plough, and ‘Aura’ was the original name for the River Nile – taking its name from a river in Finland, and once again linking to gold via ‘Au’.
We must remember that when the first two people discovered the natural language, they then systematically used it to name and describe first themselves and their anatomy beginning with the genitals, and then expanded to other things beyond the body. As such, and as usual, the genitals are always the most important things, none of us would be here without them, and the Pagans / Heathens were not embarrassed by this in the slightest, that came latterly when the church inverted anything to do with fertility into shame, including being naked. Remembering from part one, that ‘Bar’ meant Bare, and that Heathens believed that they were born bare, so they must also die bare – making them ‘Bar-Bar’ or Barbarian according to the church. As usual there is also another way of explaining this; the man’s penis was also a ‘Bar’, so if his bar was bare he was also ‘Bar-Bar’. Women on the other hand had ‘Under-Bar’, as their genitals are underneath, this you might also know as ‘Wunderbar’ in German. This also means that the word ‘Wonderful’ actually means Vagina, fancy that.
So we have ‘i’, we have ‘Pole’, and ‘Pi’, we have the ‘Gun’ in various spellings, and we also have ‘Bar’ and ‘Under-Bar’. Let’s keep going. As the sounds and therefore the language come from a man’s sperm, we can also say that this is the root of all understanding. A ‘Stan’ is a centre, as in ‘Pakistan’ or ‘Afghanistan’ for example. Remembering that your heart or ‘Tor’ is in the centre of your body, adding a ‘D’ on the end in English gives us Stand. So we can also describe his penis as his stand, especially when its ‘standing’, and as the sounds and language come from his balls (which are at the root of his penis), they are under his stand. This means that logically, a man’s understanding comes from ‘under his stand’, and we can explain yet another strange English word. As previously mentioned, a man’s penis is also his Ling and therefore where Linguistics comes from, and ultimately Language. There are many more everyday words linked to the genitals, we will cover more as we go. But we should note here as we move along that ‘Tor’ is the opposite of ‘Rot’ – the root. The ‘Rot’ language comes from ‘Tor’ via the sperm, who remembers from their youth, an elder saying “Don’t talk rot”? It may well have been a remnant of the wiping out of the root language and sound-system. There were so many names for the penis that they had their own collective term – ‘Kykens-beståndsdelare’. While ‘Beståndsdelare’ means constituents, and we can clearly see the Penis-connection to the first word ‘Kykens’ via the sound ‘Kyy’, but in modern Swedish in means Damn, in yet another flip.
Alphabet. This brings us back to the Alfarnas Bete or the Alphabet, the sounds of which it is comprised coming as explained from the man’s balls via his sperm when fed to his brain. To further illustrate this heart-brain connection we can look at the root word ‘Hjiärta’ – Heart, and ‘Hijärna’ meaning Brain. Below is a full run down of all the marks, their sounds and meanings in order. There are twenty-nine sounds in total, twenty-three inside the ring or continuum, and six outside. We begin at 12 o’clock with ‘I’, but we will first address the ‘W’, which is implied, but doesn’t actually exist as a mark or character. In Root, the letter ‘O’ is pronounced as ‘oo’ or ‘ooh’, this produces the beginning of how we would pronounce a ‘W’ sound in English. Our current use of the letter ‘W’, arises from the altered pronunciation of the letter ‘O’, and converting other Scandinavian / Germanic derived words from ‘V’s to ‘W’s etc. Its form however, is symbolic of two goat horns with a penis in the middle, in exactly the same way as Lemminkäinen’s ‘Tri-Sol’ which we would today recognise as the Trident – the three pronged fork. Which has also been flipped in its association; from being wielded by the Bock, and being synonymous with breeding, and therefore life, it was latterly used as the name for the U.K’s “nuclear deterrent” and therefore ‘War’ rather than ‘Vår’. It’s interesting to note that not only is the Greek god Poseidon, (Neptune to Romans) depicted wielding this instrument, but so is our favourite composite character the Devil.
Each mark or letter, or rather ‘Bockstav’ is followed by the sound it makes, and an approximation for English speakers, followed in square brackets by how I will break them down into sounds when dissecting words, followed by the definition(s).
Note how each mark (letter) is constructed from various combinations and sections of poles (or staves), and rings once again. The Bockstav or ‘printed’ marks are considered masculine, and when letters are joined (cursive) this is called ‘Slinga’ and is considered feminine.
I: (say ‘Ee’) [i] - Inside (F) / Prick (M)
A: (say ‘Ah’) [A] – ASER (say ‘Ah-ser’) = The first people, highest two Pagan families of Piroet & Roset.
B: (say ‘Bay’) [Be] – BORG (say ‘Bori’) = Castle.
C: (say ‘Say’) [Ce] – SKÄRA (say Share-a) = Crescent moon [a share of the whole].
D: (say ‘Day’) [De] – DAG (say ‘Dahg’) = Day / Di = Drink.
E: (say ‘Ay’) [Eh] – EK (say ‘Ehk’) = Oak. Vaner family tree.
F: (say ‘Eff’) [eF] – FRÖ (say ‘Froo’) = Seed. + Freij & Freija – First Man and First Woman.
G: (say ‘Gay’) [Ge] – GRUND (say ‘Groond’ with short ‘oo’) = Ground. ‘Ge’ is also Give.
H: (say ‘Ho’) [Ho] – HEL (say ‘Hell’) = Whole / Complete / Worthy / Clear / Light / Home of the Aser
I: (say ‘ee’) [i/I] – Prick of Bock / Axle of earth (Axis Mundi).
J: (say ‘Yee’) [Ji] – JARL (say ‘Yarl’) / Jarlet / Jarlar = Upper class Vaner [Earl].
K: (say ‘Koh’) [Ko] – KARL (say ‘Carl’) / Karlet / Karlar = Middle class Vaner [Car / Karl / Crofter].
L: (say ‘Ell’) [eL] – LAG (say ‘Lahg’) = League / Team / Group [Also Law / Luck / Logic].
M: (say ‘Em’) [eM] – MÅNE (say ‘Moh-neh’) = Moon.
N: (say ‘En’) [eN] – NORDSTJÄRNAN (say ‘Noord-shernan’) = North Star [Also kNowledge].
O: (say ‘Ooh’) [Oo] – ODEN (say ‘Ooden’) = Sun / Universe
P: (say ‘Pay’) [Pe] – PÅLEN (say ‘Pohlen’) = Pole.
Q: (say ‘Kuu’) [Ku] – QUADRAT (say ‘Quad-raht’) = Mathematics.
R: (say ‘Err’) [eR] – RA [Ers] (say ‘Rah’) = King [Also moon / Dynamic energy].
S: (say ‘Ess’) [eS] – SOLEN (say ‘Soo-len’) = The Sun.
T: (say ‘Tay’) [Te] – TOR (say ‘Toor’) = Heart / Heart Friend.
U: (say ‘Uuh’) [Uu] – URSPRUNG (say ‘Oor-shproong’) = Origin.
V: (say ‘Vay’) [Ve] – VANER (say ‘Vahn-err’) = Global populous outside Hel, of Jarlet, Karlet and Trelet.
X: (say ‘Eks’) [X] – Symbol of exchange, Symbol of Tor, and denoting belonging to Oaks (Ek).
Y: (say ‘Yeu’) [Y] – YGGDRASIL (say ‘Yeug-drah-seel’) = The World Tree [Ash]. Aser Family Tree.
Z: (say ‘Say-Tah’) [Ceta] [Z] = A flash of energy between two poles or people.
Å: (say ‘Awe’) [O] = River / 3rd period after ice / King.
Ä: (say ‘Air’ no R) [È] = Lake / 2nd period after ice / Queen.
Ö: (say ‘Uegh’) [Ö] + [Ø] = Island / 1st period after ice.
The sounds in the ring give the Alfarnas Bete it’s other name, The Rhyme of the All-Father, which can be read to tell a story. Beginning at 12 o’clock with ‘I’…;
…I Asernas Borg
Skära Di
Ekens Frö Grund Hel
I Jarlarnas Karlarnas Lag
Måne, Nordstjärna, Oden, Polen, Quadraten
Ra Sol Tor
Ursprungets Vaner I…
This could be read forwards in English as follows;
“In the Castle of the Aser, the Drink is Shared from the Seed of the family Oak tree that originates from the Ground of Hel. In the Law of the Jarl and the Karl: the Moon, the North Star, the Universe and the Pole, are the values calculated using mathematics of how Ra, the energy / light reflects off the moon from the Sun, together with Tor, the love / heart, are the Origin of the Vaner”.
After ‘V’ for Vaner, we return to the ‘I’ at 12 o’clock in the cyclical alphabet, emphasising the eternal nature of the repetition, and renewal of life.
One of the many strengths of the Rot language is the way it can be broken down, or disassembled into its constituent sounds giving further logic and insight, but this can be done either forwards, backwards or even from the centre, out in both directions sometimes. This is similar to Welsh and other languages, wherein the translation to English makes more sense when the words in the sentence are read in the reverse order.
So if we read the All-Father’s Rhyme or ‘Ramsa’ backwards it translates more like this;
“In the Vaner Origins, Love, with the Radiating power of the Sun, is calculated [using] the Pole, the Sun, the North star and the Moon, [according to] the Law of the Jarl and the Karl [coming from] inside the Ground of Hel, the Seed of the Oak / family tree is Drunk and Shared in the Castle of the Aser”.
This means that the original alphabet is showing us something rather profound, it is showing us that human society is supposed to be directly linked to, and interdependent with the movements of the heavenly bodies. The celestial movements of our system have their own arithmetic that can be calculated mathematically, as well as a symbolic relationship with each other, and to that of the previous structure of society, mirrored on the ground – as above, so below. Furthermore, it illustrates human beings intrinsic link with our mother earth via the ‘i’, and that there is a direct relationship between the heavenly bodies and the human reproductive system. Summed up, the Alfarnas-Bete tells of a drink shared from the family tree, following the principles of the heavenly bodies in the universe, which created a social system, which was in turn the origin of the Vaner, the global population. A metaphysical concept, expressed mathematically in the original language of the human race, and the underlying matrix of logic itself. Boom!
Are you still feeling like a random accident? An insignificant lifeform in a vast cosmos? Me neither…
Altlandis & The Ten Tropical Races. Let us return to the time of Altlandis – All (the) Land Ice, or the Ice Age to most of us. As established, the Aser, the original inhabitants of the planet, the progenitors of our species and guardians of its knowledge and logic were trapped under the ice in Odenma for 50 million years. From the time of the earths tilt, [1st Ragnarök] which caused the ice age in BC 50,008,016 which lasted until BC 8016, they were surrounded on all sides by ice walls kilometres high, only surviving thanks to the diverted warmth of the gulf stream. Hell did indeed freeze over [which is exactly the reason for the phrase]. It should be at least mentioned that according to Saga, the planet tilted over because man stopped giving, which was keeping it in harmony – which shows a direct link between the little ‘i’ – the Penis, and the big ‘i’ – the Axle of the planet, even if we cannot explain the mechanics of this just yet.
Whilst trapped they lost the pigments in their skin, hair and eyes becoming the first white skinned or ‘Arctical’ race on the planet. They were in Isolation from the rest of the planet, from what was left of the Vaner population that didn’t perish in the freeze, the people left in the south beyond the ice walls. We will discuss these people shortly, but under the ice, the Aser survive, and they don’t waste their time either. Having barely any natural light, compared with the 24 hours of sun they were used to, not only changed their physical appearance but it necessitated the development of gardening, farming and ultimately agriculture itself. They developed the grains wheat, barley, oats and rye, but in the interim they had no choice but to resort to eating meat for the first time, which gave rise to the original development of domesticated animals, and animal husbandry, not to mention what we would today call genetics. Having no desire whatsoever to eat the goat - for obvious reasons - they created the sheep, and from the goat they also created the cow and the pig. In a weird way that makes us like cousins to sheep, but we won’t go there today! The Aser also created the chicken from the peacock (‘Pi’-cock) – reflecting its circular fan - Plus the dog from the wolf, and the hare from the rabbit amongst others. They did not however create the horse, which had existed since before ice time. They also created board (bored) games such as chess, and Bock-gammon. The deck of playing cards as we know it was created here also, to reflect the new world of four seasons in four suits, and fifty-two cards for fifty-two weeks in the post-tilt world.

Meanwhile outside the ice, a long way outside the ice, the rest of the world had arranged itself into the Ten Kingdoms of the Ten Tropical Races. A generation of Rabi’s from Hel who had previously grown up in Odenma, and had then been appointed a ringland outside to be All-Father of, now found themselves King and All-Father of their own separate kingdoms. Each of these kingdoms was originally modelled after Hel, with an All-Father and the same structure of people beneath them following the old model, but as time passed this changed. They did away with the first and twelfth sons, and now the first born son, the ‘Crown Prince’ is heir to the throne, choosing a princess, as well as breeding with a harem. The functions of sun and moon now combined, creating a ‘Shiva’, or disc (Chief) representing these combined functions, ‘Ra’ and ‘Bock’ done away with, forgotten. Each of these kingdoms originally started with the Van language, but each has since diverged in its own separate way too over time, giving rise to the multitude of languages spoken today. Each also developed its own mythology over time, but ultimately stemming from the old ways. This can now be used to trace every pantheon of ‘gods’ on the planet back to their original template, that of the family of Aser in Odenma, in Hel. Other pantheons of gods from later ages typically come in sets of six or eight – six if only including the characters from the top family, or eight if also including the two original ancestors. Meaning all the top gods were modelled on Frey, Freya, Ukko, Akka, Ra, Maya, Bock and Svan, and their attributes can be traced back and linked, which I hope to cover in future articles.
The Ten Tropical Races are; Polynesian (Māori etc.), Aboriginal, Hindi, Asian (Chinese), Greek, Roman, Sub-Saharan African (Blue), and the Three Red Races of Aztek, Maya and Inca. For starters this tells us that Greeks and Romans were contemporaries, rather than one after the other. Each kingdom had an All-Father with a title, five of these have survived but the rest have been lost to time, for now. The All-Father of Afrike - Africa [Asernas-Frö-Rike] or Empire (of the) Seed (of) Aser was Solomon (Sol-O-Mon) again, this is a passed down title rather than the name of an individual. Note – ‘Sol’ - Sun, and ‘Mon’ – Moon (because he is combining the previous functions of sun and moon, or ‘Bock’ and ‘Ra’. The people here were known as the Blue people due to their extremely dark skin tone, and furthermore the word Negroes did not originally refer to black people, neither did it mean anything to do with the colour black. As with most things Pagan in origin, it’s usually to do with breeding – ‘Neg’ is the aforementioned Neck of the penis, and ‘roes’ is a corruption of Rose variously spelled as ‘Rose’, ‘Ros’, or ‘Rus’, it is also referring to the male glans, or tip of the penis. I seem to think it has to do with the pattern of the foreskin also, but don’t have any other supporting information just yet. But this is the same ‘Rose’ found as part of ‘Jerusalem’, the ‘Roset’ family, even Russia (Rus-land), it was a worldwide term. It is also present in Etruscan or ‘Et-Rus-Ki’ – the key to the rose family. It is common knowledge that black men are known for having large members, which ties right in with the terminology. In Asia or ‘Ki-Na’ - China [Key to Asernas knowledge] the Al-Father was the Pi-King - the king of the ring - which survives only in the name ‘Peking’. Interesting that it got renamed to Beijing. To the west, the territory was split east / west, and administered from the Island of Crete in the Mediterranean. Crete is split in two by the ancient prime meridian running from ‘As-Hel’ – Helsinki, to ‘Hel-As’ - Greece [ancient Greeks known as Hellenes], and still traceable today via the border between Egypt and Libya. As the line dividing the western and eastern hemispheres split Crete in two, so two kings ruled from there in different directions; Rasul (Ra-Sol) [sun and moon again] was All-Father to the west, and Sultan (Sol-Ta-N) to the East, including ‘Tor-Ki’ -Turkey [the key to the heart]. Crete is still split in two religiously speaking today, and our two King systems here will eventually mutate into something far more powerful as we will see in due course.
The largest body of information pertaining to the tropical kingdoms of the Altlandis period survives in India, which still has a living mythology. Previously known as Hindistan, latterly Hindustan, with territory stretching from Afghanistan to Burma and Thailand. The All-Father of Hindistan was Narcassur / Narkasur / Narkassul / Naraka, this name survives as the mythical Asura king written of in the Mahabharata, a single entity in the story rather than a title passed down, more on that later. Narkasur / Narkasul ruled Hindistan from a temple still found in Pushkar, India today – in the Ajmer district of Rajasthan [the ‘Stan’ meaning Centre has picked up an ‘H’ here but still means the same thing]. Under him were the Maharadia - Maharaja [upper class], and below them the Radia or Raja [middle class]. A Radia doesn’t have (Ha) the land (Ma) that the class above him has. Below the Radia are the Gatti, or Untouchables [lower classes].
In AD 1462 or 1463, the Portuguese did a deal with the Maharadia of Mysore in present-day Karnataka state, and the name of India was transferred from the continent we now call America, to part of the lands previously called Hindistān. This is the real reason American natives are known as Indians, not because of someone sailing the wrong way one day. In Root, America is called ‘Indien’ and ‘Indianer’ live there, while in Van it is called ‘Intia’ and ‘Intiaanit’ people live there. Many maps also exist with the continent labelled as ‘Yndia’. We must remember that the language of Hindi is millions of years old, and that the term ‘Hindu’ came along later with Krishna, so an element of conflation has taken place along with the introduction of the name India into the mix. Obviously, in all these elements, the ‘Di’ part has always meant Drink, that certain drink we have been learning about. Also worth remembering is that the name India is an exonym, its inhabitants actually call it ‘Bharāt’ or ‘Bharāta’, a Sanskrit word [ भारत ] with various meanings including – ‘with all one’s might’, ‘to bear’, and the military caste of Brāhmana. ‘Hindi’ is comprised of ‘Hin’ – Ukko (All-Father), + ‘Di’ – Drink, so is 100% related to the original Pagan breeding system. Poor old Narkasura’s death at the hands of Krishna (more on that to come) is now celebrated as part of Diwali, gone is the memory that this figure was actually the title of the All-Father of Hindistan. But there may be clues in the Assamese tradition, where he is regarded as the legendary progenitor of all three dynasties of Pragjyotisha-Kamarupa, and the founding ruler of the legendary Bhauma dynasty of Pragjyotisha. The names of the five remaining All-Fathers have been lost and / or not recorded – the Polynesian and Aboriginal All-Fathers remain a mystery for now, we have clues for the Americas, which will be discussed in another section.

As with all things, it eventually had to change. As mentioned, the same gulf stream that was the saviour of the Aser was also coming to bite them in the backside. It had been slowly eating away at the ice walls, and the Aser knew that it wouldn’t be long before it would all come down upon them. When the earth tilted, this was the first ‘Ragnarök’ (say ‘Rag-Nar-ook’), or Destruction, and now they had to escape the second one. The Aser knew via their astrological predictions that there would be three destructions coming their way. Under the ice the Aser had been operating their family system slightly differently, being since they no longer had an entire planet to populate, they dropped the number of sons to seven rather than twelve and carried on with seven of each. In BC 8016 to escape the second Ragnarök they built a large wooden boat, filled it with the entire family, plus each member’s ‘Tor’ friend, which doubled the numbers to 30. [There are only thirty white people on the entire planet at this stage]. They stowed on board all the plants and animals that they had created under the ice, you can see where this is going… They left Odenma, and Hel and sailed south-west to Gotland (Goat Land), which was also ice-free like Hel, and in those times called ‘Bockland’. They landed on the north-easternmost tip, and named it ‘Noa-tun’, which in Old Norse means New Yard. In Norse mythology Nóatún is the abode of the god Njörðr. Of course this is where the story of Noah’s ark originated, the perpetrator of said plagiarism will be revealed in due course. ‘Noah’ was not a person as such, it just means New, like ‘Nova’ or ‘Neu’, but the Aser did get a warning of impending disaster – the aforementioned predictions via astrology (true logic of Aser). The Aser stay on Gotland for the next 1000 years, and Gubbe - the highest man, and eldest of the Piroet family is given the new title of ‘Gubben-Noa’, but we’ll pick up there another time. Suffice to say that the first Ragnarök ended Paradis, and created Altlandis, which was ended by the second Ragnarök 50 million years later. This second destruction, the melting of the ice created by the first was also the reason for the ‘Great Deluge’ or ‘Great Flood’ and completes the ring of the Noah story.
The Underworld. Before we continue, we must return to the paradise time (Paradis). This is the period prior to the tilt, when our planets’ axis was standing straight and true, with the north pole directly in line with Polaris - the North star, and perpendicular to the sun creating the original earthly tropical paradise, the garden of Oden, consisting of 24 hours of daylight (ring) at the top of the planet. The original utopia from whence we all came, the original land at the top of the ‘I’ where the hole is, the Holy Land / Heligoland. At this present moment we cannot say exactly how long paradise lasted for, it is estimated to be between 400 to 500 million years. However, it will be calculable at some stage in the future when a certain temple has been fully excavated.
During the explosion that created our mother earth from the initial magma egg as detailed previously, it was also noted that the majority of the force created went in an upwards direction, and that our current continents did indeed once fit together, but in a compact form, on a smaller ball prior to expansion, and the waters rushing between them. This force, along with the centrifugal force of the planets rotation created a vast cavity below the north pole. The ringland of Odenma sits directly over the old north pole, and directly beneath Odenma is this cavity, or set of cavities. They are conically shaped like that of a Santa Claus hat (the coincidental nature of which you will learn later), with a main chamber, corridor and smaller chamber located above.
This cavity contains the Bock family treasure chambers, or storehouse, and ‘Lemminkäinen Temple’, also known as ‘Balders Temple’. The entrance to the site is some 23Km east of Hel in the area of Gumbostrand, which translates as Old womans’ beach nest, the ‘Gum’ part of course coming from Gumma the highest woman. The site has various functions; immediately above the entranceway is a high rocky outcrop where, as we learned in the previous chapters the highest woman would take part in Ätte-stuppa (Eta-stupa) - Family Fall in order to end her life at the appropriate moment. Conversely, Ukko – the highest man would end his life inside the temple in a private ceremony. This concept, is like a flip or inversion in itself; remembering that a woman’s genitals and functional sexual parts are on the inside – which is the ultimate origin of ‘women’s mysteries’, i.e.; not on view, and that conversely a man’s parts are on the outside and in full view; these get flipped at death as Akka dies in full view of everyone, a final flourish, and Ukko retreats into the bowels of the earth to end his life alone.
Saga describes that behind a golden door, which has yet to be fully excavated lies the way to the storehouse, or ‘Undervärlden’ - Underworld / Wonderworld, which spirals deep towards the earth’s core along the axis of the ‘I’ – this makes it the ‘core-i-door’, the door to the ‘I’ and the core - Corridor. It is also the ‘El-Dor-Rad-O’ – The-Door-Row-Hole(spiral) or El Dorado, giving rise to the myth of the lost city of gold. The ‘O’ at the end of the word is the same as the ‘Ooh’ sound in Utopia, meaning a hole. The insides of this gigantic space are not only covered or plated in gold, but also full of golden artefacts and handicrafts mostly dating from before the ice age. It is said that a single candle can light the entire place as a result. During the lifetime of each Bock, or Lemminkäinen a ‘Sal’ (which relates to the word ‘Salon’, as in Room) of three large sized niches was created in the wall of the spiral. At the end of each of those periods, when a new Bock was installed, a life-size golden statue of the old one, depicted in his prime at twenty-seven years old was placed in front of each sal. It would thus be possible when the temple is opened, beginning just inside where the first statue of the first man, god and All-Father (Freij) stands, to count the number of Bocks all the way down into the bowels of the earth, in 50 year intervals and determine the length of the paradise time.
Let us quickly discuss all things ‘Chthonic’. The concept of an ‘Underworld’ is present in many cultures and mythologies, and in later versions also became conflated with the concept of ‘Hell’ after being influenced by Re-legion. Also often referred to as the ‘Netherworld’, or ‘Abode of the Dead’ – which makes total sense if viewed from an original perspective; as in referring to the millions of past All-Fathers who are all commemorated there, not to mention the millions of Earth-Mothers that ended their lives close to the entrance outside. What we might call the exclusivity of the temple has also undergone some kind of flip - coming ultimately from the inversion of ‘i’-mun to mun-‘i’ – whereby originally entry was reserved for men only, yet people of greater means in later cultures buried their dead clothed and equipped to better navigate the underworld, almost like buying your way in. In Albanian mythology the underworld is called ‘Ferri’, which immediately makes us think of paying the ‘Ferryman’ (Charon or Kharon) to cross the river Styx in the story of the underworld from Greek mythology. In Inca mythology the underworld is called ‘Uku Pacha’, with the first part looking remarkably similar to ‘Ukko’ who would have ended his life in the original cavity beneath Lemminkäinen temple. Some Shinto words for underworlds may also hold some small connections such as; ‘Ne-no-Kuni’ and ‘Jigoku’ which both contain ‘Ku’ which relates back to leadership and kingship via its association with ‘Ra’ and the moon. The Oromo people of Ethiopia and parts of Northern Kenya speak ‘Oromo / Oromoo’, an Afroasiatic language, and their word for underworld is ‘Ekera’ – this is very interesting as it seems to be comprised of ‘Ek’ – Oak + ‘Era’, which could tie to the fact that there would be a new king or ‘Ra’ every fifty years, or one ‘Er of Ra’ – Era.
During the paradise, ‘Ra’ – the eldest son as King of the planet, and ‘Maya’ – the eldest daughter as Queen of the planet, together representing the moon lived at Raseborg / Raasepuuri castle, 80Km west of Hel. ‘Borg’ (say ‘Bor-ee’) / ‘Puuri’ mean Castle, and remembering that Ra makes the ‘race’, this is Ra’s race making castle. But as usual there are other ways of picking it apart; ‘Rase’ is comprised of ‘Ra+Se’ (say ‘Say’), and if you remember from previous articles – ‘Ra’ is the King, so he also “has the say”, as well as the ‘C’ or ‘Ce’ shaped penis. The original structure, the oldest castle on earth, had towers with onion domes, one of which was the ‘Ra-bel tower’. From here the Ra would have his say, for this was an oratory designed to throw sound in order for large audiences to hear (the evolution of ‘Kas-tel’ – speaking from a rock). The name or sound of this concept was altered to ‘Ba-bell’, or The Tower of Babel in that famous compendium of original works called The Bible.
A ‘Kas’ is a large rock protruding from the ground, and gives its name to Cheese which is usually round when produced – a ‘Kaas’ in Dutch, ‘Caws’ in Welsh or ‘Queso’ in Spanish even. When one stands on the rock to talk to people it then becomes ‘Kas-tel’ – ‘telling from the rock’, as does the resultant structure which eventually gets built on the rock after some evolution. A man’s testicles can also be ‘Kasse’, or – Stones – this is the ‘Gas’ in the male Orgasm. A castle was not just an oratory; it was also a place of pagan baptism which in Van / Finnish is ‘Kaste’. A Pagan baptism took place on a child’s first name day, where they would receive a teaspoonful of the ‘water of life’ from their father – reconnecting them with what made them and giving their immune system a huge boost. From here we also get the word ‘Caste’ which follows in logic – what also follows in the same logic is the Finnish word for castle – ‘Linna’, which is literally the Line of the king bred from this location.
Whilst residing at Raseborg during their reign, or one Era of 50 years before they are replaced and become the old king and queen, the people from all over the planet are operating a system of appreciation in their honour. In this system, the people would regularly send golden handicrafts as gifts for the King and Queen. These gifts were beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and were known as ‘Estetik’ - Aesthetics, and objects offered specifically for the Queen – Maya, are the origin of the term Majestic = ‘Maija’ + ‘Estetik’, and ultimately ‘Majesty’. As a whole these gifts were offered to both of them, in appreciation of their knowledge or Na; so here is also the origin of ‘For-tu(2)-Na’ - Fortune. This system of appreciation for Ra and Maya was called Jehova – ‘Je’ means to Give, ‘Hov’ is a Court, and ‘A’ means the Aser. So ‘Jehova’ means Give to the court of the Aser. In a similar fashion, ‘Jerusalem’ is actually a term for an offering ritual in the ‘69’ position performed between a Lemminkäinen and a Rabi on a ‘Di-van’, and translates as ‘Give rose, Get Lem(minkäinen). Time and time again we see terms from the past hijacked and given new context and meaning in order to hide the truth. The gifts from the Jehova system were collected up with each new set of royalty, and sent to be stored in the correct niches in Lemminkäinen temple, watched over by the life-sized statue of the Bock / Lemminkäinen of that era.
Flash-forward to the post-Altlandis era (modern era), and in AD 987, knowing that the third Ragnarök and the Church were on their way to destroy them for the final time, the Aser sealed the entrance to the temple with an absolutely *huge granite stone of ridiculous proportions that was somehow lowered into position, with further defensive layers behind it. The history and treasures of the human race were now safely beyond the reach of the Catholics and their new inverted world ideology devoid of natural logic and female principle. Thank the actual gods (the Aser) that they are not locked away in the notorious Vatican archive, or some ghastly Smithsonian warehouse similar to the ending of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was decreed in the Bock family that the temple would be sealed for a thousand years, and that the living Bock of that time had the right to reopen it. Ior Bock and his friends attempted this over many years beginning of course in 1987, but after running out of resources and Iors’ untimely death, it remains unopened, for now. However, it has recently come to this authors attention that excavations at the temple have taken a large leap forwards and that the team are very close to reaching the golden door! This development has now been picked up on by the mass-media, who have been reporting that the legendary “Lemminkäinen Hoard”, with a reputed estimated value of 15-20 billion, is on the verge of being unearthed. It is rightly being referred to as “The Holy grail of Holy grails”, now if only they knew what ‘holy’ really meant…
* The moving of this stone, if the technique were ever realised, might give us insight into the construction methods of all megalithic sites worldwide, and help us make sense of them.
There is no goddess in your kingdom. Returning once again to the ‘Pa-Ra-Di-eS’, or Paradise time, as promised; a more detailed description of the mating selection process, and associated practices. This began near the end of the Pagan year, during what we would now call Christmas. The 24th of December in the Almanac was ‘Fest-i-val’ day; ‘Fest’ meaning Feast or party eg: ‘Fiesta’ (ES), ‘I’ meaning penis, and ‘Val’ meaning select (as explained in previous articles). So Festival day was the feast where women selected a penis. The men who had reached this final stage of the suitability to make children selection process, would have competed in various physical challenges earlier in the year in order to get here, and would have been whittled down from many by the elder men. Physical challenges included leapfrogging and a form of boxing with padded gloves, although the aim was not to knock the opponent out, rather to knock him off his perch or off-balance.
These challenges would be the real origin of our Olympic games, remembering that the Pagans were naked, and that ‘Gymnasium’ apparently comes from an ancient Greek root of ‘Gymnos’, also meaning Naked. It’s also worth noting the rings of the Olympic flag, and the flame symbolism – fire and sperm being two of the five aspects of Oden, and Oden also being a ring, not to mention all the rings of logic which overlap. The ‘Ol’ in ‘Olympics’ although more relatively recently related to ‘Olympus’, is probably ultimately related to ‘Ollon’ meaning Acorn, and slang for Testicles, which of course ties in with the entire thing being related to the selection of men for breeding. I have spotted a more literal tie in with the name and the past though; ‘O-lym-pics’ could well mean, O = ‘Pi’ = Female, ‘lym’ = Limb = Penis and ‘pics’ = Picks, meaning the Women pick a limb, or choose a penis – which is the logic behind ‘i-val’.
During the interim time-period these practices became the feasts before a Pagan wedding, or ‘Hand-fasting’. Some of these traditions relate to a Pagan fertility god called ‘Jumi’ or ‘Jumis’ who in many traditions has connection to sexuality and reproduction. The northern Ostrobothnian tradition of ‘Jumin Häät’ or Jumi’s Wedding, also known as ‘God’s wedding’, which is described as a carnival of youth filled with inappropriate games, dancing and food, an event held to honour the god Jumi and ensure good luck in marriage. At the end of the party everyone would lie down and go to sleep on the ground next to their prospective partner. Etymologically speaking, Jumi is connected to ‘Jumala / Jumalataar’ (god / goddess), and became demonised in Christian times where, for example among the Savonians of Finnish forests the word Jumi or Jummi meant the Devil. Traditions like these eventually led to Pagans being thought of as having depraved orgies, which gave rise to the use of ‘666’ by the Church – the number of the beast. However, it does not mean Satan, or the devil, but rather – the beast with two backs – or sex, sex, sex!
Being a father (or a mother) was such an exclusive honour in the past, it was the equivalent of winning the gold medal – gold having association with sperm via Oden of course plus, it’s also worth noting the ‘Sil’ in Silver meaning a lady’s sexual fluids. It is also interesting to note the Swedish words ‘Brons’, and long form ‘Bronsförmål’ meaning Bronze – which we can also connect back to the use of sexual fluids in the distant past. When the fluids of Sperma and Sav or Sil were consumed they were literally ‘Förmål’ – For Meal, which was a Root term before the modern Swedish. But, it is also another excellent term that illustrates the inversion from ‘i’-mun to mun-‘i’ because; ‘Förmål’ became Formal, in the same way that the rituals and ceremonies of the worlds’ elites switched from being about natural law to being purely pomp. Similarly, behind closed doors their ceremonies are conducted with blood (the darker fluid, the wrong fluid) rather than with sperm or sav, they are inverted and unnatural rituals. A parallel exists in the same logic, but relating to the extraction of the sav or mahla from plants – these are only to be extracted from plants whose leaves allow the sun to penetrate them. The leaves from these plants are known as ‘Löf’, while the leaves of plants such as palms and pines no not allow the sun’s rays to penetrate and are known as ‘Blad’. While löf holds logical associations with ‘Leaf’, ‘Life’ and ‘Light’ [Förmål], conversely blad has association with ‘Blade’ and ‘Blood’ [Formal], if these non-photo-permeable leaves are burned they produce toxic tar rather than anything life-giving or healing.
The women of course are only here by choice, after having the ‘dream of Lucia’ and deciding that they would like to create a child. But the dream had to be had on the 13th of December, and in the dream the goddess Lucia needed to appear wearing a white dress with a blue belt, and walk down a hill wearing a crown of seven candles. There were more specifics of the dream – which we do not have details on at the moment – but the following day they would need to consult with an elder woman, who would ask them questions about the dream to make sure it was legitimate. However, the prospective mother-to-be always had the final choice, and even if she had had the dream, if she decided that she really didn’t want to be a mother that year she always had the option of telling a little white lie about what she saw.
So on the 24th of December on ‘Fest-i-Val’ day the women stood in front of the men, each of whom were standing naked of course, with erections on a ‘Ped-i-Stal’ – Pedistal, so that their penises could be more easily seen. This would roughly translate as Penis-Foot-Stool or Penis-Stand. As detailed in previous articles, the men selected by the women would then be reunited on the 24th of May, or ‘Hel Oden’s dag’ – Hello [this word was NOT invented for the telephone], at which point they would elope together to a beautiful spot in nature for the ‘May thing’ - Mating. On this day, thirty days of ‘Hun-i-mun’ were performed whereby the lady swallowed the mans seed, preparing her body for conception which took place a month later on the 24th of June, or ‘Johanus dag’ – You-have-sex-day, ensuring a ‘baby boom’ of healthy children all around the same time in spring, just as nature intended. As we have previously covered, this choice, the selection by the women – to ‘Val the ‘I’’ or ‘i-Val’ was inverted by the church to Evil, and began the complete suppression of the feminine principle.
Moving from ‘Val -‘i’ to ‘Arm -‘i’ (Army). As discussed previously; life creation was inverted to life destruction and ‘Vår’ became War. War is what the modern military takes part in, using their inverted ‘guns’ which take life rather than create it. They wear ‘Hel-mets’, and a helmet is representative of the tip of the penis, soldiers being ‘agents of Tor’ if you like. Each race of men is only truly and correctly identified via the shape of the tip of his penis - also referred to as a helmet – that’s why each country’s military has a different shaped helmet. If each creature on earth was referred to as one ‘Art’, this concept was naturally paralleled in the different shaped penis tips. If the tip of the penis is the heart, or ‘Tor’ then it is also his ‘He-art’ - Heart.
Let’s run through some parallels between Penises and Soldiers, or Soul Drinkers [Sol-Di-Er-Ra]; they both have a head and a neck, a penis has a ‘Corona’ which is conversely worn on the head, they both have a different shaped helmet – which is determined by where they come from. Then there is the ‘Hjärta’ and ‘Hjärna’ connection meaning Heart and Brain respectively, which is linked to offering to oneself – but, we can also tie in that in modern times men are often accused of ‘thinking with their penises’ rather than their brains, but in original logic a man would be thinking with his Heart in a completely natural way. Usually we would only associate thinking and understanding with one organ, the brain (even know we know there are neurons in other parts of the body), yet as we have learned; a man’s understanding comes from under his stand – literally Comes. The understanding coming from under his stand is contained within the Sperma, this is how a man can ‘Comprehend’ things. Both a penis and a soldier are required to ‘stand to attention’ at certain times, and the word ‘Attention’ is comprised of ‘Ätte’ – Family, and ‘Tentio / Tentinio’ – our Ten Brothers from the original family and military system. A modern soldier has to wear a uniform, but original Pagan soldiers in a unit all had ‘the same form’, or they were Uniform in their penis shape. A modern soldier carries a metal gun, and an original Pagan soldier carried a flesh gun, his penis, which as we’ve covered contained shots that created rather than killed. A small hand-gun is called a ‘Pistol’, because a man’s penis is also his Piss-Tool. A penis can be referred to as a man’s ‘Private Parts’ or Privates, and a ‘Private’ is also a low military rank, the list is endless…

Northern soul. Let’s finish part three of this story by tying some things together. Namely various stories, myths and legends about the cradle of civilisation, and in particular, the North. Let’s quickly re-address a few points made in all three articles up to this point; Hel was real, a real place, it wasn’t bad, in fact it was good. It was located at the old north pole on the top of the planet before the tilt during the paradise, and was the original utopia. In the root alphabet, the letter ‘U’ stands for ‘Ursprung’, which means Origin. We find Ursprung preserved in ‘Ur’, the supposed ‘cradle of civilisation’ in Mesopotamia, located in modern-day Iraq – the ‘origin’ according to the mainstream. The Sumerian sun god ‘Utu’ is quite obviously etymologically linked with Oden / Uuden and ‘Su’ = Suomi = Finland / Finns. However, we also find that the sound of ‘Ö’ meaning Island can also sound very similar to ‘Ur’ in various other languages, dialects or accents. In fact, it was one ‘Ö’ in particular – Oden’s Ö, now called Susisaari, or Wolf Isalnd, where human life sprang forth in what is today called Finland. We have also established that Atlantis is really Altlandis, and not a place but the name our ancestors called the ice age, we have also established that the so-called ‘rings of Atlantis’ actually mirror the layout of Hel in Odenma with its various layers arranged around the central point of the old North Pole.
We have similarly established that in this place lived the Aser, who were also known as the ‘Himmels Gudar’, or Heavenly Gods, in particular – Ukko and Akka the highest man and woman, of the highest family, the structure and function of the members of which were used as the basis for every subsequent pantheon of gods on the planet. We have established that the original ‘gods’ were just flesh and blood people, and not abstractions flipping good or ‘guð’ inside to ‘God’ outside. The whole concept of the top family, the gods, ruling from the top of the planet, or above, and / or in the North comes from the Aser in Hel in the previous Pagan world. Vaner were not permitted to enter Odenma, so normal people could not go there, neither did the highest Aser venture out very often, so were almost never seen. These attributes were latterly abstracted into the ‘God’ or ‘gods’ in heaven above us, as in off-world, and heaven’s choosy door policy. In fact, in original terms and geography – Heaven and Hell were the same place, it was the Re-legion that separated them. The central control ring at the top of the planet where the Aser lived was essentially an enclave surrounded by Van people, so it was always ‘Near Vaner’ – Nirvana.
“In Greek mythology, the ‘Hyperboreans’ were a mythical people who lived in the far northern part of the known world, and worshipped the sun god Apollo.” – taken from Wikipedia. This is of course referring to our Aser friends of the past, who lived in Odenma, Hel, at the old north pole – “…in a land so remote it was considered even beyond the north wind…”. We also see immediate connection with Oden, the sun via Apollo. The ringland of Odenma, or Uudenmaa is today known as the region of ‘Uusimaa’, but local Root-speaking people still call it Uudenmaa today. In Norse mythology, in ‘Jotunheim’ – The dwelling place of the giants, was a place called Glæsisvellir, which in turn had a location within it called ‘Ódáinsakr’, or ‘Údáinsakr’ – the Deathless Acre or Undying Lands, which are of course inspired by even older tales of the original Odenma in Finland, or Oden’s Acre, with ‘Ódáin’ and ‘Údáin’ being variants of ‘Oden’ and ‘Uuden’, which of course also became ‘Odin’ and ‘Eden’. Eden, as in the garden of, as previously mentioned comes from ‘The Garden of Oden’, another term for Uudenmaa, Helsinki in the distant past. Garden is the ‘Gård’ (say ‘Goarrd’) in ‘Asgård’ and ‘Midgård’, (the garden of the Aser, and the garden in the middle) both of which existed in the same place, yet have been set apart in distinct realms by Norse mythology. In English we have dropped the accent and say ‘Aas-gaard’ without the ‘O’ sound, just as we say Garden, yet interestingly we tend to pronounce Guard exactly the same, but the now defunct ‘U’ seems to hint at its root, from which also come words such as ‘Jardin’ in French, and ‘Yard’ in English. Use of the term ‘Acre’ makes us think of a field, which brings us to ‘Elysium’ or the ‘Elysian Fields’, the afterlife concept from Greek mythology.
Returning briefly to the ‘Uundervarlden’ or Underworld; another popular tale is that of ‘Agartha’, or ‘Agharti’ – a mythical kingdom supposedly located in the centre of the earth, which is usually mentioned in the same breath as the ‘Hollow Earth’ theory, and sometimes conflated with ‘Shambhala’ and ‘Shangri-La’. Agartha is first mentioned in a book called ‘Les Fils du Dieu’ or The Sons of God by Louis Jacolliot, a French barrister, colonial judge, author and lecturer, published in 1873. In the book he claims that whilst in India, some Brahmin friends of his told him the story of ‘Asgartha’, an ancient city that had been destroyed about 5,000 years ago, shortly before the beginning of the ‘Kali Yuga’ – the fourth, shortest and worst of the four world ages or ‘Yugas’ in Hinduism. The inclusion of what initially looks like a typo; the ‘S’ seemingly added to ‘Agartha’ is all we need to see that it is a variant of, and has derived from Asgård. Now we can see what it is, the inclusion or non-inclusion of the letter ‘S’ is moot, because ‘A’ and ‘As’ both mean Aser. The ‘D’ in the ‘Gard’ part has changed to a ‘T’ and we’ve gained an extra letter at the end too, but no matter. The various versions of Midgård through the ages hold some clues too; the Old Norse is ‘Miðgarðr’, the Old English his ‘Middangeard’ and the Old High German Mittilagart – which has another example of ‘Gard’ spelled with a ‘T’ rather than a ‘D’. The timeframe of five thousand years doesn’t seem to fit; if for arguments sake we say the story was told in AD 1870, then 5,000 years prior to this would be BC 3130 – which puts us about 130 years before the time of the first Pharaoh, and nowhere near any of the three Ragnarök’s in which Asgard was indeed destroyed. In another source called ‘Mission de l’Inde en Europe’, or Mission of India in Europe by the nineteenth-century French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, published in 1886 and revived in 1910 by Gérard Encausse; the author had been having Sanskrit lessons and his teacher, one Haji Sharif had told him of a mysterious place called ‘Agarttha’, where he said that the original language of mankind was preserved no less! This is an extremely informative piece of information, and an amazing pointer back to the keepers of the Root language, the Aser, as well as the cavity under Odenma. The entrance to this place supposedly lies somewhere deep in the Himalaya mountain range, which we can connect etymologically via ‘Himmels Gudar’ – Heavenly Gods, and ‘Himmel’ – Heaven in Root / Swedish. Firstly, this means that ‘Himalaya’ means Heavenly Layer, but it also connects the Aser and Asgard / Odenma (heaven) with the underworld which was sometimes conflated with ‘Bad Hell’ – but ‘Good Hel’ was really the same place as heaven, and the entrance to the underground storehouse was located only a few kilometres from Odenma. Maybe a tunnel exists there that leads all the way to Finland, we know such tunnels exist all over the world, and that many have been hidden – or maybe it’s just a legend that’s based on the old stories from the old North Pole? Either way, it’s definitely connected.
Old maps of the world - or at least old from our current perspective – showing the north pole prior to a certain point tend to depict four islands separated by four rivers, with a further island in the centre, for example Mercator projections. With some investigation it seems this tradition is bible-influenced, linked to the ‘four rivers of Eden’. Then there is the Hindu tradition of ‘Mount Meru’, - found in the Matsya Purana and the Bhagvata Purana - representing the divine lotus, and the polar paradise from which issue forth the four rivers of the world. Along with the four rivers, the pole, and the paradise connections there is also the lotus, which as mentioned before is actually symbolic of male genitalia just like the rose is in this story. Also known as ‘Sumeru’, ‘Sineru’ or ‘Mahāmeru’, it is the sacred mountain of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist cosmology, and is considered to be the centre of all the physical, metaphysical and spiritual universes. If we assume a hidden model of Hel here, we may be correct as the Pagans considered the top of the planet to be the centre of the universe. The ancient Pagan model even goes so far as to say that when the earth tilted, the galactic axis also tilted with it.
In astrology there are two main systems of ecliptic coordinates; ‘Sidereal’ and ‘Tropical’, with each sign being divided into 30˚, making 360˚ in total. Each system defines a year differently; the Sidereal system calculates the twelve signs of the Zodiac [Swe – Zodiaken. Note ‘Ak’ sound = ‘Akka’] based on the observable sky, which accounts for the apparent backwards movement of ‘fixed stars’ of about 1˚ every 72 years due to the Earth’s axial precession. The Tropical system defines the zodiac from the starting point of 0˚ of Aries always coinciding with the March, or Spring Equinox. This is where I personally think the year should begin, in line with renewal, in line with Spring and in line with nature, but I digress. While traditionally the Sidereal system came from the East, it has also been adopted in other parts of the world as ‘Western Sidereal’ astrology, and some people use it alongside their traditional Tropical system. My observation is that if Sidereal runs around 23˚ behind the Tropical system of astrology, then it must be based on original observations and data from at least 50 million years in the past – prior to the earth titling to the same angle of 23˚. This makes sense as Sidereal is used in Vedic charts, again, from those parts of the world which we noted earlier as still having a living mythology, and a way more direct connection to the past than most.
Our four-rivers model is described in both eastern and western traditions, and they both involve a polar region so they must have also both got the idea from the same place right? A common ancestor if you will. It turns out that Saga describes just such a place in Odenma, or rather just on the edge in this instance; the northernmost entry point into Odenma was called ‘Tavastehus’ in Rot, or ‘Hämeenlinna’ in Van. The latter relating to the ringland of ‘Hameenma’, one of the six ringlands surrounding Odenma. It is described as being situated at the point from where four rivers flowed in different directions; “The first river served as the entry for visitors from Southern and Western parts of the world, and flowed in a North-west direction all the way to the Gulf of Bothnia. The second river flowed from Hämeenlinna to the south-west, until it reached ‘Raseborg’. To the south-east, one of the rivers flowed to ‘Trojaborg’, where the selection of the new stem mothers, the Disor took place. To the south, a river flowed directly to Hel.” – excerpt from The Bock Saga by Carl Borgen. The place called ‘Trojaborg’ is the prime contender for the origin of Troy, especially given the name Helen.
Not only do we have positive confirmation of four physical rivers in Saga in the correct area, but the image of the four rivers coming from a central north pole as depicted in those traditions is whether intentionally or not; also a representation of the wheel of life, and the ‘waters’ of the offering system which made it turn, which as we know all emanated from the old North pole at the top of the planet before ice – the real ‘fountain of youth’. This is symbolised by the cross in the circle, which will be detailed in subsequent articles. All our ancient tales are pointing to the same things, in the same place, the people of the north. Specifically, the area we would today call Finland, with all its lakes, rivers and water-based topography it can generate a lot of mist or fog. The word ‘Niflheim’*** from Norse mythology means literally ‘home of mist’ and was described as primarily a realm of mist and cold. The word ‘Nifilheim’ is certainly related to the mysterious beings of the Hebrew Bible - the ‘Nephilim’, who are large and strong, interpreted to mean Giants by some sources. The word ‘Nevel’ in Dutch means Mist, and all three are also related to Nebula and Nebulous, referring to clouds and vapours.
The giants of the Bible, from the famous passage taken from Genesis 6:4 of the King James version reads as follows; - “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” We note that the original Hebrew version from which it comes, uses ‘Nephilim’ rather than ‘Giants’, and we also now tie in what we have covered so far. It seems clear that this passage is referring to the structure of the old Pagan breeding system; the members of the Piroet family being ‘the gods’ with a full soul, and the members of the Roset family being ‘demi-gods’ with one half soul power. The “sons of God” would be our twelve sons of Bock, specifically the Bock himself, who when mating with his harem of Disor (the daughters of men) creates more members of the Roset family, more demi-gods who I interpret here to be the ‘giants’. Bible scholars interpret ‘the sons of God’ to be fallen angels, however Saga clarifies the word ‘Angel’ to simply be a corruption of the word ‘Angle’, the angle being – crude as it may sound – the angle at which a woman opens her legs to receive a mate, and ‘angel-wings’ being Labia of course. From this root also come Labour and Labyrinth, but more on those in another article.
All the signs point north, to the former Pagan centre of the world, and the very model the rest of the world followed. Forget the ‘new normal’, the old normal was exactly the model just described; ‘Nor’ means North and ‘Mal’ we can trace via Dutch to mean a Mold, Form, or Template for something. So ‘normal’ is the form or model of the North. The model of the Aser, and the All-Father at the North pole.
Standby for part 4.
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