Eye of the Hurricane (Dollar Vigilante

Eye of the Hurricane (Dollar Vigilante

I’m just your garden variety neigborhood anarcho-capitalist, not a powder keg-carrying anarchist… yet. So, I’m not saying the "Guidestones" in Georgia were demolished because I spoke about them two weeks ago… but… hey, the Georgia guidestones were blown sky high and I couldn’t be more proud!

Fck the new world order.

That’s one thing ancaps and anarchists agree on. Some anarchists anyway.

The ones who aren’t in the pay of the reptiles. And, right now, we have some highly irritated Prime reptiles slithering around casas blancas around the world.

Because the ants are forming armies. And, fighting back.

And, what do you do when the pesky arthropods get in the way of your slimy master plan?

First, take away their food supply.
Make sure they can’t breed.
Then, clip their wings.
And, if all else fails – eat them!

Some great footage in today’s video of the Planned Childlessness agenda, the Terminal Air Travel Affliction, and, the 21st century version of beautiful women eating creepy critters in 1983 "V"

And, of course, lest we forget – protect the cheese!!!

I joke, but, it’s pretty clear that we are in the eye of the storm. To date, there’s been some:

  • hissing and oozing from the First Order,

  • some good-intentioned Jedi twerking and tik-tokking and singing along with the Pfizer smile song, and

  • an ever-growing underground Rebel Alliance who’s had enough.

"If You Define Yourself By Your Power To Take Life, A Desire To Dominate, To Possess, Then You Have Nothing." – Kenobi to Maul (Star Wars Rebels S03E20)

But at least you’ll be happy…

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