Controlled Demolition (Dollar Vigilante)

Controlled Demolition (Dollar Vigilante)

Admiral Ralph/Rachel Levine has announced that it’s the Summer of Pride! 

So, it would be amiss (and highly uncharacteristic) of me not to look at all the many things we have to be proud of. 

Let’s see, there’s French "anarchy". 

Paris is a third-world dump. 

Europe’s on fire. 

And, it’s all good, because this is another long-term NWO plan coming to fruition. 

Ah, the definition of "state intervention". Let’s go and bomb up some countries like Libya and Iraq and Syria and Sudan and then encourage the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of migrants to raft to Europe and go fook it up further by giving them everything for free and then calling the people who revolt against it The Anarchists. 

Love it when a plan comes together. 

"We are seeing unfold the futuristic pan-European community when the man of the future will be a mixed-race eurasian-negroid that will replace the diversity of the peoples."

Government knows best. 

And, in other news, we are super proud of moms and dads who are not raising little bigots who would complain about seeing the exposed genitals of ugly old perverts. Something the Toronto police just declared is totally acceptable during Pride Month… Summer… Year… Decade.

And, don’t forget the total pride you can take in the US military with its strong and sensitive Ex-Men leadership. 

Proud of Kill Gates who managed to create a new malaria product line for Big Pharma’s killing vaccines: Have mosquitoes, will travel. 

And, proud of Noo Yawk, where pizza is now officially to blame for "climate change" to the lament of 1,700 nonnas in Little Italy collectively cursing "Come Osi!"

How dare they, indeed. 

Climate warriors in New York, who banned gas stoves and furnaces from most new buildings across the state, are now coming after wood-fired pizzerias — demanding that pizzerias with coal-and-wood-fired ovens built before 2016 must cut carbon emissions up to 75%. An exercise that would cost these mostly small mom-&-pops tens of thousands of dollars to stay compliant.

And, speaking of queens and climate change, global warning goddess Greta Thunberg is the latest world leader to don her very best red & black plaid flannel to meet Voldermort Zelensky, to discuss Russian ecocide. On this auspicious occasion, the president looked dapper in an iconic army-green T – continuing to set fashion trends since 2014.

Genocide doesn’t seem like a bad idea anymore. In the words of Killary Clinton, ‘We came. You saw. You die.’ 

You gotta love it.

Nuclear War And The Invasion of The Money, Mind, And Body Snatchers (Dollar Vigilante)

Nuclear War And The Invasion of The Money, Mind, And Body Snatchers (Dollar Vigilante)

Lab Grown Meat Now Approved

Lab Grown Meat Now Approved