Let The Hunger, But Mainly Death, Games Begin! (Dollar Vigilante)

Let The Hunger, But Mainly Death, Games Begin! (Dollar Vigilante)

Achtung! Warning!

Europe is going full Mad Max, so if that’s where you were going to be this winter, get out now. The shit show has begun, and it won’t be all beer and skittles when the temperatures drop and you can’t afford to switch on the lights, the heater, or your kitchen appliances. (Not that there will be anything to cook anyway, as the food supply runs out)

Yeah, no fun and games, unless you’re talking Energy Games and Hunger Games. Or, as the euro keeps dropping against the dollar, the Totally Screwed By The World Order Squid Games. 

For those who only read the pictures, the UK has an actual Spin & Win game show to demonstrate how this will work: £1000 or your electric bill paid for 4 months… Let’s hope you get lucky and land the Power Prize!

Clearly, Brittain – your government loves you. 

They love you so much, they appointed an old friend of pedo Jimmy Saville’s who just luvs pizza. As well as your new leader in health, the Opposite-of-Helth Cankle Queen, Therese Coffey

But don’t despair Germany, Kanada, Chyna, and of course the USSA. Your governments love you just as much – if not more! 

Germany, which can make the nightmare stop immediately by canceling sanctions against Russia, is throwing their economy (and people) on the sword in defense of Ukraine. Ask yourself why. 

In Kanada, the deputy Prime Murderer turns out to be a Nazi who condones sending Kanada’s bully boys, the Brown Shirts, to terrorize Canadian farmers. 

Chyna loves their multi-minions so much that they are now providing lethal injection by snorting. And, if that doesn’t make you feel safe and cared for, they will lock you out of your apartment building if you test positive at one of your daily swabs, and send you to a guillotine. Just because they love you. 

And, Amerika! You are the prize winners of a demented old senile pedophile who has finally defeated big pharma after fighting them his whole career (WTF?) – totally unrelated to the newly minted 6-in-1 Covaids shot to kick off the new cycle of lockdowns and mask mania. 

Because come hell or high water, your governments want you quiet, submissive, and out of the way. And, to do that they will freeze your body, freeze your bank account, freeze you out of your home, or freeze your car. All in the name of "Climate Change". 

In today’s show, Lucy talks about tacos, and I point out more ways your government will love you to death, possibly before the end of September. 

So put your arms in the air like you just don’t care… or get your ass out of there.

Click to watch video

That’s right, most of the Old Guard have passed away, except for some diehards like Henry Kissinger, the immortal Rothschilds, and, until now, the Queen.

It’s true. The Mother of Reptiles and Pedos has died after a long and lootful reign. And the Burger King has ascended the Iron Throne.  He who hath proclaimeth that we NEED a Great Reset. There is no alternative. Because, you know, CLIMATE CHANGE! 

Enter his best friend Satan Klaus – of Nazi lineage – complete with his Forum of Young Global Leaders. Sorry USSA, you are stuck with the Folly Of Old Leaders, to look after your health, Anthony Fauci (81), wealth, Janet Yellen (76), and prosperity, Nancy Pelosi (82) and Joe Biden (79). 

This is interesting, when the mandatory retirement age for pilots is 65, federal law enforcement officers, national park rangers, and firefighters have to retire at 57, most judges are benched after 70, and air traffic controllers can only work until 56. You would almost assume that one needs to be fully compos mentis to assume responsibilities that could affect the lives of others… 

But hey, occasionally they bring in some fresh blood, like Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the White House’s new Queen of Monkeypox – complete with a pentagram tattoo on his chest. Of course, if you call him a Satanist, that makes you a "right-wing critic"

And, if you don’t want to wear a mask, let your 2-year-old decide their own gender, have sex with a transsexual as a straight man, or inject yourself with poison, you are either an: 

  1. Extremist

  2. Racist

  3. Bigot

  4. Nazi

  5. Pro-Putin

  6. All of the above

Take your pick.

Please note that it is possible that some links may not work as videos are removed by the social media platform, there is no longer freedom of speech, please do let us now if any links are broke but we shall leave broken links to show how the media is being edited. Also beware.. if a link doesn’t seem correct we have found that TikTok are changing source to other media.. please let us know if that happens


The following two videos have been previously posted on Eternity - we feel they so important we should mention them again for any new readers. Please take the time to watch them both as your future and the future of your children and generations to come, deeply depends on you!

No Rest for the Wicked (Dollar Vigilante)

No Rest for the Wicked (Dollar Vigilante)

Cannibals Against Climate Change and Extremism – The Nazi Cabal’s Plans for You (Dollar Vigilante)

Cannibals Against Climate Change and Extremism – The Nazi Cabal’s Plans for You (Dollar Vigilante)