This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1 (VIDEO)

This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1 (VIDEO)

We all know that we are in challenging and troubling times, in the mist of a pandemic, citizens and whole countries have been in lockdown for months on end with people losing their lives, having a massive effect on their businesses, mental illness and suicide is on the rise.

The debt which is being built up will take generations to pay off, censorship and polarisation seem to be the new norm with nuanced debate and mutual respect giving way to a pro versus anti, ‘with us or against us’ mentality which has a chilling and deeply divisive effect on our previously open and tolerant societies.

But far more disturbing than any of these troubling things is that we stand on the brink of a civilisational change that is so far reaching in its consequences and so profound in its implications that few are able to discern the imminent danger or to fully comprehend the Rubik we are about to cross and the dystopian world that awaits us on the other side.

How is this change being brought into play I hear you ask…

…watch this video and you will start to understand exactly what is going on.

I truly believe tis could be the most important video you ever watch!

Bill Gates in the UK (LISTEN!)

Bill Gates in the UK (LISTEN!)

