To Jab or not to Jab? - That is the Question!

To Jab or not to Jab? - That is the Question!

As Far as you can see to the rear….

As Far as you can see to the rear….


Attending the Freedom March in London Saturday 29th May was a most eye opening occurrence. I needed to see for myself how many people were in attendance as UK media such as the BBC had suggested at previous demonstrations only a few hundred people had turned out, when in reality the number was substantially higher, into the hundreds of thousands. This was not just 'say so' from so called 'conspiracy theorists' [a term I deplore as often the phrase is completely out of context and the complete opposite of what the person speaking should be called] but this was information I picked up from Talk Radio - a digital station in the UK which is one of the few (if only) national news channels that gives a real balanced view and often honest view about the coronavirus situation. The station was reporting on the disturbing and disgusting way that the BBC has been conducting itself over the past few years - all with evidence and reported through most major news channels, but the one element, which I only heard on Talk, was the fact that the last demonstration in London was reported by them [BBC] to only have a few hundred people. They knew that was totally untrue, since outside their own BBC Broadcasting Centre there were many more thousands, which clearly meant they were either blatantly lying and covering up the truth for an ulterior motive, or … ? We are open to suggestions because they are not blind and they are not stupid - although the later I guess is debatable.


The only way I could put my mind at rest was to attend in person and when we arrived at the march, I was somewhat 'gobsmacked' by what I witnessed!

For as far as I looked to the front and as far as I looked to the rear, there was a constant sea of people. Happy, friendly, like-minded people all walking in peace hoping to change the world. I needed to try and qualify the number of people in attendance, but how would I do that when I didn't know at what position I was stood - we had attended late so we missed the start and we tried to determine if we should attempt to walk to the back or walk to the front. Would that even be possible we thought with the number of spectators stood on the side of the road supporting and cheering those walking by? Eventually I realised that rushing to find the front would be a foolish endeavour! I saw a young man dancing and encouraging the parade with his mother; he seemed like a genuine and sensible person, mid to late twenties with his mother, who I guess was mid-fifties. I asked him how long he had been stood watching from the position he was occupying and the response was a shock - he told me he had been there for two hours, watching a constant flow of people and I realised then that attempting to find the front was somewhat pointless and trying to find the rear would prove nothing and potentially mean we miss some of the important elements of the event - namely the way the police would handle the situation.

As I looked up into the sky we could see a police helicopter circling around, watching the whole parade and, I imagine, using that data to control the situation on the ground. Interestingly there was no SKY TV helicopter or any other helicopter for that matter; there was clearly a ban on that, but one has to ask the question 'why?'. The best way to get an accurate estimate of the number of people attending would be from the air. The CCTV cameras following the route of the march would be a good source of information, but the media would not have access to this data, it seems to me they didn't want that because they don't want it to be reported. That is either because they have been told not to or they don't want to - and that is very worrying. I think it's quite evident that these type of events are not reported as they could encourage others to do the same. If the media portray a picture of a few hundred people turning out - ''cranks and idiots" who simply don't want the vaccine - then the majority of the population are brainwashed into a one-sided story which really is not the truth!

I was told that the previous freedom march had around 1 million people in attendance and if I were to estimate the total at this event, I would probably have suggested around the same. As expected the UK national media following the bank holiday weekend, suggested a very different picture. The Guardian suggested initially that a few hundred attended, with a focus on the march 'invading Westfield Shopping Centre' but did mention in the same article that a few hundred thousand may have been in London throughout the day. The pictures were of what looked like a scuffle with the police but we saw no trouble caused by any of the protestors all day - only at times we saw what could be described as 'antagonistic behaviour by the police, but we shall come to that shortly. Other news reports? Well, very little if anything that I could find, as if it didn't really happen! But, what was interesting was a call I had with a friend who lives in New Zealand where he said it was reported in the news there that 1.2million people had attended - how interesting! Seems they have a better idea of what is going on in our country from the other side of the world. How crazy is that and one has to ask - what is the reason for this unacceptable level of dishonesty within our society? The gutter press sink to even greater depths.

What was interesting was that part way through the march we saw a police van reversing down the wrong side of the road - it was a carriage way separated by a central reservation - couldn't quite understand what the van was doing there or why it was making such a move, with maybe 30 or more police pushing people out of the way - the opposite direction to the way the crowd were walking. People were shouting and starting to follow, was there someone in the van under arrest and this was why there was such a commotion? Was this just a ploy by the police to break up the focus of the march, cause trouble, create chaos. I looked up in the sky and the helicopter was still there, hovering and watching every move. Someone then shouted at those who were being drawn away... "stop, ignore them, they are trying to cause trouble, we need to continue and leave them". Thankfully people listened and turned around. If this was an attempt by the police to cause a flashpoint it hadn't worked. I'm not sure if they managed to break up some of the parade though and very shortly after there did seem to be a lot of confusion. Maybe it was mission achieved!

We did end up at Westfield shopping centre which seemed such a strange location for the parade to effectively end. We had walked around the same block twice and many people had peeled off and left, confused and, I would say, slightly intimidated by the police who were stood at the end in a line - as if they were waiting for trouble. We certainly didn't want trouble, that was not what we were there for and I know it was not what anyone attending the march was there for, someone shouted “Come on - let's go to Hyde Park!”. This was where the parade was supposed to finish so it seemed to me that for some reason many people had ended up in the wrong location. Was the leader of the march the person in that van we saw reversing? Did that take the head off the snake? It's very difficult for us to report on what actually happened from that point of view as we could obviously not be everywhere at once and the only way to really know what had happened was to have a 'birds eye view'. If you were there on the day and can shine some light on the situation, please do write in as it was a bit of a mystery.

I've been asked what the march was about by people I have spoken to. The Guardian said it was an 'anti-lockdown' protest but reading the banners and speaking to many who were there, that is not the real reason for the demonstration. It was about the vaccine, the way the public have been brainwashed into a one sided narrative. Whatever way you look at it that is not a good way for anyone to live their life. Surely one should consider both sides of a story and then make a decision, but it seems that people are only prepared to listen to one side. The propaganda which is force fed to us every day and anyone who questions it, even with solid evidence, is shut down immediately and branded a lunatic, made to feel like they are a threat to society just because they don't want to (for whatever reason) take the jab when in reality if the jab was so great, then what difference would it make if a million or two or even more didn't take it - herd immunity was reached a while back now - that was even reported on the BBC, the contradictions which have occurred since the start of this pandemic have been unsurmountable, turn after turn, the masks fiasco, the lockdown fiasco - and now it seems the vaccine fiasco. The government have pushed this agenda to vaccinate everyone when in reality the only people that needed to be vaccinated were the weak, old and vulnerable and now they are taking that even further - MHRA approved the vaccine for 12 year olds and it already being talked about babies having the jab - why oh why would we need to do that, they say to help stop the spread of the disease but in the same breath say that even when you are vaccinated you can still carry and pass the virus on - more contradictions and confusion and blatant lies.

The MHRA have stated that the Pfizer jab is safe following a study of 2000 children. They even quote the yellow card reporting system as if this is evidence of a safe vaccination but they clearly haven't studied their own data. Anyone can look this up, this is not conspiracy theory, go to the MHRA website and look for yourself to see how many people have suffered a contra-indication to the vaccine. You will be shocked but more so shocked if not horrified when you think about the amount of people who have not reported a side effect, everyone I speak to tells me they have had some kind of effect, from problems with eyes, to being off work for a week, to my own personal family story of death. There are deaths reported on the yellow card reporting system but how many are overlooked. My uncle was in his sixties, perfectly healthy, played golf most weekends and had no underlying health conditions. He took the jab, as recommended, very shortly afterwards he collapsed, was rushed to hospital, they found a blood clot. He was sat up talking to the doctor one minute, he had even been laughing on the phone to my aunty minutes before (they wouldn't let her travel with him in the ambulance, Covid rules) next minute - heart attack - a blood clot had managed to find its way to his heart and he was gone, complete shock and clearly down to coronavirus. Had he not taken the jab he may well be here today - it's as simple as that ... so why would we risk this for our children? I'm sorry but that makes no sense whatsoever ! The death certificate will state natural causes : ie. heart attack. Not Covid 19. How strange that only a few months ago had he died from a car accident or being shot, run over by a bus and had a positive Covid test in the 30 days prior - he would have been reported as a Covid death and now - because it was a Covid injection that potentially caused the death, it's brushed under the carpet. Ignored. Not reported to the yellow card reporting system. If that doesn't seem strange to you then you really do need to be having a word with yourself!

By now you will be thinking this is just another 'anti-vax' article; well no it isn't, it's an investigative journalist that is asking questions and doing some research, unlike the rest of the mainstream media (Talk Radio excepted). I've presented evidence and given the views of more than 1million people who attended London for a protest and let's face it there are many more millions around the country, around the world, who are not prepared to sit back and say nothing. For the avoidance of doubt and to give an open and balanced view I will throw a curve ball into the discussion and it is something I welcome comments and feedback on. In fact I am going to raise two points, both of which will be regarded as controversial and I'm guessing only one will be regarded as a conspiracy theory, let's see if you can work out which is which.

The first comment came from a friend who lives in London, the daughter of a billionaire who refuses to have the jab and in doing so has been somewhat ostracised by her father and her family - in fact branded 'a terrorist' by them, rather an extreme view but we believe in freedom of speech so let's just run with this for a moment. The billionaire apparently has the chief medical officer on a half a million pound a year retainer, any health problem for him or his family and they have 24/7 line of communication. I'm told the family were the first in the country to have the vaccine, flown in to the UK by private jet. That to be honest didn't surprise me really, at the end of the day money talks and if you have enough - you always get what you want. But I was more surprised that someone of this wealth was having the jab and not only that also encouraging his family to do the same - literally forcing them. I've read many of the so called conspiracy theories related to Covid and news is now breaking about Fauci and the funding of the Wuhan lab, his back ground related to HIV and all of the other projects he has been involved with - so no longer are they conspiracy - they are becoming fact. However I have myself always thought that maybe the super rich, the elites, the Illuminati, Rothschilds, free masons, the people attending the G7, the New World Order who many suggest run the planet ... I always assumed they would not be taking the vaccine as they 'knew best'. Clearly this billionaire has a different view, advised by one of the top medical professionals in the country to take the vaccine, forcing his own family members (his daughter for goodness sake) to take the vaccine. Would they really do that if they thought the risk was too high. Has he been led down the garden path as many believe we have or is he being the sensible one? One thing is for sure, he's not stupid or an idiot, a self made billionaire can not be regarded as such.

Then another comment came from a friend who has himself done a great deal of research and this probably gave me even more concern. There is a view by one leading authority that the problem of people refusing the vaccine will be easily overcome. When the majority of the population have been jabbed [ie. all of those who want to take it have done so] there will be an even more potent virus released (Bill Gates has publicly, it seems at times rejoiced at such a prospect) those that have been vaccinated will receive protection, some will die (further depopulation) but those who have not had the jab will be exterminated, without the first jabs which are taking place now, those who have refused will be doomed as they will have zero protection. Of course the media will have the story ready to place the blame firmly at the door of the anti-vaxer, as has happened recently in the press with Muslims in Bolton and other areas around the country where the 'Indian variant' is apparently more virulent. "Stupid idiots" I hear people say - "serves them right, they are to blame for the virus spreading, if they die it's their own fault”. Rather harsh, wouldn't you say. Everyone has the right to decide what they put into their body and if they prefer to take the risk of catching the virus (with a 99.98% chance of survival), then that's surely up to them, if the vaccine (as I have said before) is so great, why do the vaccinated care less, they are protected - are they not? But let's not lose sight of the point here, if this theory is correct, if the people who have not been vaccinated will be wiped out with a new strain later down the line, written off to history as stupid idiots who simply didn't do what they were told, I mean follow orders, sorry I mean follow advice... then they only have themselves to blame.

This for me is the most worrying reason to consider the vaccine if you haven't taken it already but I really do want to encourage discussion, I hope I've provoked some thought and welcome feedback because what we are talking about here really is 'life or death’. One thing is for sure - if this is the way they will wipe out the rebels, the enlightened ones, the people who simply like to ask questions and when doing so query logic - then that's a serious allegation because with all those people out the way - the fight is lost as there will be no one left to fight any battle. Food for thought, jury is still out as far as I'm concerned but most importantly for me - right now - before we start forcing our 12 year olds and babies to take the jab, we should probably look more into the blood clots, the real death toll from the Covid19 vaccination and the horrendous list of side effects - all of which offer zero compensation for as the drug companies have total immunity and one final thing that needs to be answered - the protein spike which is found within the vaccine which is potentially known to have a potentially lethal effect - there will be a further article to follow on this subject, we have medical professionals looking into this but for now - I think there is enough to consider before we risk the life of children and babies!

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