The Old World Order : Part 4 (ARTICLE)

The Old World Order : Part 4 (ARTICLE)

Please re-read parts 1 & 2 which have been updated to include additional information.

The Old World Order Part 1

The Old World Order Part 2

The Old World Order Part 3

The Second Ragnarök.

 We shall begin part four by picking up where we left off, with the Aser having left Hel to escape the 2nd Ragnarök, and now residing in the Lummelunda caves in Visby, on the island of Gotland.  We shall also remind ourselves that this second Ragnarök, or destruction (occurring 10, 039 years ago) was caused by the melting ice of the ice-age (Altlantis), which was caused by the first Ragnarök (occurring 50, 010, 039 years ago), which was the earth itself tilting over in the first place (ending Paradise), and that this ice was set to destroy Hel for the second time.  As previously explained; the Gulf Stream which had originally been the saviour of the Aser, allowing them to survive during ice-time had slowly been eating away at the ice-sheets in Scandinavia over the previous 50 million years, which were about to come down on Odenma and Hel.  As mentioned, the Aser stayed on Gotland for almost 1000 years, its surviving limestone proving that it was not scraped back to the granite bedrock like the rest of Scandinavia, and an ideal place to escape the giant slabs of ice passing by.  As also mentioned, they named the tip of Gotland (Bockland) they landed on ‘Nóatún’ meaning ‘new yard’ or ‘ship enclosure’ in Old Norse, and we remember that Noah just means new like ‘Nova’ or ‘Neu’.

 When they left Hel which had been surrounded by ice walls kilometres high for 50 million years, the Aser had been operating a reduced-capacity breeding system of seven sons and seven daughters, during which; Bock and Svan had been renamed with the new titles of Rafael and Sara.  But after re-emerging from the caves after a few months they reinstated the original system of twelve and seven, and set about the standard protocol for repopulating the planet.  Gobe / Gubbe, the highest man was now known as Gubben-Noa, and from this point onwards, as the newly emerged Aser were now also white-skinned - as opposed to populating the planet with brown-skinned people as before the ice-age, they were now known as ‘Aryan’.  We can say with logic that the concept of so-called ‘white superiority’ or ‘white supremacy’ stems from here, as the top Pagan family previously known to the world as the ‘Heavenly gods’, and who previously had brown skin just like everyone else, were now suddenly these all-knowing, never-seen-before white people. [Now we need to communicate this message to all racists!].  The same white people, who as recorded in part 1, were now using their new-found freedom from the ice to travel the world and not only re-promulgate the original wisdom and ancient knowledge, but also their relatively newly developed farming skills which kick started agriculture worldwide.  The official end of the ice-age, plus the so-called ‘Younger Dryas’ warming period now need re-examining and realigning with the correct timeline and dates, perhaps in another article.

 During this thousand-year period the Aser spread from Gotland and repopulated the surrounding areas including Götaland and Götaborg in Sweden.  These people would become known to the world as the ‘Gothic tribes’ or ‘Goths’ – Goth coming from goat of course, and the well-established connection to the Aser, and our origins.  This period was the real ‘agricultural revolution’ and the Aser spread and taught all the knowledge that they had gained, and techniques developed under the ice.  This is how at least two of the countries which comprise what we now call the United Kingdom or U.K. got their names; an ‘Äng’ is a meadow which gave its name to Äng-land or England, which means land of meadows.  A ‘Skot’ is a shoot which comes from the root of a plant when growing, or one ‘Rot-Skot’ (root-shoot), and this in turn gave its name to Scotland as part of the agricultural revolution of ten thousand years ago.  


During this period of spreading and spearheading agriculture worldwide, in the areas of northern Europe, Scandinavia and Rusland (Russia) the land had been so damaged and scraped bare by the ice that extensive work was required to actually create new soil, before anything else could be done.  Any land that escaped the big freeze of the 1st Ragnarök, had its vegetation destroyed by the waters of the 2nd and thus began the ‘Årike’ period. ‘Å’ as detailed in the ‘Alfarnas Bete’ of part 3 means ‘river’ and is pronounced like the ‘A’ in ‘thaw’ which is more like an ‘O’ hence the extra accent mark above the letter in that shape.  ‘Rike’ means empire as in Africa.  The rivers and lakes of Finland were created by the meltwaters during this period, and the Aser began to venture back there from their base in Gotland to plant trees.  One of the many things they had created during their time under the ice was the pine tree, which was somehow developed from the tropical palm.  [Note that in both species, the sun’s rays or ‘Stråler’ do not penetrate the leaves].  These were perfect for this situation as they don’t require any soil to grow.  The root word for pine is ‘Gran’, and pine seeds can be dropped into cracks in the rocks where the roots will penetrate and ‘eat’ the rock, hence ‘Granite’ or gran-eat.  The pine needles fall all year, and suck up water creating soil, and the trees can also latterly be cut down and burnt in a process known as ‘slash and burn’ or ‘Svedjebruk’ creating even more soil and fertilising it at the same time.  The new soil eventually forms meadows or ‘Äng’ and leads us to the second part of the reconstruction of Finland following the 2nd Ragnarök, called the ‘Ängrike’ or ‘meadow empire’, this is then followed by the ‘Örike’ or ‘Island empire’.  These are the three extra vowel sounds that sit outside of the main ring of the Alfarnas Bete; Å = River, Ä = Meadow, and Ö = Island.  The belt of coniferous trees that is found in the northern hemisphere, which stretches from the eastern coast of Canada, through Alaska (Al-As-Kar) and continues in a westerly direction through Siberia and Russia into Scandinavia is the direct result of the skills of the Aser, and their reseeding programme.  This piece of information would make sense of the giant grid-system, consisting of laser-straight lines over hundreds of miles, found in Siberia that even the Russian forestry department denies constructing. 

Nine thousand and thirty-six years ago, or in 7013 BC the Aser ended their stint on Bockland, which was renamed Gotland after their departure and returned to the mainland where they began the rebuild of Raseborg (Rasepuuri) castle, the former residence of Ra and Maija (Ers & Mai) the king and queen of the planet which is located some 120km east of the old north pole.  They had spent 997 years on Gotland with Gubben-Noa as All-father, this number was tweaked slightly when added back into the Noah story, who was said to have lived for 950 years.  The work took three years, and exactly 1000 years after the 2nd Ragnarök in 7016 BC, the Aser finally returned to Odenma.  Here they rebuild cultural centres in the surrounding area such as Tavastehus – the entry point to Odenma as mentioned in part 3.  Then, on ‘Oden’s Ö’, or Oden’s Island and the other seven islands immediately in front of Odenma (Helsinki) they also rebuild Asgård, Midgård, the Asgård Arena and Valhalla.  Here they also reinstate the original breeding and procreation system, and return to creating twelve sons and seven daughters.  Rafael and Sara have their titles turned back to Lemminkäinen (Bock) and Svan, and the All-father reverts back to his full title of Bocken-Balgubben-Per or Gubbe for short. Back in business? Maybe…  

In previous articles when I detailed how the Aser family units worked, I also mentioned that any children produced over the quotas of 12 and 7 were called ‘Mores’, they were still Aser, but had no function or title.  During the migration from Gotland back to Odenma, two of these ‘more’ sons decided they’d had enough and split from the Aser entirely.  Their names were Sven, and Dan, and they decided to leave and copy the model of the ten tropical kingdoms themselves, becoming two kings.  If you make the hand gesture for expressing two, you make a ‘V’ with your fingers, and you can also say ‘we’ which is derivative, and also meaning more than one, or a pair.  This V creates the sound ‘Vee’, which was written as ‘Vi’, for these two kings were the original ‘Vikings’.  Sven took himself a Svan called ‘Svea’ and together they made a kingdom in the Stockholm area, and called their capital Uupsala.  This was now ‘Svenland’ or Sweden, and a new sperm-line called ‘Lingaet’, named after the Lingenberry (whortle berry in English) is founded.  His brother Dan found a queen called ‘Dagmar’, and together they travel south of Gotland founding ‘The Mark of Dan’ [Mark = land], or Denmark.  Their capital is in Jylland, and another new sperm-line is created called ‘Polet’, and derived from the Van word for the whortle berry; ‘Puolukka’.  Both houses had the berry as their symbol.  The Viking era is according to the mainstream paradigm, a mere 300 years, however – as this story shows it’s more like 8 or 9000!  

At this point in history we’ve progressed from there being a total of 30 white people on the planet, to three separate white races.  The original Aser in Odenma are still speaking the Rot language, and still populating the surrounding areas with Van speaking Vaner people, who’s territories now surround the new kingdoms of the Rot speaking Sven and Dan.  The Aser are obviously still adhering to their original mythology based on the eight powers, however the two new Arctical kingdoms develop their own mythologies based on the old, but with differences. These are known as the Viking or ‘Norse’ mythologies, and of the original eight heathen powers only four remain.  These are Thor, Odin, Frey and Freya.  For example; Hel has gone, as this was a place in Finland, and so has Bock, the head of the Piroet family from which they originally diverged.  Tor – the heart has become Thor, and Oden – the sun has become Odin, father of Thor.  The name Hel survived as both the inverted concept of place in religion, and as the ‘goddess’ Hel in the Norse mythology, said to preside over the underworld realm of the same name, and the supposed daughter of Loki.   

These two kingdoms would spread and repopulate much of northern Europe and Scandinavia; The descendants of Sven and Svea populated Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Scotland and Ireland.  While the descendants of Dan and Dagmar populated England, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and parts of the Mediterranean.  In all of these places the people count using a 12-based numbering system, coming from their Root-speaking founding fathers Sven and Dan.  Other countries and languages that use a 10-based numbering system reflect that their founding fathers originally spoke the Van language. It’s interesting to note here that the so-called ‘Celtic’ languages like Welsh use a 10-based numbering system, which shows that this language and its predecessors did not originally come from the shores of the British Isles.  This idea flies in the face of current mainstream wisdom, which has the Welsh as the original inhabitants of these isles, but the language says otherwise.  Originally speaking ‘Brittonic’ an earlier variant from which Welsh and Cornish are supposed to have developed, but bringing with it many tell-tale connections with Latin, for example ‘pont’ or ‘bont’ meaning bridge – The Pope, or ‘Pontiff’ being the ‘bridge-builder’.  That is unless the ancestors of the Welsh also survived the freeze somewhere and kept their pre-ice-age Van or Van-based language and counting system, but there is no evidence for this.  For clarification here are some examples of the counting systems of different languages; in English the word-form changes after twelve to thirteen in a form which resembles 3+10 making it a 12-based and therefore root-based counting system.  In Welsh the word-form changes with eleven which is ‘Un-deg-un’, which translates as ‘one ten and one’ or 10+1, making it a 10-based counting system and therefore ultimately derivative of the Van language.  The Swedish changes at 12, and the Finnish at 10, but you’d think it would be the other way around being since Rot was spoken in Odenma (Helsinki) which is obviously in Finland not Sweden?  This is due to the events of the 3rd Ragnarök, which we haven’t got to just yet, however it meant that the root language only survives in pure form in the island archipelago just south of Helsinki, and is known as Finnish-Swedish.  Much to the annoyance of some Swedes this means that Swedish is actually a variant of Rot, but as the events of the 3rd Raganrök and therefore also the long history it erased have been removed from mainstream history, they’d have had no idea anyway, which was exactly the plan.  This will be clarified in future articles. 

Brave New world.


Returning to Odenma, and the Aser now have a huge mission to undertake, alongside repopulation of Ringlands established in the surrounding areas, they must also now re-connect with the rest of the planet.  The ten brothers or ‘Tentinio’ of the Piroet family, the ten sons of Bock / Lemminkäinen, the second to eleventh, are the men for the job.  They are sent out around the globe to make contact with the ten tropical kings, and each of them being a male (Han) from Odenma meant they were ‘Han-Odens-Man’ or Hanoman – this name survives in India as the monkey-god ‘Hanuman’, with the ‘u’ being pronounced the same as the ‘o’ would have been in Root language.  These Hanoman are messengers from Hel – the Root / Swedish word for messenger is ‘Bud’ (pronounce the U like the ‘oo’ in ‘brood’) which means that each of our ten brothers was also a Bud-A, a messenger of the Aser (Buddha).  Many messengers were sent out over thousands of years, which explains the many reincarnations of Buddha. [More detail on Re-legions to come].  Here, an extremely old rhyme or ‘Ramsa’ tells us about theses messengers;


Han Odens Man

Kom Som Asernas Bud

Til Asien Med Odens Visdom

Som Gjorde Bocken Til En Bra Man, En God Man

Som Skapade Goda Mänskior, Fylgior, Valkyrior.




Men from Odenma

Come as messengers from Aser

To Asia with Odens wisdom

That made the Bock a good man (knowledgeable), and a good man (good inside)

Who creates good people [with] soul and Valkyrie.

We note here that a ‘Bra Man’ meaning a wiseman or knowledgeable man is where the term ‘Brahmin’ originates in Vedic culture that ended up designating the priestly class (Purohit, Pandit or Pujari) and spiritual teachers such as Gurus or Acharya.  One brother was originally sent to each tropical kingdom, 

with the main message; that the ice had finally melted and that the ‘Heavenly Gods’ were still there.  That the procreation system in Hel was now operational again, and that the Bock in Odenma could once more be All-father to the whole world.  They spoke of their inventions and discoveries in agriculture, animal husbandry and other technologies and techniques including how to extract metal from rock (Smelting), and the arts of combining different metals so that they didn’t corrode and could be used for different things (Metallurgy).


Remembering how our ten tropical kingdoms are arranged, Crete was the administrative centre and seat of two systems, as the original prime meridian sliced it exactly in two.  ‘Rasul’ or ‘Rasol’ was king and All-father of the eastern side of the Island, and territories to the east, and ‘Sultan’ was the handed down title of the king of the western side, who ruled over territories to the west.  Rasul operated a ‘Jupiter’ system [pre-Roman], and the Sultan operated a ‘Zeus’ system [pre-Greek] based on their respective pantheons, remembering of course that the model of all these ‘gods’ came from the original Piroet family of Aser [from whom all remaining European royal houses are descended – and the true origin of ‘Divine right to rule’].  In the kingdom east of Crete the messenger was known as Dionysus, and in the kingdom west of Crete the messenger was called Mercury (the other side called him Hermes).   

At this stage we do not know the names of any of the other messengers, I hope to figure that out with further research.  However, my prime suspects in respect of the kingdoms of the three saga-listed ‘red races’ of the Americas would be; Quetzalcoatl for the Aztec, Viracocha for the Inca, and Kukulkan for the Maya.  Here are our pale skinned, bearded ‘civilising deities’ recorded in the cultures of these areas as bringing the gifts of agriculture, civilisation and technology, and now we have reasons why they were white, and where they were coming from, plus why this information was being redistributed.  This information, and that of the true nature of Altlantis, rather than ‘Atlantis’ fills in and re-aligns the work and research of Graham Hancock et al – we know who the ‘Sea Kings’ were now, and we know what connected the previously global civilisation, and who ran it; the Aser.  It’s also interesting to look at some of the words and names at play here; Saga details ‘The Three Red Races’ of the Americas (previously known as India) as being the Aztec, the Inca and the Maya – three of the ‘Ten Tropical Kingdoms’ of the ice-age or Altlantis.  But we can also see that the names also seem to be related to our distant past and Aser ancestors; the first part of Aztec – ‘Az’ is extremely similar to the sound ‘As’ meaning Aser.  The second part ‘Tec’ isn’t as instantly recognisable, but may be a corruption of ‘Tik’ meaning time.  Maya is the simplest to recognise; they are named for the queen of the Aser, the queen of the planet, the first born daughter of the family Maija / Mai / Maya.  Lastly there are the Inca or Inka, which is a fragment of Lemminkäinen, the Van name for the twelfth son, also known as Bock (also Balder) in Root.  The Inca lived in Bolivia and Peru, and the name Peru also seems to be saying ‘Father-Oden’, or ‘Per-O’, remembering that an O is pronounced ‘Ooh’. 

Return to Hel.

We must return now to 8016 BC, the date when the Aser finally migrated back to their ancestral home of Odenma, which is present day Helsinki.  This date also marks the official end of the ice-age or Altlantis as recorded in Saga, giving a period of exactly 50 million years.  This date is also exactly 1000 years after the 2nd Ragnarök, and when Sven and Dan leave to become the Vikings.  The so-called ‘Great flood’ or ‘Great deluge’ must have been around this time period, as this is logically caused by the melting of the ice from the ice-age, rather than the prevalent meteorite theory.  It is simply the waters of the earth redistributing themselves after being frozen.  It’s worth noting the man-made climate change scam now, as here we have the truth; the climate IS changing, and the ice caps ARE melting – AS THEY SHOULD BE!  The ice is not supposed to be there, our mother is shedding her load in preparation for returning to her natural position, straight up with the pole in-line with Polaris (the clue’s in the name) and once again perpendicular with the sun*.  This will bring about another golden age and a return to the global tropical and sub-tropical climates of the Paradise time, but whether our minds are ready for such an event is debateable.  So the real logical reason for the powers that be to be manipulating weather, spraying in the atmosphere and such like is that it is delaying the inevitable.  Blocking out Oden the sun only delays the melting, which delays the tilt and keeps them in charge that little bit longer – but, they know full well that they cannot delay it indefinitely, nature always wins, something to keep in mind in these dark times. 


* Let’s inject some further logic here along with simple observations all people can make.  The one sun (solo) is not 150,000,00 km or 93,000,000 miles from earth, nor is it 400 times larger than the moon.  So unless you believe in ridiculous unprovable coincidences rather than your own eyes, this means that the sun and moon (solo and mono) are roughly the same size; 3474.8 km in diameter if official sources are correct, and they are both roughly the same distance from earth; with the average distance to the moon being 382,500 km or 231 million miles, again, if official sources are correct.  If the sun were 93 million miles away, we wouldn’t be able to observe its rays triangulating on clouds and we certainly wouldn’t feel its intense heat having passed through the supposed ‘vacuum’ of space.  As explained in previous articles; the sun and moon are Tor friends, and the moon reflects the light of the sun, which is a form of Ra (energy transfer).  The sun ‘Pan’, in a ring ‘O’ with the moon ‘Ra’ look down on the land ‘Ma’, or ‘Panorama’.   

 Nineteen eighty-four.


The final significance of 8016 BC is that it makes the year 1984 exactly 10,000 years after ice-time, which is no coincidence as this is both the year decreed by the Bock family that the living Bock (Ior) would give the story back to humanity, and the year when the prophecy from the ‘Story of Kristina’ should have taken place.  An Aser lady, possibly a witch or a Siennare made one future prediction.  It was predicted that when the global procreation system was reinstated in Odenma, it would take 10,000 years to come to fruition.  By fruition it is meant that through the offering and breeding systems every person on earth would end up with full soul power just like a member of the Piroet family, which would finally enable one man and one woman to make a child that is whole both inside and out without the need of the contribution of the other 20,000 or so people.  It is clear that this did not happen, the Aser may well have had their myth, but it seems the rest of the world - along with its 50-million-year development without the influence of the original gods - had other ideas.  It’s also no surprise that the date of 1984 was inverted to give it a negative connotation for humanity. 

 With these dates set out, we can clearly see four world ages or time periods of life on earth; the first is the period after the earth’s formation during which nature develops, which doesn’t seem to have a name so we’ll call it the pre-Paradise period.  The second comes about with the birth of Freij and Freija; the Paradise, and is ended by the planet tilting over which causes the ice-age, which means the third world age was Altlantis.  The fourth is the epoch we still live in, let’s call it the post-Altlantis period for now, and if the planet tilts back to its correct position that will be the fifth.  We can draw comparison here with the Yuga world ages of Hindu belief, in which it is said that there have been four, and that we are living through the fourth right now; the ‘Kali Yuga’.  However, the numbers involved don’t seem to line up with dates from Saga.  For example; the Kali Yuga is supposed to last for 1000 ‘Divine years’, and a divine year is supposed to equal 432,000 earthly years, which gives us 432 million years, which if taken as a whole would encompass everything going back past the ice age, including most of the paradise time.  In the Hopi Indian tradition of North America, things line up a bit better; the Hopi postulate four world ages and that we are currently living through the fourth.  The first was a paradise where humans and animals coexisted in harmony, yet was destroyed by fire.  The second age was according to the Hopi, a time where humans had no respect for nature, and was destroyed by ice, glaciers, or extreme cold specifically triggered by a pole shift – sounding familiar here.  The Hopi were saved by the Ant People who kept them safe underground, and at the right time they ascended a ladder into the third world.  The third age or world was destroyed by water, which also lines up with how we now understand things, apart from the part where they’re saved by the Spider Woman who binds them to reeds which float to the dry land of the fourth world.  According to the Hopi, the fourth world is ending and the fifth has already begun.  

The name of the tribe itself also appears to be constructed from Root language; ‘Ho’ is the sound produced by the letter / mark of H, and means Hel at the old north pole.  Plus ‘Pi’ as we already know means a ring or a circle.  In a brief attempt to analyse this we can look at what we already know; there was a Pi or ring in Ho, or Hel, it was the centre control ring at the top of the planet from which the Aser created and guided all people.  Other meanings of Hel are; home, clear and complete, so there we have several other possible meanings of Hopi.  Worthy of note here whilst we discuss Indian, or Native American tribes and cultures is that; the Hopi themselves claim distant relation to the aforementioned Aztec which backs up Saga.  The traditional dwelling of most tribes was the Wigwam, Tipi or Tepee which if we break down reveals something rather interesting; the sound Ti or Tee in Welsh ‘Tŷ’ means ‘house’ and a pee or ‘Pi’ is a circle which is indeed the shape of a Teepee.  It’s a great example of how we can show that sounds across the globe connect on different levels.  We can use two different languages – one Latin-European based, and the other the oldest language on earth from Scandinavia - to arrive at the perfect translation and description of ‘round-house’.  Native Americans had no temples for their beliefs, or did they?  What do we already know about temples from Saga?  We know that a temple (tempel) was accessed exclusively be men, and that conversely the women had their chapel (capel).  In Native American culture they have the ‘Totem Pole’.  We already know that a pole is masculine, and in-line with its direct association with the penis also being a pole, it’s obviously fitting that men primarily handle it.  But if we break down the sounds and shift one over slightly, a curious thing is revealed; 

Totem pole>>> To tempole>>> To temple…  The pole IS their temple, and was traditionally cut, carried and carved by men, some of which are also kind of T-shaped with the addition of wings. 



We return to two of the other ten tropical kingdoms located in the Mediterranean that we mentioned earlier, and our two king systems of Rasul and Sultan on the island of Crete.  Let’s have a quick ancient geographical recap here; the ancient and original Prime Meridian ran from the old north pole of ‘As-Hel’ or the centre of Odenma (Helsinki) down to ‘Hel-As’ or Greece.  As it crosses the waters of the Med it splits Crete exactly in two, and as it continues down into Africa it is still visible as the border between Egypt and Lybia.  In 1675 the prime meridian was sold by the Dutch to the British, moved back an hour to London, and Greenwich meantime was created.  This means that the original timescale sat directly between GMT and CET or Central European Time which are two hours apart from each other.  So the eastern and western hemispheres were ruled and administered by Rasul and Sultan on Crete, as mentioned this shows us that ‘Greeks’ and ‘Romans’ were contemporaries rather than one following the other.  For a long time, the two kings shared Crete until at some point around 6000 years ago, inspired by Sven and Dan the Vikings they leave the island and establish capitals to the north; Rasul in Rome and Sultan in what is today called Istanbul (previously known as Constantinople and Byzantium).  These power structures would eventually become ‘The holy Roman empire’ which also became the Catholic Church, and the Eastern Orthodox Church respectively, but we’ll pick that story up another time.

When Rasul and Sultan left Crete it left a knowledge vacuum in the Mediterranean and North African areas, and also left them without a breeding system.  The people of the area sent a message to Hel asking for help, and the Aser obligingly sent an emissary; one of the more than twelve sons of Bock.  His name was ‘Perora’ or Per-Odens-Ra and he makes the journey from Odenma down to Kem / Khem, which is not only the old name of Egypt, and the root of the word ‘Chemistry’, but also according to Finnish researcher Leo Nygren; actually means Bock.  Researcher and Author Graham Hancock mentions an ancient Egyptian legend in his works that tells a similar story to the legends of the Americas, in that, white skinned ‘gods’ came with incredible knowledge which kick-started their civilisation.  Here is some positive confirmation of the legend, as Saga records that Perora becomes the first ‘Pha-Ra-Oden’ or Pharaoh, which is almost like saying ‘the king sent by the All-father in Odenma’.  The first Pharaoh had blonde hair and blue eyes. 

 He brings with him all the advanced knowledge of the Aser, mathematics, navigation, agriculture, geometry and construction techniques.  He brings never before seen creatures developed in the Arctic like sheep that can produce wool, and new plants that will produce other materials like cotton and linen.  According to Saga the principle river of northern Egypt (known as lower Egypt in the dynastic period just to confuse you) which we know as the Nile was originally called the ‘Aura’, it furthermore details that during what we might call Egypts’ agricultural revolution in this period – ‘Lin’ from linen is reversed giving ‘Nil’ or Nile, and the river is renamed presumably due to the use of its waters in cultivation.  Egypt is of course famous for its cotton and linen.  Another of the concepts he brings, as part of geometry and mathematics is Pi-Ra-Mid or ‘Pyamid’.  Let us quickly remind ourselves of Pagan logic; a circle, a pole and a dot or point are not only the basis of all life and reproduction (putting pol into pi gives us more pi-pol or people), but also the basis of mathematics (putting a pole represented by the letter P into the centre of a pi or circle represented by the letter O, and allowing the sun to strike gives the letter Q [O+P=Q] just like a sundial, and is also a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional concept).  Pyramid is yet another iteration and expression of this central concept; ‘Pi’ is the circle, ‘Ra’ in this instance is the pole or ‘Radius’, which is measured from the centre point, or middle.  So Pi-Ra-Mid is Pi-Radius-Middle, and another expression of universal logic.  Remembering that the Pi in pyramid is also feminine, means that pyramidal structures are all feminine, it is a common mistake to pronounce the upward-pointing construction as obviously masculine.  A masculine version would point downwards, and would be called ‘Q’ramid’ or Ku-Ra-Mid.  The cap-stone or ‘Ben-ben’ stone (which is missing from the Great Pyramid) is linked with the ‘Bennu’ bird, which in itself is linked to the Phoenix which was associated with the ‘Sex Häxor’ or the witches of Odenma, which again shows an overall feminine connection.  We can tie this back the other way to complete a ring of logic via ‘Pyro’ meaning fire, which starts with ‘Py’ which is essentially the same as ‘Pi’ regardless of spelling, with which the Phoenix has direct association and fire of course being a female gift.


The Pharaoh set up a new breeding system, which was modelled after the king systems used elsewhere outside Odenma in the ten kingdoms.  His eldest son would become the next Pharaoh; embodying both the positions of king and breeder (traditionally split between the first and twelfth sons in the original system).  He would choose the healthiest and most beautiful woman in the kingdom to be his queen, and their eldest son would in turn become Pharaoh.  But in the same fashion as the original system, he also mated with a harem of other women, the selected sons of which would mate with the women from the caste below and so forth.  Among the gifts that the Pharaoh brought to his new people were the techniques of embalming.  The reason that ancient Egyptians preserved and mummified their dead was that they were no longer sure whether the traditional method of cremation and the be-leaf system would send their souls back to Lemminkäinen via the centrifugal forces of earth.  They still knew and understood that the soul resided in the body, so they mummified them instead to preserve the Fylgia in the hope that they could be properly released in the future.


Wank like an Egyptian.

 A relic of the offering system of the old world remains in Egyptian iconography to this day, an item whose exact function has been guessed and speculated on countless times.  It has even been speculated to be some kind of energy device that Nikola Tesla supposedly built a version of, none of which are correct.  The item I am referring to is none other than the Ankh, which was used in the past by men to receive an offering of sperm without touching the other man – guess what goes through the hole?  This is the origin of the word ‘Wank’; the ‘w’ sound is signifying Oden the sun, who’s ‘Visdom Vatten’ (wisdom water) or ‘Livets Vatten’ (life water) is received via the offering using the Ankh.  We had been previously taught that this word came from a time when Britain was at war with Spain, and king ‘Juan Carlos’.  It is beyond the scope of this article, but this author firmly believes that huge discoveries are yet to reveal themselves on, or rather beneath the Giza plateau which most tourists simply walk straight over without giving a second thought to what’s beneath.  It is however the authors logical contention that the Sphynx was originally a large cat before being re-carved with the head of a Pharaoh.  The latter part of the word-form is highly suggestive of a Lynx, which represented the power of nature to ancient Pagans.


We’ll conclude this episode with some information on symbology, terminology and education.  We have previously detailed how the swastika was the symbol of Hel, it was known as ‘The Life Wheel’ or simply ‘The Wheel’, which the church turned into De-Vil or ‘Devil’.  It symbolised the breeding and information systems which were administered and rolled out across the planet from the old north pole, which was the Pagan / Heathen global administrative centre (one ring to rule them all).  The central ‘Ringland’ at the old north pole was called ‘Odenma’ which means ‘Oden’s Land’ or ‘Land of the sun’, which works on more than one level as prior to the tilt the sun would never set in Odenma, it created another ‘Pi’; a golden 24-hour ring of sunlight at the top of the planet.  For clarification purposes the following list of names and places were ALL either located at, or inspired by the former north pole, present-day Helsinki; Odenma / Uudenmaa, the garden of Oden [Eden], Hel, Asgård, Midgård, Valhalla, Utopia, Nefilheim, Hyperborea, Thule, the cradle of civilisation, the fountain of youth, the abode of the ‘Heavenly gods’, the Holy land and the ‘Hole-i’ itself…  the structure of which was laid out in rings emanating from the centre, which is from where the model of the ‘Rings of Atlantis’ comes.  

 Similar to the Swastika, except without the crooked arms, is the other well-known symbol of the cross within a circle, sometimes called a ‘Celtic Cross’ which is generally considered to be older than the standard Christian cross, with Pagan origins.  This is well-founded.  Both the Swastika and the cross within a circle feature four spokes or lines which converge in a centre; this is representing a view looking down from above on the top of the planet before the tilt, and therefore representing Hel.  The four spokes are the meridian lines, which also represent ‘The four corners of the world’, and also symbolise all that emanated from the real ‘Fountain of Youth’ – the All-father system at the old north pole.  The cross in the circle is called ‘Rasti’, and the standard Christian cross - which was unsurprisingly appropriated – is called ‘Risti’.  The word ‘Christian’ is comprised of ‘Crisis’ + ‘Risti’, so on one level Christian means ‘Crisis Cross’, the suffix ‘ian’ is a corruption of ‘Ion’ meaning the lower classes (Trel).  The Re-legions will be covered in detail soon, but some further explanation; the aforementioned ‘story of Kristina’, the future myth that did not come to pass is where we get the word crisis from, and both Krishna and Kristos (Jesus) derive their names from her.  The word ‘religion’ also breaks down as ‘Re-Lig-Ion’, or ‘Re-league the lower classes’, a ‘lig’ being a group of people.  The Christian T-shaped cross is also an appropriation and inversion of Tor, both by the re-use of the symbol and the iconography of Christ on the cross, who is also forming the T.  One of the meanings of Tor was the heart friend, or your best friend – but your best friend needs to be alive, not a dead man


Cirque du old skool.


The Rasti was also the information centre, and the symbol also represents a crossroads.  These locations are where the ‘Circ-Us’ (circus) was held. ‘Circ’ is a ring or circle, and ‘Us’ means love, so – circle of love, and a ‘Circ-El’ (circle) means ‘law of the ring’.  The circle of love or circus is where the people, the masses were educated for aeons before having the option of ‘church or death’ forced upon them not so long ago relatively speaking.  The people were taught via plays that featured Ak-Tors (actors) and Kar-Actors (characters) dressed as animals.  It was understood in the past that animals were more human than humans, as they are pure creations with nothing to prove or learn, unlike the hybrid human species which must learn, grow and keep itself stable.  Live animals weren’t used in circuses until much later on when the original information had been long forgotten.  The source material for the educational plays was created from the astrological predictions of the seven sisters, so was always based on a myth i.e. set in the future. [For those that didn’t realise; a myth is a future story, and a legend is a past story, the former feminine and the latter masculine].  These stories were then transferred to the Siennare and Nar of each ringland, both of whom operated in the knowledge and information side of the offer-ring.  The stories were called ‘Tarinoita’; ‘Tar-i’ is female and ‘Noita’ are the witches, or ‘Hexa’ – the six sisters of Maija.  Some noteworthy characters from this time were the three Bocks (goats); a man dressed as an old bock and called ‘Necklas’ was immediately recognised to be Ukko – the All-father, in the middle was ‘Storklas’, a big bock who would be recognisable to the audience as the eldest son, Ra or Ers, and there was also a little bock called ‘Lil-Klas’ who was playing the role of the twelfth son Bock / Lemminkäinen.  The character Necklas means ‘Neck-Klass’ or ‘Neck-Class’ as in; a class of people who all come from the ‘neck’ of one fathers’ penis, and is our first connection to Father Christmas, and the origin of the name ‘Nicholas’, but more on that in future articles.  While the character Storklas is playing the eldest son Ra, remembering that ‘Ra makes the race’ or Ra-Ce; it is logical that this is the origin of babies being brought by the stork.  

The practice of travelling circuses enacting ancient stories is still in practice in India, where performances are given in villages depicting such Hindu epics as Ramayana.  It has been widely understood for a long time that most, if not all churches were built on either previously sacred sites, or on sites of great importance to the outgoing system, and it seems a lot of churches were built on the previous locations of Rastis where we see the symbol, usually up on the roof.  Within the circus were three rings, laid out the same as the ‘as above, so below’ description of how we lived in rings in the past; one ring for men’s stories, one for women’s and a central overlapping one for stories pertaining to both.  On the whole we were educated separately, there were women’s issues and men’s issues and a few presented together.  The women’s stories came from the Siennare, and the men’s from the Nar, but they both got their information from the witches.  The keepers of the Rasti were the ‘Rasta-Mor’ and the ‘Rasta-Far’, further investigation is required here, but we see the usual removal of the female principle.  Speaking of plays, for those readers who may already have any sneaking suspicions about England’s supposed bid-daddy playwright – old Bill, should note the following; aside from the rumours that Francis Bacon may well have had a hand in writing some of his most famous works (as well as being responsible for the edits to the K.J. Bible) and that he may not have been a real person, there is also this word; ‘Skådespelare’ – without question, when I have shown this to people and asked “What do you think this word looks like?”, every single one of them has replied “Shakespeare”, and are utterly stunned when I reveal that this is the Swedish word for ‘actor’.  Now you know why I don’t believe in coincidences.


Look you, see now.


This author has made direct observations of similar site-appropriation practices in Wales in the U.K. whilst visiting and researching ancient sites on the ground over many years.  It helped that I understood the language, which one day led me to a realisation about the continuance and taking over of ancient sites by the church.  In Wales there are many towns and villages whose names begin with the prefix ‘Llan’.  In Welsh the sound created by a double L is a hissing sound which is made by pressing the tongue to the bottom of the mouth and allowing the air out either side whilst also forming an L.  In modern Welsh Llan means ‘Church of’, for example; Llandeilo means ‘Church of Teillo’ – who was a so-called saint, [The word saint comes from the root word ‘San’ meaning true] however, in Old Welsh Llan meant ‘enclosure’.  We see evidence of site appropriation like this all over Wales, but the following example is taken from locations around Mid-Wales.  The first example is a place called Llananno, in Powys, and when you drive through this place on the A483 the first thing you think is; why did they put signs up here denoting when you pass into and out of Llananno?  Because there’s literally nothing here apart from a layby and toilet block, no houses and no infrastructure, however if you’re not looking for it you’ll easily miss the small St. Anno’s church hiding behind some trees.  This begs the next question; why is there a church here if there are no houses for the congregation?  The answer to me is found when you zoom out from the church on the satellite image, about half a mile up the road on the opposite side to the church is a ring fort, or ancient enclosure labelled as ‘Llananno’.  It seems clear to me that the reason the church was built, and a place with nothing in it designated around it, was that it was the direct Christian replacement ‘Llan’ of the old Pagan ‘Llan’ in the locality.  The building of the church right there ensured the local people didn’t return to the Pagan ring on the hill or return to the old ways.  There are hundreds of examples of this all over Wales, but another example not too far from the first is St. Michaels Church which sits beneath a hill that also has an ancient site on it; Cefnllys Castle, to my mind another old Pagan Llan, yet not featuring the name this time.  However, distinguishing features of the church are that it is in the middle of a field next to a river with no roads leading to it, only a muddy footpath.  The church itself sits in a small enclosure in the river meadow surrounded by Yew trees, which we know are features of Christian-appropriated previously sacred sites, as yews live for thousands of years and are usually way older than the buildings which currently occupy the sites.  I also found it very interesting when it was pointed out to me that there was a very hoary old ash tree in one corner of the church enclosure, a further clue if linked to Bock Saga about its past use, and obviously directly related to the site on the hill above, and the reason to put a church on that exact spot. 

The word church itself comes directly from our Pagan past; Ch-ur-ch <<< Ky-Är-Kå or ‘snake-Ra-Karl’, an offering place, and also the origin of the name ‘Kirk’.  Here we see the overlapping rings of logic for one sound ‘Ky’, which could be spelled any number of ways but means ‘Key’, ‘Snake’, and / or ‘Penis’.  A penis is sometimes called a ‘Trouser snake’, and if a penis is viewed as a key, that means that a lady’s parts would be the lock.  This is the origin of a phrase which has been altered and misunderstood; ‘Lady luck’, which should be ‘Lady lock’.  To add a final and further understanding; in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, Eve partakes of the ‘Forbidden fruit’, which is depicted as an apple, yet offered by the snake.  They have been separated to obliterate the logical understanding here, remembering of course that a man’s understanding comes from ‘under his stand’ as discussed in earlier articles, because the sounds, logic and history of the human race are contained within the sperm, AKA; the knowledge of good and evil (genetic memory).  So the snake is the penis from which the sperm comes, and so is the apple which represents the head of the penis, which looks like an apple with the stem removed from above, and no wonder they are depicted with fig leaves covering their church-imposed shame!  Maybe if these ancient practices are adopted again we will finally com-prehend our true nature, which if shared would give us a real sense of com-unity.


Standby for Part 5, and the coming of the Re-legion…

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Khan is a Disgrace

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Member of EU Parliament Kicks Back!