The Old World Order – Part 1 (ARTICLE)

The Old World Order – Part 1 (ARTICLE)

As mentioned in my first article, one must have at least an understanding of the old world order in order to understand the New World Order. The old world order doesn’t even refer to our current time period, as we are currently living through the transition period which I call ‘The Inversion’, where terms and concepts of the past, and how we used to live as a species, have literally been inverted to their opposites.


As we progress through this story, which is known to some as ‘The Oldest Story’, we will pick up on the two original languages spoken worldwide by all our ancestors. English, believe it or not is constructed from a mix of these two languages, its origins are truly ancient. As will be explained in due course, these languages are not only constructed from an alphabet which is 99% the same as ours, but also using entirely natural sounds occurring in the human brain, and utilising a cyclical (rather than linear) alphabet of letters (marks) each of which having a specific sound and meaning, plus an inter-relationship with all the other sounds, which when understood as a whole creates a system of logic that rings true within the brain, similar to a mandala. Our glorious masters now only allow the teaching of the marks, we are denied the knowledge of the sounds that they represent, and their logical connections with each other, thus losing two-thirds of the total understanding.

Before our planet tilted over to its current angle of around 23.5 degrees, which occurred 50 million, ten thousand and thirty-eight years ago (Calculated from 2022, giving the date of 50,008,016 BC), on the 24th of July (Ragnarök [destruction] day) we stood straight up in harmony with our system, with the earth being perpendicular to the sun. There were no seasons, and the whole ball was tropical, hence why we have no thick fur and have to wear clothes to keep warm. Of course we were all naked in the past with no shame, we were bare or ‘bar’. Heathen people understood that we come into this world bare, and that we should also leave it bare, so they were ‘bar-bar’ or barbarian, which was accordingly inverted to mean something else by the church. We no longer fit our natural environment, as our natural environment has changed. The period of at least 400 million years prior to the tilt was known to our ancestors as The Paradise time (Pa-Ra-Dis). The fact that we haven’t adapted to fit our environment in all that time, rather easily disproves the current theory of evolution to boot.


The tilt occurred rapidly, over a period of just three months, and its initial shudder was so powerful that most of the planets’ surface water was flung into the atmosphere, with most of it settling in the northern hemisphere forming giant ice sheets and kick-starting a 50-million-year ice-age. All the countries / territories that end in ‘land’ were the areas previously covered by ice; England, Scotland, Frankenland (France), Saxonland (Germany), Poland, Rusland (Russia) etc etc, with the exception of New Zealand* which is a modern name. (Yes, the countries we know of today, did in fact also exist this far back. Around 10,000 years ago England was under the control of the king of Denmark, or the house of Dan [Polet], and Scotland under the the king of Sweden, the house of Sven [Lingaet]). This period of human history was known to our ancestors as Altlantis; Alt-lant-is [All (the) land ice]. We know this today as the myth of Atlantis, which wasn’t a specific place, or even an island, but in fact the entire pre-flood world. When I say flood, I am of course referring to the great deluge recorded worldwide, including the bastardised bible version. This flood was not caused by an asteroid, but by the melting glaciers and ice sheets from the ice-age. So when Plato says that Atlantis sank beneath the waves, in a story he got from his ancestor Solon, who in turn got it from Egypt, he is really referring to a rapid rise in sea-level which engulfed large swathes of low lying lands as the ice melted.


* New Zealand as mentioned is a new name. We should, as always look to its original inhabitants to help us find the truth. Maori, is not just the name of the indigenous population, it’s also the original name of the islands. Maori if broken down into root sounds gives us Ma-O-Re, or Land-Oden-Repeat if expanded, we can also interpret this as something akin to ‘Oden’s new land’. It is also worth noting that Maori elders swear blind that their ancestors travelled to Egypt to help build the pyramids, but of course this doesn’t fit with the mainstream paradigm, so is rejected.

Our planet has an axis (axis mundi), or axle that runs from the true south pole to the true north pole, this has nothing to do with magnetic north, or what is today considered the north pole at the top of the planet. This axle is represented by the letter ‘i’ (say ee), the dot is the north star, and in a parallel meaning it is also the penis and sperm. Before the tilt, the true north pole was at the exact top of the planet, and at this exact location was situated the original place called Hel. Hel was the Pagan / Heathen capital of the planet, and centre of operations for our previously worldwide human culture. It is the site of modern-day Helsinki in Finland. The original north pole, and Valhalla itself are still covered up to this day beneath the floor of a modern-day museum there.

Our Heathen (Hi-den) [Hidden] ancestors understood that the Sun makes all life possible, and venerated it accordingly. The sun was called Oden (say Ooh-den), and at the top (and bottom) of the planet created a 24-hour golden ring of light. The archetype of Oden has been bastardised into the fictional character of Odin the man. When dealing with the sound-system, the golden rule is; same sound – same meaning. The Latin name for the sun is Sol, which is really hiding ‘Soul’, Oden the sun is the source, the ‘over-soul’, and we are the chips off the old block as it were. Odens’ rays of light are still called ‘Stråler’ (pronounced strawler) in Scandinavian languages, this is why when the light of the sun hits the grass it becomes ‘straw’.


Hel, was at the centre of a ‘ringland’ known as Odenma (Oden’s land) / Asgard (Garden of the Aser), also ‘The Garden of Oden’. This was located on one of seven islands (origin of 7 hells) situated in the Gulf of Finland immediately south of the mainland. The Aser were the original people of the planet, and as they expanded they created a second race known as The Vaner or Van (One) people. Everybody inside Hel was Aser and spoke Rot, everybody outside of Hel was Vaner, and spoke Van. The Aser were the original ruling class if you like, but not in a draconian overbearing way that only benefits them (like today), more like the lynchpins of a system that benefitted the entire planet. The original pyramid scheme, only inverted compared to our current understanding, which comes from modern systems where the controllers reap the lion’s share of the benefits. The ringland containing Hel was the central ring of control for the entire planet, “One ring to rule them all”, the centre of the Heathen Dome (Heathendom). These rings were more of a hexagon shape, which interlocked with the surrounding ringlands covering the whole planet, more than 2000 in total. The six ringlands immediately outside of Odenma / Uudenmaa were; Turunmaa (today Åboland), Hameenmaa (today Hameelinna), Kymenmaa, Estinmaa (today Estonia), Latvianmaa (today Latvia),and Livinmaa (today Lithuania). Some of you will already be aware of the Lord of The Rings connection, as when Tolkien was professor at Oxford he was privy to the private library denied to the common man. He discovered hidden knowledge pertaining to what I speak of here, and in creating The Lord of The Rings was trying to reconnect us with our true history, albeit in a veiled way. It has also subsequently come to light that Tolkien may have actually been of Finnish heritage and may have a link to a place there called Tolkkinen on the south coast.


The Aser and The Vaner themselves, have also been bastardised in the certainly church-sponsored ‘Norse Edda’s’. These were purportedly written in 1222 or 1223 by an Icelandic chieftain, poet and historian called Snorri Sturluson. This was handily almost 200 years after the final destruction of Hel (3rd Ragnarök), 24th July 1050, whereby it had past beyond living memory. Here the Aser were turned into the ‘Aesir’ and ‘Vanir’ ‘War Gods’, an inversion in itself as humans did not have wars in the past, especially as the function of the original military system was the creation of life (breeding) not the destruction of it, why else would you have an infant-tree? (Military will be expanded upon in part 2). The word war comes from the Root / Swedish word ‘Vår’, which actually means ‘springtime’. Thus the children that the military helped create would be born in the spring. This brings us neatly to the word Pagan itself; Pa, Pha or Fa means father (a P is just an F with an extra half-circle added), and gan, (along with gon) is another form of ‘gun’ …not the instrument of death containing shots that kill, but rather one of the original names of the penis which contains shots that create life, for all Pagans understood that they came from Pa’s gun, making us all per-sons (sons of the father) [père – FR].


Our Pagan / Heathen ancestors were nature people, they knew and understood that they were a part of nature, rather than having a system that tries to convince us of the opposite as we have today. As readers will know and understand, the primary function of all things in nature is continuation, and ensuring the next generation, so accordingly our ancestors were all about breeding and continuation, and as such all breeding was done as part of a worldwide system, rather than the free-for-all we have today whereby any random woman can create a child with any random man, which causes degeneration. Our world has been turned upside down so much that even the good old nuclear family is actually an entirely unnatural concept foisted upon us by the church, just as is the concept of one woman staying with one man for their entire lives. This is not how it’s supposed to be done, as in the past it took the collective soul power of around 20,000 people to create one child, and women always had their next child with a different man every time, thus the modern term slut is also an unnatural inversion.


As mentioned, Hel was the centre of operations, it’s from here that the breeding and information systems rolled out across the planet, I will explain in detail how these worked in subsequent articles. At a certain stage, the church wrote its mind control manual known as the Bible, utilising the newly written word to unfathomable effect, and inverted the concept of good Hel to bad Hell. The systems emanating from Hel were symbolised by a well-known symbol: The Swastika, or Swavel-stika, swavel being Salt Peter or sulphur. In ancient summer festivals, metal swastikas were mounted atop decapitated palm trees, at the tip of each arm of the swastika was a little vessel containing the swavel, which when lit caused it to spin. This swastika symbol, was known as ‘The Life Wheel’ or simply ‘The Wheel’ which the church turned into De-Vil (Devil). By exactly the same measure, the word ‘Demon’ simply means ‘the moon’ and is not to be feared in the slightest. Not only this but the concept of ‘Good Inside’ (why do you think your gut is so called? It is simply another form of good or güt) was inverted to ‘God Outside’ in a devastatingly simple flip creating an entirely new and false concept to be exploited by them alone. In Rot (root) language the word ‘god’ was pronounced ‘good’ and obviously meant a person of flesh and blood, rather than a ridiculous all-knowing bearded sky-fairy. For you see, in the old world everyone was Pagan, the Pagan / Heathen people were ‘legion’, so in destroying this the church had to ‘Re-Legion’ the people into a new information system (Religion). As this new system was not based on Root language, or the original sounds (which gave all people an understanding of all things, ‘experts’ were not required in the past) and was completely devoid of logic, it required a new concept; ‘Belief’ which came to replace understanding in the newly brainwashed world of the church.


Prior to the Re-Legion we lived according to Mythology. As any god (pronounced good) Heathen prior to 1050 would have told you, mythology is far from nonsense, it is in fact ‘stories of logic’. If we break the word down, the rot (root) word mit-o-logi using the sounds we begin with: Myth, which is a female story (hence why it’s essentially the same sound as miss, which is naturally the root of mystery, or miss-story), usually predicted in advance using astrology. Next, we have the central bridge of ‘O’ in the middle of the word signifying Oden, and finally logi, which obviously means logic. This leaves us with a ‘story ‘o logic’, or story of logic, or even ‘story (of) Oden’s logic. From another angle, as is always possible using Saga logic, ‘mit’ also means ‘with’, so we also have ‘with Oden’s logic’. To complete a ring of understanding here, the women took care of the future, both by physically producing children, and by performing the necessary astrology. Naturally this meant that conversely, the men took care of the past, by keeping the his-story, history. The concept of mythology, being the basis of all knowledge and natural logic of all things, was of course inverted to its current loose meaning of; information that is; old (too old to be relevant), just a myth or fairy-tale (not to be believed, or at least taken with a large pinch of salt), and / or generally not taken seriously at all.


With clarification on the word astrology, we will be lead nicely into a ring of understanding about the first people on the planet, that we are ALL descended from… Astrology or As-Tro-Logi, means Aser-True-Logic, or the true logic of the Aser. The Aser (say ah-sir), or short version As (say ahs), were the first people on the planet, and so are naturally represented in the Sound-system by the sound ‘Ah’ and the mark / character / letter A.  Astrology was performed with a crystal ball, (origin of the name Crystobel) with a prism inside, creating a ‘scope’. The crystal ball was set in place, and hors (hairs) were carefully draped and arranged over it, creating a Horoscope - so that when a light was shone through it, lines and patterns were projected on to an adjacent surface, which were to be interpreted by selected women, and these interpretations were turned into instructions which were relayed to the people. Some of these pre-ice-age pagan crystal balls are still hidden, along with many other artefacts somewhere in Finland.

Even the word belief is an inversion and corruption of what it originally meant (and still really means), there is a reason why life sounds so similar to leaf… there is a reason we have conflated the terms ‘breeding’ and ‘mating’, which is also the reason why the words ‘air’ and ‘heir’ sound exactly the same... Death was a very important part of Pagan culture, people in the past died natural deaths on their own terms, they did not lie in hospital beds waiting for the next organ failure in the modern unnatural way. In nature, when an animal reaches a stage where it can no longer walk, it knows it is not long for this world. In our past when a person reached a certain age, and could no longer walk so well, they would take a walking stick to help them last a little longer. At this point they too knew that they had limited time left, so the period after the taking of the walking stick was used wisely to meet and see every person they knew, and convey every last piece of knowledge, wisdom, experience and insight to the right person, so that when they finally died there was literally nothing left to do or say, mission complete so to speak. The following is a description of the final days of Akka, the highest woman, or earth-mother; Finally, a day would be chosen (usually in summer) by the person about to depart for the final ceremony, on that day the departing person would be carried by two men either side of them, arms interlocked beneath forming a ‘golden chair’. The person would be carried to a place called the Eta Stupa (Ätte-stupa) [Family fall], a rocky outcrop with a high drop and a flat plateau on top. Here, the person about to depart would be dropped off alone, with everyone else gathering below, every person naked of course. (For the departure of the highest woman, there are even boats anchored in the bay watching). There were no goodbyes at this stage, as everything that needed to be said had already been said, then at the right stage the departing person would turn to face everyone and make eye contact with them all, there would be no tears, just smiles all round. Then the departing person would turn around with their back facing the people so as to face the sun, this was the point where all eyes would turn to the sun rather than the person. Then at the right time, the person would look up at the sun, let go of their walking stick and fall backwards off the rock whilst staring at their creator, and be dead before they hit the ground.


Readers might be interested to know that the concept of Eta Stupa, and a few others from this time have recently been dramatized in a TV programme called ‘Midsomer’ which is available on Netflix. This proves to the author that as these ancient concepts filter back into human consciousness, the ‘system’ is now trying to ‘account’ for them by providing a false and you guessed it – inverted depiction of them. Note the dead tree they deposit their ashes under.

Ashes to Ashes. What happens afterwards is the critical part. The concept of burial comes from the church, and traps the soul, preventing it from taking its correct journey, of course the Heathen people did something different. The spirit leaves the body with your last breath, but the soul remains, this is why everyone was cremated in the past. (the Root word for spirit is ‘Ande’ and the word for breathe is ‘Andas’). This seems to be the reason why the church decided to make a thing about sneezing, suggesting that at this point the devil may enter you more easily, and hence why people still say “Bless you” when somebody sneezes. The body would have been collected, and returned to the top of the Eta Stupa where a pyre would have been prepared ready for cremation, a bonfire (bone fire). After cremation you are left with the driest substance on earth, ash, the soul resides here until properly released. The ash would be collected, and then sewn up inside a bulls’ scrotum (Oxpung) ready for transport to Hel, all ashes from all deaths worldwide were returned to Hel in this way (Hence why there are no graves going back past a certain point in history). When the ashes reached Hel, they would be placed under the correct family tree (origin of term); under an Ash if you were Aser (Ashes to Ashes) or Oak if you were Vaner (This special tree became the Royal Oak). When beneath the tree, the soul in the ash would enter the tree via the dam (damp) system. The dam system is present in women as well as trees, women facilitate the entry of the soul into physical existence and trees its exit. This is the origin of the term ‘Madam / Madame’, ma is mother / land and dam is the damp system. The same ‘dam’ is present in the French – mademoiselle – as ‘dem’, removing the ‘ma’ leaves demoiselle, or ‘Damosel’ in Old English, ‘Damsel’ in modern English, meaning unmarried. The soul rises into the trunk, then to the branches and twigs eventually reaching the leaves, it is at this point that ‘life goes to leaf’ and as the first rays of the sun penetrate the leaves in the morning, the soul leaves, this is why leaves are called leaves, and this is the ‘Be-Leaf’ system, which most people alive today have no concept of. Yggdrasil – The World Tree was the main ash tree on the planet, and this was a real tree, not a fairy-tale, unfortunately it was cut down in the 1990’s but thankfully a sapling was taken, and at the appropriate time will be replanted in the original stump.

The human soul is comprised of nano-particles (for want of a better term) called ‘Fulgia’. When the soul is released by Oden’s Stråler at dawn, the Fulgia are released into the air, and gather in the upper atmosphere. They gather into a spinning vortex above the top of the planet called the ‘Centrifugal’. Cent-Re-Fug-Al : Cent = centre, Re = Repeat / Again, Fug = Fuse, Al = All. They come together and coalesce here as one, before they start to drop back down towards and ultimately into Hel, and Valhalla, where believe it or not they are inhaled by the designated ‘Bock or Leminkäinen’ (breeder) who is not allowed to leave Hel during his tenure.


He inhales the Fulgia which form the soul, and they are then recycled into his balls, with which he in turn uses to impregnate women and start the process all over again. This is the true meaning of reincarnation, not individuals being reborn, but rather the human soul as a whole. Valhalla : Val = Choose / Select (Validate, Valentine), Halla = Hall, so Valhalla means ‘Hall of choosing’ or ‘Choosing hall’.

In the next part I will expand upon this too, but let me whet your collective whistles here: in the past women would choose a mate based on his physical prowess and looks (just like nature). The men would be chosen after inspecting their penises, as mentioned earlier the letter ‘i’ (say ee) represents the penis, so when women were selecting mates they would ‘Val the i’ or ‘ee-val’, which accordingly the church would invert into our modern concept of ‘evil’ (all part of the suppression of the divine feminine).

To finish this section let’s return to Altlantis. We must remember that prior to this all people worldwide had brown skin, brown eyes, and were vegetarian. When the ice came down, most people in the northern hemisphere died, apart from the Aser who became trapped in Hel (origin of ‘when Hell froze over). A fluke of nature kept them alive. As the ice had come down so far, the gulf stream couldn’t take its usual route up and over Scandinavia, the way was blocked. This meant that the gulf stream was diverted into the Baltic and round to the Gulf of Finland. As it reached the far end where we now have St. Petersburg, it hit the land and doubled-back on itself creating a kind of figure-of-eight pattern and keeping the areas around Hel and Odenma ice-free. (One of the meanings of ‘Hel’ is ‘clear’). This allowed the Aser to survive beneath the ice for 50 million years, and being trapped there for so long caused them to eventually lose the pigment in their skin, hair and eyes, thus becoming the first white people and the first ‘Arctical’ as opposed to Tropical race. Whilst they were trapped, the rest of the Vaner people in the world divided themselves into the Ten Tropical Races (more detail in subsequent articles) as they were now cut off from the Aser and the true original information system.


The same Gulf Stream that was initially the saviour of The Aser, eventually forced them out. The warm water that it brought had been slowly eating away at the ice surrounding them, and was about to destroy Hel for a second time (2nd Ragnarök, also 24th July) in 8016 BC, so they had to leave. I will expand upon this in future articles, but as even mainstream history records, civilisation and agriculture all exploded seemingly from nowhere around 10,000 years ago in all places at once. This is of course due to the Aser finally being able to leave the ice. All the stories worldwide in indigenous cultures regarding the post-deluge period tell of ‘white or pale skinned, bearded gods’ with fair hair and blue or green eyes coming across the water as ‘civilising deities’ and bringing the gifts of agriculture and civilisation. These people were the Aser, who were re-promulgating the ancient knowledge across the planet, and this was also the first time in the history of the human race that a brown skinned person had met a white skinned person.


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