Controversial Lifestyle

General Interest

Eternity explores 'controversial lifestyles' as well as interesting topics which appeal to our readers. The publisher does not necessarily agree with the views of the contributors but believes in freedom of speech as long as that speech brings no harm to anyone.

Monopoly - Who Owns The World? (VIDEO)

This is one of the best videos I have ever watched in my life. Please watch it and send it to as many people as possible. I promise it will be the best hour you have ever given up and if you don't have a different view on life after watching it then I will be extremely surprised.

Whatever you were planning to watch tonight on TV is not as important - YOUR life and the life of your loved ones literally depends on it.

“This is simply one of the top 5 most important videos ever produced and seen.”

“This is the shot that needs to be heard around the Globe!”

“Should be required viewing by all humans on earth.”

“What a brilliant documentary.”

“This is a brilliant piece of work.”

“THIS!!!!! Thank you!!!!!”

Eternity Magazine