Controversial Lifestyle

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Eternity explores 'controversial lifestyles' as well as interesting topics which appeal to our readers. The publisher does not necessarily agree with the views of the contributors but believes in freedom of speech as long as that speech brings no harm to anyone.

The Killing of Australia (VIDEO)

We have selected two short videos which will bring you up to date with the situation in Melbourne & Victoria, Australia. What amazes me is the amount of people who are not prepared to listen to the facts which are presented to them, in fact when i mentioned to someone at the weekend about the horrendous state of affairs in Australia, they basically put it down as ‘conspiracy theory’ they said “We know someone that lives in Australia and they have said it is complete rubbish” HOWEVER, they didn’t say if they were in Melbourne or Victoria, they also didn’t say if they were currently under ‘lock down’ and unable to leave the house, if they are.. how would they know what is going on out on the streets… this behaviour is not on the news, the same way the massive protests here in London are not on the news, it doesn’t mean they are not happening, it simply means the biased, censored, elite run media is holding back the information.

Come on people, wake up and smell the coffee before its too late!

In the second video it is suggested that these thugs who are brutalising the public in Australia are not the normal Police but maybe external troops which have been shipped into the country to cause mayhem. This seems like a sensible suggestion as you have to ask yourself ‘would Australian citizens, even if they are in the Police, treat other Australian citizens in this way’. However corrupt or brainwashed I think the answer is NO. I also agree that maybe it is time for other countries to intervene and help stop this behaviour which is a complete abuse of human rights and something that hasn’t been seen in a civilised society since the second world war. People.. we have two choices but if we continue to bury our head in he sand and ignore what is going on… this will likely be coming to a city near you as many predict this is a test bed for what they plan to roll out across the world.


Eternity Magazine