Controversial Lifestyle

General Interest

Eternity explores 'controversial lifestyles' as well as interesting topics which appeal to our readers. The publisher does not necessarily agree with the views of the contributors but believes in freedom of speech as long as that speech brings no harm to anyone.

New World Disorder (Dollar Vigilante)

Aloha Covidiots & Social Justice Warriors 

Always dreamed of saving Earth, while living in an isolated Hawaiian paradise within Billionaire’s Orbit

We’ve got you! 

Coming To You Soon – Hawai’s first 5-minute city, Lahaina, Maui… 

… Built Back Better from Ground Zero up. 

Reserve your place TODAY! 

Our specially prepared glamping sites have it all:  

  • Masks! As many as you like, but no less than two

  • All-you-can-take Lethal Injections! FREE clots, myocarditis, and leprosy included

  • All-you-can-eat Bug Buffet! Smoked or regular

  • Excellent security! No one goes in or out without government permission – our specially trained armed forces will make sure of that

But wait, there’s more

NO traditional family extremists! 

NO right-wing anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists

NO harmful climate change gas stoves or LED lights

NO harmful cars – because you won’t need to go anywhere… ever again. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Together, we can save lives… and the planet. 

(No trees or 
billionaires were harmed in the making of this New World Order city).

Eternity Magazine