Lessons of Control...

Lessons of Control...

Many an original Eternity reader, and many a true raver will remember with pride how Eternity magazine lead the charge against the draconian Criminal Justice Bill, and subsequent act, which was passed into law in the UK in 1994. As far as I’m aware, we’re still the only country anywhere that has legislated directly and specifically against repetitive beats, well we are the rave nation aren’t we? 

Using the well-established tactic of ‘problem-reaction-solution’, the Tory government and its cronies utilised the ever so predictable voting patterns of middle England (which they’d been cultivating for a long time) to bring about sweeping change in terms of policing, public order and the removal of our civil liberties, which is what it’s all about folks. Off the back of the legendary Castle Moreton free festival which took place in May ’92 - at which there were an estimated 40,000+ attendees across the week – the authorities were rightly scared of what real people power could achieve, because they finally saw what it looked like, and what a glorious sight it was!

Thousands of free people having the time of their lives in the sunshine was obviously not what they wanted, nor would they allow it to continue unbridled moving forward. The fact that they were that scared and worried by people having fun, tells you exactly the calibre of person we’re dealing with here. The excuses of public order, drugs, public noise, crusties, travellers and trespass were merely the cheese in the trap for the mostly Conservative voting public, specifically middle Englanders. They knew this demographic would back them wholeheartedly, knowing full well their attitude towards anyone or anything even vaguely alternative was negative, especially as most land owners don’t tend to come from the lower classes, funny that.  

To this author’s mind, one of the real reasons for limiting people coming together in this way, is the communion achieved. The real communion achieved by thousands gathering to rave together, and especially when most of the crowd are linked on a sub-conscious level by ecstasy, is not only the collective realisation that we are in fact all one, but also the real and palpable force of positive energy sent out into the universe by this coming together of souls in one place for one purpose. When you can feel that vibe at a party, and sense that atmosphere around you, that’s the energy I’m referring to, and we need to create more of it. This energy was sweeping the country in 1992, it was so powerful in fact that it swept up young 12-year-olds like myself, and here I am almost 30 years later writing about it! 

The fact that almost 30 years later we find ourselves living in an even worse draconian agenda is no coincidence, covid-1984 uses exactly the same, well-practiced tactic of ‘problem-reaction-solution’ to achieve its goals. In mathematics, you can transpose an equation to switch one thing from one side to another, this is a very handy analogy in describing these very tactics, as the proposed ultimate solution to the created problem is always the very reason for engineering the problem in the first place. So by transposition we can prove that the solution is always the original desired outcome, it’s just not put across that way as the people would obviously reject it wholesale. If for example in 1994 the government announced that it was going to remove our right to freedom of assembly, most people would quite rightly say get to f***. By exactly the same measure, if the government announced in 2019 that it wanted to reduce the population to make us easier to control, use chemicals to sterilise us and kill off the vulnerable and elderly in care homes, and microchip us for monitoring purposes, they’d have had a very similar response. Exactly why they needed to engineer a problem (covid) so that we would all clamour for their pre-decided ‘solution’, which benefits them directly. It’s worth noting that the lives and lifestyles of the rule-makers, are unaffected by their impositions upon us, and It’s also no coincidence that a Tory government is in charge again this time, even though we are now fully aware of the concept of ‘controlled opposition’. We know that all parties serve the same masters, but for some reason their preferred vessel of administering tyranny is via the Conservative option, perhaps in part due to the afore-mentioned well cultivated army of voters, keen to protect the land that daddy gave them. Those pesky serfs, always wanting their freedom.

Another thing that hasn’t changed since 1994 is the lack of true independent, uncontrolled journalism in this country, and the censoring or playing down of any anti-authoritarian movement no matter how large or righteous. Looking back at past articles in this magazine, including coverage and reporting of the anti - criminal justice bill demonstrations in London on 24thJuly of that year, it’s interesting to note that the major newspapers are quoted as reporting the turnout at around 30 - 50,000 people, when in reality it was closer to 75 – 80,000 people. Again, this tactic is now tried and tested many times over, and we all saw exactly the same under-reporting on demonstration and freedom rally turnouts when people took to the streets over the Covid Scamdemic. Be in no doubt, neither the government nor the media are our friends, and neither of them have anybody’s best interests at heart, only their own selfish needs and those of their masters. The NHS is exactly the same, they get their orders from the highest lobby. Remember not so long ago when doctors told everyone to smoke for any kind of ailment? The most powerful lobby of that time was the tobacco industry, and in this day and age it’s the pharmaceutical industry. 

Returning to the subject of demonstrations and protests, these, as this author has observed first hand are pretty pointless under the current system in which permission has to be granted by councils and police. You see what has happened in the space of under 30 years? The initial removal of our thousands of years old rights to freedom of assembly, paved the way directly for further curtailments, and now we must ask our masters for permission to complain about our own enslavement. 

I recently attended a march in Birmingham, which was supposed to end in a park, but didn’t mysteriously. It started well enough with good numbers and good spirits, and as we rounded a corner into one of the central squares we were met by the sight of police vans, and a large pro-Palestinian protest. At this point I thought that things were gathering momentum nicely, and that we’d all make a stand together, but we then heard through the grapevine that if we joined with them, the organisers would be arrested. We followed the crowd on further and ended up outside the library, but there were no speakers, no people rallying the crowd, nothing. We milled around for an hour and then people slowly dissipated, disappointed isn’t the word. The whole exercise seemed completely pointless to my friends and I, it achieved nothing apart from making us look even more stupid to the sheep. I for one will not be attending a single further march or demo that has asked for permission to do so, it’s a symptom of Stockholm syndrome, which I do not suffer from. This country needs to grow some balls again, and I call for a return to unofficial protest and hands on action. Our brothers and sisters on the continent don’t take this shit, in fact if they get pissed off they throw shit literally using farm vehicles to spray government buildings and such like, because I think they still remember that there are way more of us than them, and that the power has always been firmly with the people, if only they’d realise and reclaim it.

In writing the above paragraph it seems convenient that Covid came along when it did for president Macron, as half of France was up in arms at the time, and calling for his head on a spike, which I’d only just remembered. Very similar to Brexit in the UK, which was the hot topic before the Scamdemic, and yet another example of further step by step removal of civil rights via the back door, in this case a rouse for a permanent end to any and all Common law. This would pave the way for further Maritime law which forms the bulk of our ‘legal’ system today, unbeknownst to most. Start by thinking of all the terms you know that end in …ship, and you’ll start to unravel what I’m talking about.

This author supports a man named Michael O’Bernicia. Michael runs a website called thebernician.net, and was the man responsible for ‘The Great British Mortgage Swindle’ in 2018 which pointed out to the public that most, if not all mortgages were void due to unrealised technicalities. Would you sign up for one if they named it in English? Mortgage means ‘Death Pledge’. Michael went on to draft the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law. 

Michael currently has at least two pending (PCP) court cases on our behalf (P.U.B), the first is P.U.B Vs Hancock, Witty, Valance and Fergusson, and lays charges of Pandemic Fraud. It gathers all the evidence we already know linking British politicians with big business, including their ties to big pharma, and all the facts proving how much money they are set to make from our demise, and proves with considerable evidence and eleven expert witnesses that the Covid-1984 Scamdemic originated on these shores (The China thing was merely an attempt to topple them from their economic superiority). The second is charges of Mass Murder by Government Policy, exposing the genocide of our elders in care homes at the beginning of all this, using the ‘end of life’ drug Midazolam, which created the illusion that we were in the grip of a viral pandemic. Michaels evidence comprises a database of every individual in this supply chain of Midazolam, Morphine and Flu / Covid vaccines. As his solicitor states, “These cases are water tight”, so be under no illusion that this is a scam of the highest order. 

If successful, Michael plans to take on the banks next, and is calling for full Common law to be reinstated nationwide, ending the parallel scam of Maritime law which benefits the few at the top. So we should all be getting behind this great man! These challenges would, if successful, bring about sweeping changes to almost everything including the wholesale fraud of the financial services. 

Most of the general public are not even slightly aware that a legally fictitious version of themselves, known as a ‘Straw Man’ was created by the state on their behalf, without their knowledge or consent, at the very moment their birth certificate was signed. You see debts and liabilities cannot be lawfully attached to a living ‘flesh and blood’ person, this is why they create ‘dead entities’ known as straw men. When your birth certificate is signed, you become incorporated, the ‘corp’ part being the same as corpse, as in dead. One of the reasons the bureaucratic language of Latin was created in the first place, once taught to all, then removed from the curriculum, but strangely kept by large institutions who use it against us. You the corporation, your baby, your son, your daughter are then traded and bid on in the same way any commodity is, floated on stock exchanges and sold to the highest bidder. There have however been at least a couple of instances that I have seen whereby a person has represented themselves in the third person in court, and successfully had debts overturned, especially debts involving credit, which any diligent researcher will tell you – does not exist. Credit is merely a concept, so no actual money is ever lent to anyone by banks, so they have therefore risked the grand total of zilch in “loaning” anything to anyone, yet they reap real rewards when it comes to repayment. The perfect business, risk nothing, get money back for nothing.


In conclusion, Covid is the biggest scam in recorded history, the name itself is an acronym for the agenda at play; it stands for Certificate Of Vaccination Identification, what do you think a health passport is, if not a certificate to identify you and say you’ve been vaccinated? It is part of the overall agenda of population reduction, with the aim of reducing the world’s population to 500 million, so that we are even easier to control, and they can initiate their new world order of complete and total control of the whole planet. (Reasons why they have initiated lies like global over-population and man-made climate change, previously known as ‘Global warming’ but changed due to that fact that all data says the world is actually cooling). In order to fully understand the new world order, one must have at least an idea of the old world order, the last vestige of which was destroyed by the Catholic church in 1050AD, then expunged from history. This will be covered in my next article. 

The tactics used in the Covid-1984 Scamdemic are entirely psychological, humans are now so brainwashed, and at such a low level of awareness and consciousness that things like this can be perpetrated with ease. Let’s start with the term ‘Lockdown’, there isn’t one, except for in the minds of the oppressed, there’s no person pointing a gun at your front door, so there is no lockdown, as in reality you are free to leave whenever you like. Next, the threats of fines and ‘legal’ action, again in reality, purely psychological; they get people to override logic with fear. In this country you cannot be prosecuted for anything, unless you have been proven to have broken a law that prohibits your actions. Government guidelines over Covid, are exactly that; ‘Guidelines’, this is why the CPS has rejected ALL Covid-related cases, and ALL fines have been refunded, because they are not law. All police officers need reminding that their job is to uphold the law, the actual law, not guidelines made up by liars with multiple provable vested interests. But therein lies the point, the Police don’t work for us, they work for them, a private army of do-goodies with no brains of their own, eager to stick their noses into anyone’s business and do the bidding of their invisible (to them) corporate globalist masters.

Another way that logic has been overridden with fear is with mask wearing and self-isolation. It has been established logic for a very long time that both covering your face and breathing your own exhaust gasses AND staying indoors and away from everyone else are both bad for your immune system, yet the masses willingly participate. This mirrors how we got into this mess in the first place, as most of these same people willingly queue up to give their power away to psychopaths when voting, and willingly let others do almost all their thinking for them, yet seem utterly surprised or nonplussed that corruption would arise from this set up.

Many will remember at the beginning of the Scamdemic that the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) actually downgraded Covid and labelled it as non-infectious and not a threat (if indeed it exists at all). This has well and truly been swept under the carpet and I believe the CDC was forced to make a U-turn on its own statement. Hopefully we won’t see another genocide this winter, whereby the vaccinated succumb to other infections from which their newly devastated immune systems cannot protect, which many have predicted. 

Time to stand up, time to take action before it’s too late!!!



A poem I wrote during the first lockdown;


It doesn’t matter if you voted red or blue,

They serve the same masters and they’re coming for you,


The lies they tell know no bounds,

I wouldn’t believe it for ten million pounds,


Stop what you’re doing and forget what you’ve heard,

This fake virus is to thin the herd,


On top of that to control you more,

And curtail your freedom is what it’s all for,


As all of humanity stands at the brink,

They wheel out the experts so you don’t have to think,


Listen to us, and do what we say, 

So you and yours can slave another day,


We’ll stick a big needle into your arm,

Branding the cattle for the new farm,


5G on street corners for crowd control,

500 thousand apply for the dole,


Say bye-bye to cash, it’s had its day, 

Cos they’ve designed a new way to pay,


Exchange your soul for the mark of the beast, 

Then you’ll feel safe, for now at least,


As we enter 1984,

The army’s almost ready to knock at your door,


The new world order will persist, 

Until the people get wise, rise and resist.


Renegade Signal 2020 / 2021

Planned Agenda

Planned Agenda

Ex VP Pf1zer Speaks

Ex VP Pf1zer Speaks