Take Back Control

Take Back Control

I have in the past had my concerns over Russell Brands intentions, even wondering if he is a member of the illuminati, a Freemason as many have suggested in the past. There is plenty of information online if you do a search, videos on youtube, the question is if he is a member of the world elites, can we really trust him?

The problem is I do like him - I have to say I don't know why he insists on using complicated words that many will not understand for the love of making himself seem superior - ok Russell we all know you are intelligent but if you want to keep the wider audience engaged and fully aware of the important message you are trying to relay, then say the same thing in a more coherent way - that would actually be far more intelligent, don't you think?

Anyway the message of the interview which follows is overall, actually quite interesting and dreadfully important because I think some very valid points have been made.

Who, I ask, is doing anything about it though as frankly, words are cheap.

Action is what is needed, so what are these super intelligent people actually doing, are they putting words into action or just blowing hot air?

Russell Brand has 3.65M subscribers, follows is the text that accompanies his Youtube post with the video above. I am at this point giving him the benefit of doubt but Eternity welcomes anyones view of Russell Brand who clearly has a lot of followers:

How do we take back power? Simply by taking it back!

Watch this segment of my "Under the Skin" interview with Carne Ross about how the systems and principles of anarchy can be applied to provide us with an alternative way of running our own systems. Let me know what you think in the comments 👇

If you want to watch the full Carne Ross podcast then click the link below - I highly suggest you watch the full interview: https://youtu.be/6F73Z1BKhIs

Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own.

To learn more join my cartel here https://www.russellbrand.com/join and get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but your private inbox. *not a euphemism Listen to my Luminary Original podcast, Under The Skin, to hear from guests including Carne Ross, Edward Snowden, Jonathan Haidt, Jordan Peterson, Naomi Klein, Kehinde Andrews, Adam Curtis and Vandana Shiva. Subscribe to Luminary at http://apple.co/russell

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BBC Coming For Your Children

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