First Do No Harm - UK Lawyer (ARTICLE)

First Do No Harm - UK Lawyer (ARTICLE)


This is the fundamental core principle of our UK Common Law.

It requires each and every one of you to TAKE ACTION to prevent harm from happening to yourself and others.

Failure to take action - omitting to act - to prevent harm is as guilty in law as acting to cause harm.

As a maxim in Law “He who does not prevent what he is able to prevent, is considered as committing the thing” - Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Edition.


This is a fundamental principle of the Rule of Law - we are EACH and EVERY ONE of us EQUAL in the eyes of the LAW.

This includes all government actors.

Any government immunity clause only applies to government actors when they are performing their actions in their office in GOOD FAITH.

See the UK case law in Rex v Bembridge (1783) which still applies.

This states that public officials will be held liable for breaches of their duties for actions done or for failure to perform certain actions.

All those in government, the police force, the NHS, the armed forces, the judiciary etc will therefore not be able to claim immunity from liability for any actions done or failures to perform certain actions if they have failed to act in GOOD FAITH.

Given that there is a web of lies, fraud, deceit, coercion, threats, sanctions, intimidation, penalties, imprisonment, etc etc surrounding the actions and omissions of many of those currently in public office, it looks increasingly unlikely that many of these officials will be granted immunity from liability for their actions and omissions and will be held liable for the harm, suffering, loss and or deaths they have caused.

That’s why we have the Rule of Law designed in this way.

And it’s why Notices of Liability are being sent to perpetrators both here in the UK and globally by individuals, organisations, and groups of lawyers.

I invite each and every one of you who is suffering to consider who is causing you harm and whether you should send them a Notice clearly stating the harm they have caused you by their individual and collective actions and omissions, provide your evidence to them, tell them they must “cease and desist” from causing you harm and cite the case of Rex v Bembridge to them with the principle of law that no one is above the law.

You can do this in your own right and don’t have to have a lawyer to do it for you - although clearly the drafting of it may need some legal input but there are plenty of Notices of Liability now being shared globally for you to draw your own Notice from.

We are still preparing one that is now running to pages and pages so it’s not yet finished as there are countless international, European and UK laws being broken. Citing them all is taking an age.

Once it’s done and reviewed by our teams of lawyers, we can publish it for you to also use if needed.

Please do bear with us as this is a mammoth legal and evidential analysis and drafting that we are currently undertaking and working with lawyers in other jurisdictions is adding to the time it’s taking to finalise such analysis and drafting.

We’re getting there though!

Notices of Liability are being sent out all over Australia via the Australian Project, all over South Africa by the team I’m working with there and by various other countries who are also keen to ensure that those who are perpetrating, aiding and abetting, colluding, conspiring or complicit in harming others will be held liable for their actions and omissions.

Have faith!!

It’s happening 🙂

Anna de Buisseret, UK Lawyer

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