Rebel News : Rights & Freedom

Rebel News : Rights & Freedom

Anti-lockdown activist charged for breaking Quarantine Act tells his side of the story

David Menzies speaks with anti-lockdown activist Chris Saccocia after he was charged for breaking the federal Quarantine Act, and what's next following the charge. The laws and rules and regulations may well be different in Canada but the moral of the story is exactly the same all over the globe, the medical science regarding masks has not changed in the last few months, this is about control and this is a chance for you to hear a different view to the view you hear in the mainstream media.

Its been said before and I’ll say it again, there is ALWAYS two sides to a story and although Chris is reported as being anti-mask he is not actually anti-mask - he believes that the vulnerable, healthcare workers, anyone who wishes to wear a mask should wear a mask but he is ANTI-MANDATORY and during this interview he explains why and he also explains the reasons behind some of the draconian rules which we are currently being FORCED to follow.

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YOUR RIGHTS ARE BEING ERODED and you have two choices, allow that to happen and do nothing or stand up for your rights and be vocal before its too late. Currently in China they are not socially distancing, they are having concerts with tens of thousands of people in attendance. In Netherlands they believe that forcing children in schools to wear masks amounts to ‘CHILD ABUSE’ and many other countries agree with this along with doctors and scientists. The message we are being given has changed, multiple times, one minute they tell us that masks are not required, that medical science shows they are worthless and then we are told, suddenly, that medical science has changed and that masks are now critical in terms of stopping the spread of the virus. Chris gives his view on this :

”They want you to know what they are telling you to do is stupid, everybody knows that science didn’t change in the last few months, they have done tests on masks and viruses for decades, they know that masks don’t help stop the spread. If they can get you to do something that you know is wrong and you still go along with it, then you are diminishing your self respect and when they can do that, they can make you go along with more and more egregious things. ITS ABOUT CONTROL.

The video with his interview is just under 25 minutes long. Why don’t you give it a watch and hear what he has to say. What do you have to lose (other than your freedom)? I can assure you that its worth the time and you won’t regret it.

Comments always welcome.

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