School Term Begins!

School Term Begins!

You may or may not wish to use the text from this suggested letter to send in a letter to your child’s school but something everyone should do, is read the contents of the researched information that is contains because this is a highlight of what is happening to us all, day after day.

Its not fiction, its FACT and its no conspiracy theory. If you feel you can argue with any of the points, feel free to leave comments. My fear is that this is only the beginning and there is much worse to come, unless we do something about it!

Girl Mask.jpeg



Re: Coronavirus Protocols 

I am writing to you regarding my son/daughter, NAME

NAME has been very happy at SCHOOL NAME and has been looking forward to returning to see his/her friends. However, both he/she and I have some serious concerns that we would like to address in writing as the term commences. In the interests of being succinct I will list these as follows:

  • I do not consent to NAME using hand sanitiser. Hand sanitisers contain powerful chemicals that permeate the skin and enter the bloodstream, as well as being implicated in causing dermatitis and destroying vital beneficial bacteria on the skin - essential for maintaining a strong immune system. I only consent to him washing his hands with conventional soap and water. I also do not consent to him using antibacterial chemicals to clean his desk and equipment for the same reason.

  • I do not give our consent to participating in the NHS track and trace scheme, and do not want our contact details passed over to the NHS or any other agency for the purposes of tracking and tracing.  Any agency having or using our data without our consent is in breach of the GDPR and therefore illegal.

  • I do not know what the school's policy will be on mask-wearing but I wish to make clear the legal position on masks, which is that those suffering hidden disabilities are exempt, and under the Equalities Act 2010 and Disabilities Discrimination Act, it is illegal to ask someone if they have a hidden disability or what it is. Therefore, were the school to mandate masks, it would be illegal for them to ask any pupil why they were not wearing one. It would also be incumbent on the school to instruct all pupils and staff on the law regarding masks and exemptions, to ensure anyone without a mask is not discriminated against.

  •  I do not feel that schools are the place for medical processes to take place, and I only allow trusted healthcare professionals to conduct medical procedures on my son/daughter. Therefore, I do not consent to NAME receiving any coronavirus testing or any other medical procedure at school. If he/she develops symptoms of illness, I will keep him/her at home as I would with any other illness, and arrange any treatment myself.

  •  I do not consent to any detainment of NAME on school premises or elsewhere for any reason. I expect him to return home at the usual time every day unless I have given my express permission otherwise.

Finally I would like to address the use of Vanoquat. I’m sure you are aware that this contains the chemical Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride as its active ingredient. This is a quaternary ammonium compound that causes lung damage, the development of asthma and can and does cause skin rashes. Animal studies have also shown that it produces poor sperm count, impaired fertility, and birth defects.

Although I am aware that this will not be applied until the end of the day and only in empty classrooms, quartenary ammonium compounds do not dissipate from a surface. They remain on hard surfaces, creating opportunities for exposure many times until the substance is actively removed. However this product won’t be actively removed and instead will be layered continuously, multiple times and, due to the nature of the fogger, will literally contaminate everything. 

This, in tandem with the frankly OCD use of sanitisers and toxic cleaning products is hugely concerning to me.

Firstly a bio hazardous poison is literally being sprayed all over the childrens environment. The second reason is that in wiping out all bacteria and all microbes we are actually depriving our bodies of the complex interactive environment that we require in order to thrive. Human beings possess and require more bacteria in our bodies than the number of cells we have, and when we strip our environment of the microbial complexity that humans need in order to support the diversity and the balance of our microbiome we become extremely vulnerable to illness. If we sterilise our environment we will be sterilising our own microbiome with serious repercussions for the health and wellbeing of the children. Not even mentioning the psychological ramifications of this.

 I understand very well that you are between a rock and a hard place, but the evidence is very clear that children are not at risk from COVID and all epidemiological studies to date show they are not transmitting the virus either to adults or the wider community. 

Therefore could you also please furnish me with the risk analysis that was carried out before these protocols were devised and let me know who is liable for any potential long term adverse health effects as a result?  

I will need an acknowledgment that you have received this letter.

‘This kind of insanity has no logical or scientific basis and therefore to indulge in these ‘known to be health damaging protocols’ is surely pandering to the lowest common denominator in terms of common sense‘

Kindest regards 

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