BBC Get told the facts

BBC Get told the facts

We can all continue to accept the narrative and blindly be led into a world that we will truly regret arriving at or we can open our eyes and take on board some facts and figures that not only open ones eyes, make one realise that if we do sit back and do nothing, we will only have ourselves to blame.

Here are two clips which I found most interesting. The first clip is very short, BBC Question Time are presented with the fact that 350 people under 65 have died from this virus and last year 400 people died from drowning. Please listen to what is being said here. No one is saying that the lives lost are not sad and I’m sure everyone will agree that they are with deep regret but the consequences of further lockdown, will without doubt see far more deaths than the deaths from Coronavirus.

This second clip is slightly longer, the information being relayed here has also been published in other articles on this website. This is NOT conspiracy theory because there is evidence to back up everything that is being said. Please for the love of God listen to what this person is saying… it’s only 5 minutes long, its simple to understand, coherent and very relevant.

Feedback as always most welcome!

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