Happy April Fool’s Year: Mass Hypnosis, Mass Wokeness, HIStory Lies and the Day Of Visibility in the End of Days

Happy April Fool’s Year: Mass Hypnosis, Mass Wokeness, HIStory Lies and the Day Of Visibility in the End of Days

The economy in Amerika is now so bad that even the Feebs are struggling to make ends meet. 

Join the club, buddy! Oh wait, they’re already in The Club. Or so they thought. Unaffordability in a hyperinflation slave economy whipped on by the Masters of the Universe is an equal opportunity agenda. 

It’s not even true, anyway. There’s nothing wrong with the economy. It’s YOU and your bad vibes, not the data. If you want to buy a $7 apple at Whole Foods, that’s on you. Not all apples are equal, which is the true problem, here. After all, millennials and Gen Z inherited a golden job market and if they’re struggling to pay rent and buy groceries it’s because they’re lazy AF. 

Plus, if you can’t afford to live, there’s always assisted suicide in Kanada and Brittain! 

Or, sign up for the Army and join WWIII… the United States Uniparty’s assisted suicide program for American citizens … Produced by Joe ‘cannibals-ate-my-uncle’ Biden v 9.0 and his menace à trois with Israhell and the East-Bloc laundromat. And, sponsored by YOU and your annual globalist tithe offering aka extortion fees aka taxes. 

Of course, if you’d taken the Covaids death jab, you’ve potentially signed up for assisted suicide by Turbo Cancer. Or, to quote that crazy, conspiracy-mad Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche… a "massive tsunami" of turbo cancer. 

More likely, a massive tsunami of transhuman zombies, activated in your city, soon! 

The Order manipulating the Game is very, very smart. And very, very strategic. Much of what they do and how they operate is not secret, as that seems to be one of the game’s rules. Creating a crisis and economic collapse, leading to a radical transformation of the nation is nothing new, it has a name: The Cloward-Piven strategy. 

It's a strategy to push society into a crisis by overwhelming the welfare system. The key element is making it impossible for the system to meet the demands. This strategy promotes fear, turmoil, violence, and economic collapse, creating the perfect conditions for change.

And for most people, nothing will be more devastating than the end of the illusion.

Please note that it is possible that some links may not work as videos are removed by the social media platform, there is no longer freedom of speech, please do let us now if any links are broke but we shall leave broken links to show how the media is being edited. Also beware.. if a link doesn’t seem correct we have found that TikTok are changing source to other media.. please let us know if that happens


History of Klaus Schwab

History of Klaus Schwab

Happy April Fool’s Year: Mass Hypnosis, Mass Wokeness, HIStory Lies and the Day Of Visibility in the End of Days

Happy April Fool’s Year: Mass Hypnosis, Mass Wokeness, HIStory Lies and the Day Of Visibility in the End of Days