Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season

Ah, The Simpsons. Those little crystal-gazing yellow prophets with the screechy voices and funky hair. 

  • In Springfield, they ate dogs long before Trump said so. 

  • Lisa was inaugurated in a purple suit and pearls before Kum-a-la took the throne. 

  • Crusty-toe pedophiles took off before Epstein’s plane. 

  • And, remember that one time on The Simpsons when Mr. Burns put up a shield to block the sun? 

The “Sun Blocker” was created to blot out the sun outside, to ensure Burns' electricity was sold in a monopoly, covering Springfield in perpetual darkness otherwise. And, really, he was only doing what any good philanthropath would do… helping mankind. 

Uncannily similar to not-a-doctor eugenicist Kill Gates riding in on his pale horse, ready to fight for his right to block out the sun and freeze the earth by spraying chemicals in the air and microwaving your ass. 

The past week in South Africa, lions and giraffes stood in knee-deep snow, going ‘WTF’? 

Central and Eastern Europe all but washed away. 

Part of the Sahara turned green. 

Cat 4 Hurricane Helene hit Florida, EXACTLY the same as in 1958. 

And, Acapulco was hit by another hurricane of mass destruction that appeared out of nowhere. And, now it’s on its way to the ranch. 

Of course, the only way to save the planet from MEGA climate change is to geoengineer a MEGA flood or two, a MEGA hurricane, or a MEGA wild-firenado. All the better if it can wipe out all power and communication for a few days or so, leaving people helpless and clueless, literally in the dark. 

We know that for every psyop there are 10 agendas, but they all more or less follow the same pattern: 

Create the solution, crank up the old stupefying mind control machine, then create the emergency and watch the NPC tax slaves ooh and aah about their good fortune in having such a proactive and caring government.

House burned down by laser attack? Business swept away by flash flood? Chemical pollution got your crop? We’ll take care of that. Here’s your emergency Digital ID Pass, welcome to your new Smart City smart home, where we can track and trace your every move and make sure you are safe and healthy and productive and compliant at all times. 

Because it’s the right thing to do

The authoritarian takeover is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm-controlled system. Kill Gates vill make ze mosquito soldiers and ze rain robots and share ze lethal injections like a good philanthropath. And, ze government will control ze weather and poison ze food supply and take away ze guns and you vill be happy and grateful. 

Ze grateful dead.

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History of Klaus Schwab

History of Klaus Schwab