Scary Times!

Scary Times!

I do understand that there are a lot of people out there who are scared of Covid and I completely understand that you must all have very good reasons and protect yourselves as you see fit.

I, however am not worried about Covid 19 in the same way that most people are. I’m not scared of the flu either or any other illnesses or diseases.

If you have lost someone to covid, then please know that I’m not disrespecting you and I am truly sorry for your loss

What we should be concerned about, is a world without freedom.

Kids not being able to interact with their friends, schools being run like military operations. Your kids being put in a quarantine room without your permission.

No hugging or shaking hands with your friends and loved ones. No big birthday parties, funerals, weddings or Christmas get togethers.

No concerts or live music events. No dancing! People losing their sense of identity and missing facial expressions from wearing a mask. Being subject to lockdowns, banned/ restricted travel, quarantine etc.

What we should be worried about is that life will never be the same again because so many believe and trust the government and the media that lie to us.

That the lives we have lived to this point will become past legends of the good old days when people were allowed to play together, sit next to each other, watch a football game together, kiss and hug, and embrace their freedom.

A time when if someone needed help or CPR, people would jump in to try and save them, not run to get their mask and gloves or watch from 2 meters away. I’d probably get sued now if I gave someone CPR and saved their life.

And there is a clear divide between many people who think like me and people who adhere to all the rules out of fear and call us the ignorant and selfish ones.

I’m annoyed that the same people who made and patented the virus are now going to sell us the vaccine ....

If you want a glimpse of your old life back you MUST have the vaccine. Here’s how it works;

Problem = create a virus and get it out there.

Reaction = global pandemic, build fear through media and control, take people’s freedom away.

Solution = make everyone believe they will be saved by the vaccine so they all desperately run to get it and feel so grateful that a “cure” has been found. Even though it’s taken decades to create other vaccines and look, funny that..... we still have THE FLU!!

How good do you think your natural immune system is going to be after a few years of no touching, mask wearing, hand sanitising etc?

Natural immunity will be a thing of the past and your new immune system will be given to you via injection (another brilliant business concept).

The big question is, once all freedom and rights have been given up, do you believe you will be getting them back?

You don’t have to agree with me but please at least think about the type of future you want for you and your family, and your children and grandchildren, and their family.

Very scary times we are living in. Look around you. Are you and everyone you know losing friends and family members left right and centre to warrant these huge changes to your lives??

Written by Luci Jay Stewart

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