Welcome to an updated version of Eternity Magazine, it’s work in progress so please forgive any errors or admissions at this stage. Please do let us know if you notice anything that doesn’t seem right. Unfortunately, due to the world that we live in, with freedom of speech being rapidly eroded, you may find that some of the links within this website are broken, as websites we link to are taken down and peoples voices are silenced. It goes without saying that this gives grave cause for concern, sadly the general populous seem to ignore what is going on around them, perhaps content with the lives that they have, I regretfully have to tell them that this all about to change, very much for the worse, IF we don’t collectively ‘wake up and stand up’ against the tyranny that humanity currently faces.
The real problem is that people believe the government are here to protect our best interests, this is far from the truth, in fact the reality is the complete opposite. What is so depressing and upsetting for someone who has conducted years of deep research into this subject, is that I am accused of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’, a term created to throw people away from the truth. To be totally honest it is insulting and hurtful, as one tries to open the eyes of others with information that is backed up with evidence, it becomes more and more frustrating, more-so because time is quickly running out and if we don’t stop some of the plans which are being implemented, it will be impossible to stop what comes next!
The first issue of Eternity was published Christmas 1992, it’s hard to believe that was 32 years ago. Life was very different back then, I don’t think many people would have predicted what we are going through now although, George Orwell did a pretty good job, he was famous for his dystopian works of fiction, Animal Farm and 1984 being his two masterpieces about totalitarianism. Those of you yet to wake up, have a look around and see what is going on, fiction has become reality and anyone saying that I am a conspiracy theorist only need visit the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF) where they literally tell you what they are doing and what they have planned for your future, none of it is hidden, it’s in plain sight and it’s the evidence that people say I don’t have! https://www.weforum.org/ None of these people have been elected!
‘Who controls the past controls the future; Who controls the present controls the past’
George Orwells famous quote has never proved so true. The problem is that our indoctrination starts at a young age and we willingly allow our children to go to school to be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Lets face it, what we are taught at school does little to prepare us for life, we are not taught about finances or critical issues related to our survival, we are basically given a strict list of rules and the fundamental basis of those rules is that we should obey those in authority and ultimately believe that we are being told to do something because it is for our own good. Well, I have to break the bad news but that is totally deluded.
Thinking back to what George Orwell said about control of the past, future and present.. well it’s the same people who control all of that now as controlled it back 100 years ago, they have perfected the art of control and taken it to the next level! We all believe what we are taught about history to be true but how about opening your eyes to a different story, not that given by the victors who write history but the other side of the story, then it’s obvious that we have been fed a totally distorted view of reality.
“History is written by the victors.”
The phrase "History is written by the winners" is often attributed to Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. However, it's worth noting that the exact origin of this saying is somewhat debated, and similar sentiments have been expressed by various historical figures throughout time.
How can I make such a bold claim without anything to back that up?
As I have said before…. I always have evidence to back up what I am saying and one thing is for sure… it won’t come from the mainstream media and it won’t be in a book you pick up freely, because we have already established that ‘who controls the past, controls the future’. In addition to the incalculable hours I have spent over the last 32 years looking into this kind of thing, I have recently been presented with a 12 hour documentary which in fairness I am only 5 hours into at present but already it has given me enough information to make me realise that yet again, we have been taught lies. This also serves as a good example of how we are being controlled now, in the UK anyway, because you will not be able to watch this video here without using a VPN. Your rights have been eroded, what about ‘freedom of speech’ https://www.bitchute.com/video/YDyz9eZKkSQv/
If you are unable to view because you do not have a VPN, we will be more than happy to advise on how you can gain access to the documentary with a few technical clicks on your computer. If nothing else, read the comments from people who have watched the masterpiece ‘Europa, The Last Battle’. Here follows an excerpt from the site which hits the nail firmly on the head:
‘For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation’.
This could be no better time than to highlight the kind of manipulation we have been through in the past as we currently look in the face of ‘World War III’ and possibly a nuclear event that could change our history for ever. If you care about your future and the future of your children and their children, then its time to wake up and do some real serious homework, not the kind you did at school because that was all a complete waste of time.
As we all feel like life is getting back to normal after the ‘plandemic’ the reality is very different. The media hides from us the real truth but if you dig deep you will find the statistics which prove that illness and death has never been higher, people still queuing up for a ‘jab’ which protects them from nothing, if I continue then this welcome note will become hours long, so I will leave for future articles but for now, please please please.. stop taking a so called vaccination does nothing but harm you.
I would just like to say before closing off that Biden’s recent pardon of his son was not only a total disgrace and also a clear abuse of his position (especially as his son has done way worse than the media even let on, not only was he guilty of all the charges against him, he was guilty of a great deal more). His involvement in Ukraine to name just one thing, I ask you…how can the president of Ukraine afford to buy multi-million dollar properties around the globe (and don’t bother using Google to fact check because the fact checkers are owned and controlled by .. you know who!) the money sent to Ukraine is entered into one very large money laundering scheme, the military industrial complex gets richer along with those in the US government who voted through the massive amount of donation that comes from the tax payers pocket, those same people who are shareholders of companies such an Raythoen, Boeing, etc).. talk about a conflict of interest!
But I digress because the person I was really wishing to discuss was in fact Dr Antony Fauci, he was regarded by many as the author of the HIV pandemic and without any doubt whatsoever has the blood of millions on his hands, it could easily could become billions in the future due to the lies and misinformation he spread regarding Covid! Yes, the facts and evidence are there and he should be in-front of an international court of human rights… not being considered for a pardon by President Biden, he even admitted on oath that he made up all the distancing rubbish that was forced upon us. You seriously could not make this shit up! As if giving the pharmaceutical companies total legal indemnity was not enough, not only do the government (looking after your best interests hahaha) agree to pay compensation claims on your behalf, from your taxes, they also wave liability for those who told us a complete pack of lies!
Fauci’s Freudian Slip
Well.. good riddance to Biden and those of you that believed the hype and were shocked and horrified when Trump got back in… well it was for good reason. I would like to believe he is our saviour but sadly I think he is probably a wolf in sheep’s clothing, just like they all are. He is dancing to the tune of those really in power, we all know what happened to JFK, it’s public knowledge that he was taken out by the CIA and they will take out whoever threatens the narrative. The only good thing Trump has brought as far as I am concerned is hopefully an end to some of the pointless wars which we currently see around the globe and attitude towards crypto. I understand that he has a massive holding of Ethereum and his new head of crypto and ai starting buying & holding Bitcoin at $130, so both have a vested interest in helping crypto prosper. Maybe this will be a way of bringing in Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) along with Digital ID but perhaps more importantly to the USA right now, in a video I watched yesterday, Bitcoin could continue to give them the worlds reserve currency (which they are very close to losing) and it could make them the richest country for the next 1000 years!
Only time will tell and we shall see if Trump stands by the many promises he has made, including a vow to press charges against Bill Gates for lying to the American public. Needless to say we will have many more articles on everything I have touched upon above in future issues. For now though I would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a healthy prosperous new year. One thing I have learnt the last year is that worrying about these things too much is not be good for your mental state of mind. Therefore switch off, enjoy and next year, please try to open your mind and take on board a different point of view because it could just be the answer to all your prayers.
Peace, Love and Unity
Past Eternity Christmas Issue Front Covers…..